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Everything posted by preston2003

  1. Try this. $query1 .= "INSERT INTO users (username, domainname, first_name, last_name, password, registration_date, secretAU, secretQU, secretAP, secretQP, email, TOSNum, AUPNum, currentPlan, currentAmt, currentPeriod, lastUpdated) "; $query2 .= "values ('$u', '$dn', '$fn', '$ln', PASSWORD('$p'), NOW(), '$sau', '$squ', '$sap', '$sqp', '$e','$currentTOSNum', '$currentAUPNum', '$currentPlan', '$currentAmt', '$currentPeriod', NOW())";
  2. This has been an on going issue for me as well, but one way to work around this is to run the script from the command line. Test this to see if you get results.
  3. Also, do you have your web server configured with PHP? If you do great I can help you.
  4. Short and quick: This script pulls from a MSSQL database. I want to run a script on the 22nd of every month and this script has a date range. The range is set like this: E.g April 22 is the next date coming up, $sql = "EXEC ScoreCard '03/22/07', '04/21/07'"; ------------------------------------------------ $today = date("m/d/y"); how can i back date $sql = "EXEC ScoreCard '03/22/07', '$today'; I would like to count back from $today to '03/22/07' Thanks
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