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Everything posted by Confusion101

  1. According to phpinfo() I'm running "Apache/1.3.37 (Unix)". The server_port is 80 and I can manually navigate that page or normally include it (i.e. include("deletepost.php")), I just can't URL include it.
  2. Thanks for the replies. First of all I messed up; The error was: Error: [2] include(http://www.example.com/board/deletepost.php?poster=me&post=yesterday) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: Connection refused in /usr/www/www.example.com/board/scheduler.php on line 47 The error was generated in the scheduler. The reason for using include here is to run the the code of deletepost (which is on the same server) with specific parameters, without actually including any of it's methods. If you look at the specifications of include you'll see the difference between including an url and including a file. I am indeed unable to change the configuration, but get_cfg_var on allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include return 1 and nothing at all respectivaly. Thus allow_url_fopen is on and allow_url_include is not in place in php 1.5.1. Those settings should thus not be the culprit. I'm recoding the whole bunch, so that I no longer have to rely on this construction, but I'd still like to learn why it's failing, especially since it used to work.
  3. Thanks. I don't seem to have access. I'll contact the one who should have. Nevertheless doesn't php first look at the php.ini file in the directory of the file that's being executed? Also shouldn't ini_set's change something. Finally and most importantly, despite some mentions about an earlier version, allow_url_include isn't introduced until php 5.2 and I'm running 5.1.5. I've verified that allow_url_fopen is on, so the problem should be elsewhere. Any ideas anyone?
  4. Ok, I tried to turn it on in the php.ini file and I tried to add ini_set("allow_url_include","On"); inline, but neither worked. A strange thing I noticed was that even though I added php.ini to in both www.example.com and the board directory, when I run phpinfo (from either directory) it seems as if the settings are unchanged, both local and master value are the same, but not the value I gave it in the php.ini file? For completion: The server is Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) running PHP/5.1.5
  5. A piece of my code performs scheduling by using a ./board/scheduler.php to get urls from a database and than including those url's. e.g.: include($event); where $event might contain "http://www.example.com/board/deletepost.php?poster=me&post=yesterday" This used to work fine for the longest time, until I started receiving this error: Error: [2] include(http://www.example.com/board/deletepost.php?poster=me&post=yesterday) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: Connection refused in /usr/www/www.example.com/board/deletepost.php on line 46 The &amp is an ampersand in the code for sure. Somehow it gets changed in the errorlog procedure. Also I tried to put a php.ini file in the root and the board directory to ensure that allow_url_fopen was on. Then I tried to add the following: ini_set("include_path",".;http://www.example.com/board"); ini_set("allow_url_fopen","On"); Could anyone explain what's going wrong and how to fix it?
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