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  1. I was also the same problem and I fixed it by a small change in URI.php page in the system/core In my checking I feel like it was due to a small bug in codeigniter. Anyway I am not an expert. Anyway I fixed it. I was a problem with codeigniter url rewriting. I have to go to www.abc.com/catalog/product/4354 when using the url www.abc.com/samsung_galaxy_y I have explained it in my blog myphplibrary.blogspot.in http://myphplibrary.blogspot.in/2012/03/codeigniter-routing-issue-fixation-url.html
  2. Hi all.. I am in a big problem..In my phpfox site when I upload the video it is uploaded to the folder file/videos/src. and when I approve the video it is renamed and at that time the code converting it to flash file..unfortunately the converting to flash is not happening..the uploaded video is deleting and in that place no flash file creating.. It uses a ffmpeg class and when I checked the class exists and it return object..but the flash file not created..I think the command for flash creating is not working...If you have any solutions for this situation please inform or kindly give me some codes for converting any movie file to flash file with flv extension.. Thanks in advance
  3. Hi all, I have to upload a single file to multilple folders. When I tried to upload it upload to a single folder and not uploading to another folder. I am using move_uploaded_file command to move the file to folders after uploading it from a form.. Please give me an idea .. Advance thanks to all...
  4. Hi... I have downloaded a excel file through php. In cells containing numbers a green triangle in the upper left corner of the cell indicating it is a numeric but stored as a text. Can I avoid this green triangle using php at the time of downloading.
  5. I have to convert a hexa decimal value to a double value in php. I have converted hexadecimal to integer..using function base_convert(). But in this case it not giving me a good result.. Examples: 9A99999999193A40 = 26.1 (Approx) CDCCCCCCCC4C3CC0 = -28.3 (Approx) In this the order may be from back to front. ie..403A19999999999A.. If you have any idea please help.
  6. Hi All.. Can we set up a mail program that the mail can sent frequently..ie may be daily or weekly or monthly... with out using scheduled tasks or crone jobs. for eg .. can we create a page that works like the scheduled tasks page( there we can set up the time at which time the program will execute )..that means we have options in our webpage to set up the time at which the mail will sent. for eg..every monday.. can we set up this in the program without using scheduled tasks or crone jobs. can we run our page frequently without using crone jobs .. If you have any ideas please share with me. Advanced thanks to all
  7. Hi all I have to read from a binary file 50th bytes to 100th bytes. any Idea.. I have just known this : foper("filename","rb"); If you know..Please help Advance thanks
  8. Hi All I have written some curl commands for retreving data from a site. the code of test.php is $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://php.net/"); $test = curl_exec($ch); echo $test; curl_close($ch); This code is working fine in localhost . but not working when I uploaded into the server. There showing a dialogue box telling "you have chosen to open test.php....what should firefox do with this file.. open with or save to disk... etc... I checked the phpinfo of server and found curl is enabled.. Then why this dialogue box coming and not working the code. what we do to overcome this? Please help.. the Php version in which my curl working is : PHP Version 5.1.6 Not working version is : PHP Version 4.3.2 Thanks in advance........
  9. Hi the Php version in which my curl working is : PHP Version 5.1.6 Not working version is : PHP Version 4.3.2 Please help
  10. Hi There is one method using cURL u can do it... $curl="abc.com"; //curl_headdata contains the fields of the form $curl_headdata="SLD=$domainame&TLD=$tlds&submit=submit"; $curlconn = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curlconn, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curlconn, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "$curl_headata"); curl_setopt($curlconn, CURLOPT_URL, $curl_url); curl_setopt($curlconn, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $curlresult = curl_exec($curlconn); echo $crulresult;
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