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  1. hi, I want to create a script which could extract a paragraph (which are under <p> .......</p>) from text file. How can it be done
  2. Well i m using MYSQL and PHP. With Table in this formate. idx username userid underuserid
  3. hi, i want to display some information in formate of 1 -> 3->9 ......... I have site in which in need to display list of people in chain. That mean that a person have chain of peoples below him. like 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ..................................... Now, how can i display all the members present below "1" in one page. Any help will be great full
  4. bapi

    reduce text

    that won't help me bcoz i want .... to be start from scape
  5. Hi, How can i do this : Text = "yetrwueyrkw sjdfgskjdhfg kdjfgskjdfhgk dhfgskjdfhgs kjfhgskjf gskdjfh slkjdfhsl f" echo text = "yetrwueyrkw sjdfgskjdhfg kdjfgskjdfhgk....." How can i do this? any help
  6. each forum have its own categories and sub categories.
  7. Hi, U can add "sessionid" field into the table where u keep the online information. next create a script, which compare session id with table ever time when some one login. Hope this will help !
  8. Hi, I m trying 2 create a site where i could host 4(four) forums running from same member table. That means, user register once and can use four froum with same username and password. Can it be done with any premade forum package(free)? Please suggest me !
  9. $test is undefined variable, to create error
  10. Hi, Pls. take a look on below script that i have created. It have some problem in it. SCRIPT : <?php /************************************************************************************************* * * Name : Errors class * Purpose: This class Maintain all the error and display errors according to it * **************************************************************************************************/ class errorHandler //*** Error Mgs class { /*------------------------------------------ MEATHODS -----------------------------------------*/ function errorHandler() //*** Constructor meathod { $this->getError($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars); $this->set_error_handler("getError"); //set error handler } //End ErrorMgs /*------------------------------------------ MEATHODS -----------------------------------------*/ function getError($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) // error handler { switch ($errno) { case 1 : //-- E_ERROR $this->E_NO = $errno; // Error NO $this->E_MGS = $errstr; // Error MESSAGE $this->E_LINENO = $errline; // Error LINE NO $this->E_FILE = $errfile; // Error FILE NAME $this->E_CONTEXT = $errcontext; // Error CONTEXT break; case 2 : //-- E_WARNING $this->E_NO = $errno; // Error NO $this->E_MGS = $errstr; // Error MESSAGE $this->E_LINENO = $errline; // Error LINE NO $this->E_FILE = $errfile; // Error FILE NAME $this->E_CONTEXT = $errcontext; // Error CONTEXT break; case 4 : //-- E_PARSE $this->E_NO = $errno; // Error NO $this->E_MGS = $errstr; // Error MESSAGE $this->E_LINENO = $errline; // Error LINE NO $this->E_FILE = $errfile; // Error FILE NAME $this->E_CONTEXT = $errcontext; // Error CONTEXT break; case 8 : //-- E_NOTICE $this->E_NO = $errno; // Error NO $this->E_MGS = $errstr; // Error MESSAGE $this->E_LINENO = $errline; // Error LINE NO $this->E_FILE = $errfile; // Error FILE NAME $this->E_CONTEXT = $errcontext; // Error CONTEXT break; case 16: //-- E_CORE_ERROR $this->E_NO = $errno; // Error NO $this->E_MGS = $errstr; // Error MESSAGE $this->E_LINENO = $errline; // Error LINE NO $this->E_FILE = $errfile; // Error FILE NAME $this->E_CONTEXT = $errcontext; // Error CONTEXT break; case 32: //-- E_CORE_WARING $this->E_NO = $errno; // Error NO $this->E_MGS = $errstr; // Error MESSAGE $this->E_LINENO = $errline; // Error LINE NO $this->E_FILE = $errfile; // Error FILE NAME $this->E_CONTEXT = $errcontext; // Error CONTEXT break; case 64: //-- E_COMPILE_ERROR $this->E_NO = $errno; // Error NO $this->E_MGS = $errstr; // Error MESSAGE $this->E_LINENO = $errline; // Error LINE NO $this->E_FILE = $errfile; // Error FILE NAME $this->E_CONTEXT = $errcontext; // Error CONTEXT break; case 128: //-- E_COMPILE_WARNING $this->E_NO = $errno; // Error NO $this->E_MGS = $errstr; // Error MESSAGE $this->E_LINENO = $errline; // Error LINE NO $this->E_FILE = $errfile; // Error FILE NAME $this->E_CONTEXT = $errcontext; // Error CONTEXT break; } // End switch // Log the error & Send an Notice to admin $this->logError($params); //Move to error pg $this->displayError(); // Dusplay Error pg } /*------------------------------------------ MEATHODS -----------------------------------------*/ function logError() // Log the errors into table { // Creating message $date= date("Y-m-d H:i:s (T)");//date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A'); error_log(" <b>Error:</b> ['$this->E_NO'] $this->E_MSG <br> ", 3, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/logerrors/logerrors.html");// Log into text file in server } /*------------------------------------------ MEATHODS -----------------------------------------*/ function displayError() // Log the errors into table { header("Location: http://localhost/theam/error.php"); // On error exit; } }//End Class /*---------------------------------------------- END -------------------------------------*/ //---------------------- Test for class $er = &new errorHandler(); echo $test; ?> The out put of this is : " Error: [] " I was to get someting like this : " Error: [8]-[14] Undefined variable: test " So can anyone say there is problem & help me to fix it. I am use PHP4.X.X
  11. bapi

    GD use

    Can GD libary be use to join group of img.s into one. If yes than How? Please give code
  12. Hi, I am new to OOP. Can any one give / suggest me a ERROR HANDLER script and show me how to use it in other class. Pls. helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp !
  13. Hi, I am new to OOP and got the bitter tast right now. i created two class let name be class A and Class B. Class B - has a method with variable class B{ function something($var1, Var2) { ............... } } Now i used this class in class A class A{ function nextthing(){ A::something($var1, Var2) ..................................... } } Now i get error message "Undifine $var1 & $var2" when i run it thru other file, How can i solve this problem.
  14. Hi, Can any one say how can i make error system that can supress general error message and display my error message. I am use OOP aproch. I want that all the error mesage should be kept in signal file which i can change fom time to time. Can this done ???
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