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Everything posted by luki123

  1. hi, i have a question about creating a rss feed. everything works fine except the <description></description>. $row["articleText"] contains html code and hyperlinks to other websites. is there a way to display them as a link within the feed? i mean if someone subscribes to the feed all the links should be clickable. while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $items .= '<item> <title>'. htmlentities(strip_tags($row["title"],’ENT_QUOTES’)) .'</title> <link>http://www.hugeinc.com/news/index.php?ID='.$row["ID"].'</link> <description>'. htmlentities(strip_tags($row["articleText"],’ENT_QUOTES’)).'></description> </item>'; } <description>'.$row["articleText"].'></description> its not working. i get the following error because articleText contains also " & " XML Parsing Error: undefined entity -> & <description><![CDATA['. htmlentities(strip_tags($row["articleText"],’ENT_QUOTES’)).']]></description> Links are showed as normal text, because all the html tags are removed. thanks luki
  2. hi, i try to insert CZECH text with all these special characters into a mysql db, but when i do that i see only strange characters inside the db table mysql_query("INSERT INTO myTable (Firstname) Values ('ěščřžů ĚŠČŘŽÝÁÍÉŮÚ')"); database table row: Ä›??Ä??™???? Äš? Ä????????????‰?®?š does anyone knows what i have to change (character set?) thanks for helping luki
  3. hi, could anyone help me with a preg_replace: $myString looks either like $myString1 or $myString2: $myString1 = "<a href=\"http://www.outsidelink.com/\" target=\"_blank\">This </a>"; $myString2 = "<a href=\"index.php\" target=\"_self\">This </a>"; if $myString contains http:// cut out \" and \" (at href and target) if in $myString there is NO http:// cut out \" and \" (at href and target) and add http://www.outsidelink.com/ thanks for helping luki
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