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  1. thanks for the answers.. I think this method is better than mine but I'm not sure, is it really "bad" to have classes that do nothing? I also have another question..I use xml files for language translations. I make an ajax request to get the translations to an array at the beginning while the page not loaded completely..At this time, visitors see the span's innerHTML for example: firstname,welcome, or err_invalid_name... Do you think should I display a loading info or making "translate" classes hidden in this period is a good solution?
  2. hello..I need to use different tag attributes for my multi language web project.for example <span textTranslation="welcome"></span> when i call the javascript function, it searches and finds the the tags with textTranslation attribute.and then changes the innerHTML of that tag with appropriate translation..it works well.. but what i want to ask is using undefined atrributes is a problem or not? also html validators can't recognize that attribute and give errors. what do you recommend? thanks
  3. hello..I'm new in php socket programming.. what I want to do is to send parameters to visual basic server application running on another computer through browser.. So I can login to my website, then I will be able to control the parallel port of the server computer. I found some example code..here it is.. <?php $host = "localhost"; $port = 5002; $timeout = "15"; $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno,$errstr, $timeout); if(!$fp) { echo $errstr . "Errno:" . $errno . "<br>"; } else { echo "socket successfully opened"; $out = "command1"; fwrite($fp, $out); while (!feof($fp)) { echo fgets($fp, 128); } } fclose($fp); ?> my first question is : should I use fsockopen or do you suggest another method to send parameters? second question is: I coded the vb application for this project. It listens the port 5002 and if get anything it makes the command..but when i execute the php script,the browser is on loading state.. I want to send only one parameter, is this code continiuously sending the output? I hope I'm clearly explained my question.. thank you
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