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Posts posted by bubblegum.anarchy

  1. Like Paul stated - the first insert query is setting the id to NULL and as a result is also setting the last insert id to null to, there is no need to explicitly assign an auto increment value through the insert statement, the id value will be generated automatically... remove the first NULL from the first set of inserted values and use last_insert_id() in the last set.

  2. ?

    I mean, according the query I have written there It removes all the records except the first occurrence of each unique ip .As each ip has a unique id and rank so it will keep the records of unique (id, rating, ip) combination.

    webosb original post does not mention that each ip has a unique id - but does mention that the ids range from 1 - 1000 and rating range from 1 - 10.

  3. Though this has nothing to do, directly, with your actual question, SA - would adding an additional indexed enum column named `range` with values such as 0-5, 5-10, 10-5 (depending on application) improve your query performance?

  4. Consider a query that will collate all the information in the following format:


    Movie | Date | Session Times


    ... and display the results in an order fashion using PHP.


    Use GROUP_CONCAT for the session times, depending on how the session times are stored.

  5. $sql1 = "SELECT customers_email_address, date_purchased, order_total FROM orders WHERE customers_email_address = '$_POST[myemail]'";


    The MySQL query starts at the end of $sql1 = " and ends at "; - everything between the quotes is the MySQL query

  6. Slight change:


    SELECT crn.id, person.fname
    FROM crn
         LEFT JOIN instructor_crn ON crn.id = instructor_crn.cid 
         LEFT JOIN person ON person.id = instructor_crn.person
    WHERE crn.id = '6'


    Should be fine... change the LEFT JOIN to INNER JOIN if a matching record must exist.

  7. No kidding... have you check the mysql bugs list to see if this is mentioned?


    nope, I am lazy like that - and have moved on in code since discovering the error... also, binindex confirmed that later versions are fine.

  8. oh yeah... but take a look at this...


    SET @date_created = '2007-06-01';
    SELECT benchmark(10000000, month(@date_created) = month(CURRENT_DATE));
    # ~ 2719ms
    SELECT benchmark(10000000, @date_created BETWEEN last_day(CURRENT_DATE - interval 1 month) AND last_day(CURRENT_DATE));
    # - 297ms


    I must have previously not run the SET line... *slaps head*

  9. md5() should be used instead of password() to encrypt data, from mysql documentation:


    Note: The PASSWORD() function is used by the authentication system in MySQL Server; you should not use it in your own applications. For that purpose, use MD5() or SHA1() instead. Also see RFC 2195 for more information about handling passwords and authentication securely in your applications.

  10. Still looks like joins to me.


    Um, yeah. Which is exactly why I said his statement about there not being a common element between the tables was false. I think the OP was thinking there had to be "the same" common element between all the tables, and that is not the case.


    Please excuse me, my comment was meant for the original poster and meant no offense.

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