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Everything posted by Raghav

  1. you can use {text-align: center}
  2. Definitely C++ is the way real programmers go. The so-called "easyness" of other languages comes with the price of being less versatile, and the truth is that the basic part of C++ which allows you to do what you do in other languages is as easy to learn as any other programming language. With the addition that you can go to the complicated stuff later on. In fact, the application you are using to read this was probably coded in C++, as most professional applications. Although I have to agree that most books teaching C++ are plenty of abstract stuff programmers don't need. Go with straight-to-the-point tutorials: A nice tutorial to start can be found at http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial and a good and sort tutorial about stl can be found at http://www.decompile.com/html/tut.html
  3. well, something in your css like: TABLE {border: black 1px solid} would do the trick.
  4. all headers must be sent before real content, therefore either your included file is sending a header after you already sent some content in the main file, or the included file sends some content and then you try to send headers in your main file.
  5. why would you want to do that? The output produced by your query has sufficient info to process the result with php.
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