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  1. I have a large site where new pages are constantly being added. I want to be able to automatically search any php file in any directory from /root/ to check if $search matches anything within <body></body> tags that is NOT HTML. What you said sounds like the logic behind it though. The more tips / tutorial / examples the better Thank you for your help though, hitman
  2. PHP is parsed on request To do what you want to do will mean you need to setup a client to ping/refresh your page at a certain time/s.
  3. You can't do that with PHP. Although you could write something in JavaScript maybe, so it will count down, when it hits 0, it will ping/refresh the page. On refresh, you would do the update. This would mean you MUST be on the page the whole time though. To ping the page while not being on it, you will need another client and software to ping the page at a certain time
  4. Anyone able to point me in the direction of a no database php search tutorial or throw up an example. Basically, I need to search for non HTML elements pages within a directory.
  5. You would not use both tables when logging in. The purpose for the first table is merely for creating new 'positions' by an admin. When a new user is made, you would extra the position number from table 1 and put in that number in table 2. Thats it. It's also more friendly when coding and when naming your new positions. Extra time logging in: 0
  6. It's best to use 2 tables here 1. User Types You asked about the best way to code it, so I would change your table structure to below. Either way, your table columns will still work. id:1 type: ceo id: 2 type: programmer etc... Then, in your users table, you have id: 1 user: username pass: password user_auth: 1 It's best to use digits when possible. Anyways, when you login, you would use a similar query as such: $query = "select * from userstable WHERE username = '$user' AND password = '$pass'"; now, you have a specific user logged in. You can use the below to get more information about this user while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $auth = $row['user_auth']; } $auth will display a number depending on their auth. You can now use if states to redirect etc...
  7. Hey, Anyone ever used this premade PHP web app? I made new online and offline images, there is NO folder with the default images of these online/offline images. So the image src must be pointing to the web. Has anyone ever changed their online/offline images with Help Center Live?
  8. People that HAVE filled in the form and wish to press enter will get annoyed. Simply check that all contents are filled in on the next page, if not, send them back with all the details back into the page. Or just use JavaScript to save time for them
  9. $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" ."\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-9" ."\r\n"; $headers .= "To: $toname <$toaddress>" ."\r\n"; $headers .= "From: $fromname <$fromaddress>" ."\r\n"; 2 things, you are missing a . with one of your = signs and your mail page definitions should go at the top (content type etc..) You don't really need a reply-to either, you have a From header.
  10. First, you will need to find their IP using $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"]; From there, you can determine where they are from via IP. To much effort, don't re-invent the wheel. Try and find something that does it already
  11. Pass their fname in a URL. <?php $query = mysql_query("SELECT id, fname, lname FROM players"); while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $fname = $result['fname']; $lname = $result['lname']; echo "<a href=\"info.php?fname=$fname&lname=$lname\">$fname $lname</a>"; } ?> On the next page, info.php, use $_GET['fname'] to gather their fname and $_GET['lname'] for their lname... You can then use this in a query. $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players WHERE fname = '$fname' AND lname = '$lname'"); This query will gather all their details from that table. It's best to pass over an ID rather then fname and lname though.
  12. This is a client side issue, thus, not php. JavaScript is your go. http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=javascript+disable+right+click&btnG=Google+Search&meta= Have a look at that. You will never stop people taking items from your website. Anyone who has used a computer for more then 1 hour will work out how to get an image without right click.
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