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Posts posted by cluce

  1. I have one page called home.html with the following code:


    <A HREF="http://localhost/welcome.php"> Hi, I'm Kevin! </A>


    <FORM ACTION="http://localhost/welcome.php" METHOD=post>

    First Name: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="firstname"><BR>

    Last Name: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="lastname">



    and the other page is called welcome.php and has the following code:




    <TITLE>Today's Date</TITLE>



    <p>welcome to my site</p>


    <P>Today's Date (according to this Web server) is


    <?php  echo( "Welcome to our Web site,$firstname $lastname!" );






    everything loads fine but the firstname and lastname entered is not showing. I am puzzled. I cant see where the error is.


    can someone please help?


    thanks in advance


  2. hey guys,


    I am doing a submit form in DW 8 using php. Can someone please tell me how can I make these textfields to be required? Right now they can submit null values. Here is the code I am using.



    $to = "namet@reaganpower.com";

    $subject = "Technical Support request form";

    $body = "

    \n\n Name: $textfield

    \n\n E-Mail Address: $textfield2


    \n\n Comments: $textarea";

    mail ($to, $subject, $body);

    header("Location: http://reaganpower.com/thankyou.html");


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