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  1. I thought I had tried that, but apparently I hadn't... thank you... worked like a charm...
  2. Hi, I have been searching and searching, reading all of the different "time" related manuals on php.net and other various places, but I cannot find any information that deals with PHP manipulating a MySQL "time" field only... they are all date/time field manipulation... Inserting a time into MySQL was easy, like so... if ($_POST['TimeInAMPM'] == 'PM') { if ($_POST['TimeInHour'] != 12) { $TimeInHour = $_POST['TimeInHour'] + 12; } else { $TimeInHour = 12; } } elseif ($_POST['TimeInAMPM'] == 'AM') { $TimeInHour = $_POST['TimeInHour']; } if ($_POST['TimeOutAMPM'] == 'PM') { if ($_POST['TimeOutHour'] != 12) { $TimeOutHour = $_POST['TimeOutHour'] + 12; } else { $TimeOutHour = 12; } } elseif ($_POST['TimeOutAMPM'] == 'AM') { $TimeOutHour = $_POST['TimeOutHour']; } $TimeStarted = $TimeInHour.':'.$_POST['TimeInMinutes'].':00'; $TimeEnded = $TimeOutHour.':'.$_POST['TimeOutMinutes'].':00'; But trying to work with the time after pulling it out of the database is another story... For showing the time purposes, I'd like to look like this, 8:45 AM or 3:15 PM... So I tried a few things, such as this... $ThisTimeStarted = date("g:i A", $row['TimeStarted']); $ThisTimeEnded = date("g:i A", $row['TimeEnded']); But they didn't work... For editing purposes, I would like to be able to split the hours and minutes, so that I can match them in a select drop down box... I guess ultimately if I could figure out how to split the hour and minutes from a MySQL field with PHP, I could figure out the rest...
  3. Thank you... That worked very well,... Here's the final code... <select name="DayOfWeek"> <? for ($i = 0; $i < 7 ;$i++) { $myarray[] = date("l, M j, Y", strtotime("$_SESSION[sessionWeekEndingDate]") - 24 * 3600 * (6 - $i)); } foreach($myarray as $var) { echo '<option value="', $var, '">', $var, '</option>'; } ?> </select>
  4. Thank you, that definately puts me on a better track than I was... the only problem now is that, that gives the dates after the $_SESSION['SessionWeekEndingDate'], instead of the dates prior to that date...
  5. Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me with this aggravating little problem I'm having... I feel like I am getting close, but as of yet, no cigar... So what I am trying to do is list all of the dates of the week, within a specified week... Here's what I got so far... The $_SESSION['SessionWeekEndingDate'] is in the standard yyyy-mm-dd format... <select name="DayOfWeek"> <? for ($i = 1; $i < 8 ;$i++) { $myarray[] = date("l, M j, Y", strtotime("$_SESSION[sessionWeekEndingDate]")); } foreach($myarray as $var) { echo '<option value="', $var, '">', $var, '</option>'; } ?> </select>
  6. Well, that took away the error,... but the information it gives doesn't coincide with what's in the database... Here is the result of the DateTime field in the MySQL database... 2010-03-26 03:15:00 ... Notice the Hour is 03 ... the result with your solution gives 18 and notice the Minutes are 15 ... but the result gives 0
