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Posts posted by thewooleymammoth

  1. I feel like this thread has been here a while and no ones really critiqued.


    text effects on the banner text. The white blends in.


    Im not a fan of the white padding on #wrapper. I think it would look better if the banner & footer met the gray.


    Icons are pixelated


    Links need to have some text IMO


    5 errors in css


    222 errors in html




    needs a fav icon


    I like the general layout though. Just keep tweakin things till you are happy.



  2. on the top right, as im going through your pictures it gives me some sort of nav. I would call that a bit of a breadcrumb because it tells me i started at home then went to an album then to another. The links appear as i go through each page.


    Perhaps thats not what you were going for. However it appears that your link system is a little broken. Im testing it using firefox. This site might help you



    Also you should have a page title in the header.


    There also appears to be some html tag closing errors

    (im assuming that its due to improper echos during loops)

    here is a link to your page validation. There are tons of errors. Fixing these will help with browser compatibility.




    Also you might consider some kind of constant nav that doesnt change from page to page.

  3. Those sites are gonna be updated at the end of the week. I will work on bring out the nav.


    Just simple things like the meta keyword and description tag and a bit of text content added to the site, possibly with a few of the keywords "stuffed" into the text content without being too obvious that they're in there for the sake of crawlers.


    Definitly gonna happen thanks.

  4. © 2010-2015 www.EricWooley.com


    It's good to know that you are covered with copyright for the next 5 years.  I was worried there that someone from the future would rip you off in 2014, but luckily you have that covered.  I'm a bit worried about 2016 though.



    hahaha originally i copied that text from a different footer. Thanks for reminding me to change it.


    I am also worried about 2016.... idk what ill do

  5. Im not sure whats wrong with the seo? i have the h1 in the upper right the h2 in the center with the name of the image/site? I also have the page title pretty well documented... Am i missing something? Not trying to sound defensive just not sure.


    I took some code from my old site which used ajax but i only too the js part :)

  6. that would make you like a coder/designer since ten or 12 years old haha. Nice, wish i could put that on my resume.


    I would say maybe some dull yellows and blues would work for those icons. Or you could give them that shiny feel. just about any colors will go with what you have so far.

  7. the colors look much better as do the links, there appears to be one error in your layout though ( see image)

    You should have the white background extend to the end of the bar. It also looks kinda funny at the bottom. You can really tell its off because of the right bar at the bottom.


    also lots of html errors



    and css errors



    [attachment deleted by admin]

  8. the background color for your body/"Youtube Video clips"  is e9e9e9 and your content bg color is white. They are too close. Can barely see it.


    and the best of youtube site appears to be the exact same thing. If i were a user, once i discovered they're site, i would never type your site into the browser again because they have way more video's than you. They also have a video rating system and many other features you don't have (unless you plan to develop them).


    Also your banner is far to simple and unclean looking. With too much stuff, looks like someone made it who doesn't know how to create graphics. You should also have your url in there instead of Youtube Video clips

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