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  1. umm, this is just another microsoft monopoly trick i would suggest you don't use it, better to force microsoft to change their attitude than them forcing you. mail() works fine with hotmail...there is a small risk of email being sent to junk..that's their problem, not yours or the user.
  2. if you getting a blank order ( and you saying your code authencate the person before ordering) then there is probably a bug in your code, for example: someone logs in, then clicks on order or someone logs in, add items, deletes them then clicks order or someone double clicking order button if you restrict your code, to authenticate,validate and verify everything then it should never happen.
  3. i hope the following will help your decision: 1)mysql provides special functions to evaluate how long(i.e. performace) the search is taking 2)fulltext fields takes more space 3)vbulletten forum can handle millions and millions of fulltext fields, im sure you have seen some huge vbulleten forums, and fulltext search works great on them.
  4. It will tell you the full URL e.g. www.cnn.com/newsstory23423.php and you can access the referral URL from the HTTP supervariables from php
  5. <div align="center"> ??? where did you get that from? I don't think you can do that, no such thing as centering a div( there are other ways) but not align="center" like tables, try removing the div
  6. yea..here is my suggestion...don't use internet explorer..lol no seriously...your width="55%" in side<table> is not compliant with the latest specification laid out by W3C try this instead <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 55%; height: 1px">
  7. can you at least post your error log file, it is very long and difficult to read a whole website code
  8. you need to track the user activity on every page you have (so make an include file) create a field in ur db "lastactivity", so in the include file: 1)compare the time in lastactivity with now(), if it's more than...24h..or whatever, then empty session, if it's not then update lastactivity with now() i hope that helps i forgot, you need to include that file at the top, so if it's more than 24h or whatever, you need to send a header to redirect the user to your login page, headers must be sent before anything, hence you need the include file at the top
  9. check error_php.log file ,if you can't access it then use ini_set (check php manual) to override your server setting, to display errors
  10. having looked quickly: you assign $header but you didn't send it with mail()
  11. What is the difference? Timestamps vs Datetime data types http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=1410
  12. use Date function to take out the hour only i.e. date('h'); , assign that to a variable and if statement to do whatever you want
  13. 1) there is a missing "}" at the end of your code 2)if that doesn't work, depending on your original code where you enter the data into the db, if you entered "" when there is no image then that's not a null value, there is a difference between "" and null. so try changing ($Image==NULL)
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