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dough boy

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  1. So I am trying to get a new server setup and for some reason when I go to send out emails the log prints out: Jun 25 15:46:54 iwt sendmail[3732]: n5PFkqPr003732: from=apache, size=111, class=0, nrcpts=3, msgid=<200906251546.n5PFkqPr003732@server.com>, relay=apache@localhost Jun 25 15:46:54 iwt sendmail[3732]: n5PFkqPr003732: to=email@gmail.com, delay=00:00:02, mailer=esmtp, pri=90111, dsn=4.4.3, stat=queued Jun 25 15:46:54 iwt sendmail[3732]: n5PFkqPr003732: to=email@hotmail.com, delay=00:00:02, mailer=esmtp, pri=90111, dsn=4.4.3, stat=queued Any clue as to how to get them to "send"? Do I not have the right ports open? Thanks!
  2. You need to make $inc global. When it is inside the function it cannot be seen outside of it (and it cannot see the "Start" number)
  3. Thanks...I will give it a look. Any thoughts on this? http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,206868.0.html
  4. Ok...got a really weird one here. Long story short I need to pass in a call to a function. This call is a call to another class/function. So here is what I have: class Misc extends ClassA { function runFunction($func) { return eval($func); } } class MyClass extends ClassA { function myFunction($vars) { return $data; } } $misc->runFunction("MyClass::myFunction('myValue');") Any thoughts? I run it this way and I get a "Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected $end". If I take out the eval and just manually put the call there and call $misc->runFunction() it works fine. Help!?!?!??!?!
  5. Is there a "layman's" set of instructions on how to upgrade to a later version of PHP? My server is using 5.0.4 and I would like to upgrade to at least 5.2.x but likely 5.2.6. I am a server noob when it comes to things (I am running a VPS so I have to do everything myself). Thanks for your help!
  6. Yes, but that was just for display purposes. Copy and paste that "text" starting with $countries = and ending with , "" => ""); and put that into your PHP code. That is the PHP array of countries.
  7. $array1 = array("1","2","1"); $array = array_count_values($array1); echo $array[1]; // Change the 1 to whatever value you want to search for
  8. No problem. I like to use the least amount of code for the job, but as long as it gets the job done then I guess it is good.
  9. I use and prefer: http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/
  10. Easier way: foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { echo 'Key: '.$key.' --> '.$value.'<br />'; }
  11. http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.array-count-values.php
  12. Actually it uses the same link I sent him, just gets him the AJAX as well. Nice find!
  13. Now loop through the $countries. foreach($countries as $abv => $full) { $selected = ($abv == 'SELECTED') ? ' selected="selected"' : NULL; echo '<option value="'.$abv.'"'..$selected'>'.$full.'</option> }
  14. He was helping you quickly build an array of counties. Now loop through that array (the result he is echoing to your screen) and loop through it to display and "select" the country desired.
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