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Everything posted by unidox

  1. Make it so I only have the script on my server. But my clients can come and login to edit their sites. There sites will hold the sql db's.Example: Person A Has Site X Person B Has Site Z Person A and B goto the same site(my site) and login. Person A is able to edit Site X Person B is able to edit Site Z
  2. unidox

    index files

    Do you want a php website or a html website. If php use an include If html use frames
  3. unidox

    Width Issue

    #1 I would use an external css, alot easier to edit. And I used IE and I dont see a width issue :\ Is this a website or a forum?
  4. I tried it on my web server and it didnt work I used: $conn1 = mysql_connect("", "user", "pass"); $conn2 = mysql_connect("", "user", "pass"); $query = "SELECT * FROM table1"; $results_from_conn1 = mysql_query($query, $conn1); $results_from_conn2 = mysql_query($query, $conn2); and replaced: $dbinfo = array(); $dbinfo[host] = "localhost"; $dbinfo[user] = "****"; $dbinfo[pass] = "****"; $dbinfo[db] = "****"; if ($dbinfo) { $connection = @mysql_connect ($dbinfo[host], $dbinfo[user], $dbinfo[pass]); if ($connection) { @mysql_select_db ($dbinfo[db]); } else { echo "Unable to connect to database"; exit; } } else { echo "You need to setup your mysql information"; in http://php.privatepaste.com/f0IKClQgM6 What did I do wrong?
  5. email design@unidoxhosting.com with any questions. We will be more than heppy to help!
  6. But how do I do that?
  7. Are you looking for something like www.team-unidox.com/admin/ I have coded that, and if you need help I can help.
  8. So that code, will allow anyone to login through my panel and edit a site. But how does the login know which database to look in?
  9. Oh lmfao. A sql table. Ok I will try when I get home
  10. So how do I make table1?
  11. Yea, I use localhost. So all I have to do is $conn1 = mysql_connect("", "user", "pass"); $conn2 = mysql_connect("", "user", "pass"); $query = "SELECT * FROM table1"; $results_from_conn1 = mysql_query($query, $conn1); $results_from_conn2 = mysql_query($query, $conn2); but what is table1?
  12. I dont get what you would have to grant. I will have the sql user pass and server. Thats all mine has now.
  13. I dont get it. What I need is for my domain to hold the script. Then they goto my site and login to the admin panel. Then they can edit thir site. My admin panel only changes the sql. There server will have the non admin files like index.php and they will also have the sql on their server.
  14. how do I set it up on the other end. They will have the sql info
  15. Thanks, but thats not really what i am looking for.
  16. is there no way to do that?
  17. Would I put it in my admin panel script or what? how do u make it connect to many databases and edit only the one that is logged in
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