  7. You need JavaScript help, not PHP...
  8. Why not just use target="_blank", otherwise you need JavaScipt help, not PHP...
  9. Could it have something to do with your exit function above?
  10. Hey Everybody... PHP Version 5.2.13 I'm merely trying to get the Hours and Minutes from a MySQL DateTime field... and I'm having serious issues doing it... I was able to pull the whole time by using this code... $arrTimeToStart = explode(" ", $row['WorkOrderDateTimeToStart']); $arrTimeToComplete = explode(" ", $row['WorkOrderDateTimeToComplete']); But I need the Hours separately from the Minutes... So I tried this... But it doesn't work... $WorkOrderDateTimeToStart = getdate(date($row['WorkOrderDateTimeToStart'])); $WorkOrderDateTimeToComplete = getdate(date($row['WorkOrderDateTimeToComplete'])); $HoursToStart = $WorkOrderDateTimeToStart[hours]; $MinutesToStart = $WorkOrderDateTimeToStart[minutes]; $HoursToComplete = $WorkOrderDateTimeToComplete[hours]; $MinutesToComplete = $WorkOrderDateTimeToComplete[minutes]; if ($HoursToStart > 12) { $HoursToStart -= 12; $AMorPMtoStart = 'PM'; } else { $AMorPMtoStart = 'AM'; } if ($HoursToComplete > 12) { $HoursToStart -= 12; $AMorPMtoComplete = 'PM'; } else { $AMorPMtoComplete = 'AM'; } Here's the implementation code:... <td> <select name="HourToStart" style="width: 50px;">'; for($i=0;$i<13;$i++) { echo '<option value="'.sprintf("%02d",$i).'"'; if ($HoursToStart == sprintf("%02d",$i)) {echo ' selected';} echo '>'.sprintf("%02d",$i).'</option>'; } echo '</select> </td> <td> <select name="MinutesToStart" style="width: 50px;">'; for($i=0;$i<60;$i++) { echo '<option value="'.sprintf("%02d",$i).'"'; if ($MinutesToStart == sprintf("%02d",$i)) {echo ' selected';} echo '>'.sprintf("%02d",$i).'</option>'; } echo '</select> </td> <td> <select name="AMorPMtoStart" style="width: 50px;"> <option value="AM"'; if ($AMorPMtoStart == 'AM') {echo ' selected';} echo '>AM</option> <option value="PM"'; if ($AMorPMtoStart == 'PM') {echo ' selected';} echo '>PM</option> </select> </td> Here's the error I get... "Warning: getdate() expects parameter 1 to be long" Can anybody help me figure this out, it's driving me bonkers
  11. Tried it, still doesn't work, all it does is tack on the date to the end of the From, in the email... I did notice however, that the autoresponse emails from PHPFreaks, does the exact same thing... must be something to do with PHP Mail going to Outlook...
  12. It wouldn't accept the syntax the way it was, so I had to change it to this... But then when I tested it with the change, it just had the date after the From in the email... Did I do the wrong thing with your code, should it have been changed a different way? $ft=date("m-d-Y h:i a"); $headers .= "From: ".$EmailFromEmailAddress." ".$ft."\r\n";
  13. Hey everybody... For some reason or another, which I can't seem to find any information about, when I send an email from a PHP form on my website, the email arrives in Outlook without a "Sent" time in the email "Reading Pane" header, unlike every other email that I have received... So I am wondering, what could possibly cause this, since ONLY these emails do this? Here's my PHP Mail code... Thanks in advance for any help... $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: ".$EmailFromEmailAddress."\r\n"; $headers .= "Bcc: ".$EmailBccEmailAddress."\r\n"; //$headers .= "From: \"".$EmailFromName."\" <".$EmailFromEmailAddress.">\n"; //$headers .= "To: \"".$EmailToName."\" <".$EmailToEmailAddress.">\n"; //$headers .= "Bcc: \"".$EmailBccName."\" <".$EmailBccEmailAddress.">\n"; mail($EmailToEmailAddress, $EmailSubject, $EmailBody, $headers); Edit: Forgot to mention what PHP version I have... Here you go... PHP Version 5.2.9
  14. *Dote* Yeah, I just seen that just about the time you replied... Now I feel stupid... Thank you very much for your reply and sorry for wasting your time...
  15. MySQL 5.0.32 Hi everyone... It's been a while... But anyway, I am having problems with a multiple condition query... It keeps giving me an error... "Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource" The query is as follows... $query = mysql_query("SELECT EndClients.EndClientBusinessName, Quotes.QuoteID, Quotes.QuoteTitle FROM Quotes LEFT JOIN EndClients ON Quotes.EndClientID = EndClients.EndClientID WHERE Quotes.QuoteID = '$_GET[quoteid]' AND Quotes.ITCompanyID = '$_SESSION[userID]' AND Quotes.QuoteStatus = 'Generation'") or die(mysql_error()); I know, you're probably wondering why I would be adding more conditions after already defining the ID of the row in which I am wanting,... it's merely added protection to ensure the right person is making the query and also that they're not trying to pull a row maliciously that is no longer in 'Generation' status... The whole code is as follows: <? session_start(); if ($_SESSION['Condition'] !== 'Logged' || $_SESSION['UserType'] !== 'ITCo') { header("Location: login.php"); } else { include_once "connection.php"; include_once "emailnotification.php"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT EndClients.EndClientBusinessName, Quotes.QuoteID, Quotes.QuoteTitle FROM Quotes LEFT JOIN EndClients ON Quotes.EndClientID = EndClients.EndClientID WHERE Quotes.QuoteID = '$_GET[quoteid]' AND Quotes.ITCompanyID = '$_SESSION[userID]' AND Quotes.QuoteStatus = 'Generation'") or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { $TheCurrentDate = date("Y-m-d"); $query = mysql_query("UPDATE Quotes SET QuoteDate = '$TheCurrentDate', QuoteStatus = 'Pending Admin Approval' WHERE QuoteID = '$row[QuoteID]'"); ITCoSubmittedQuote_EmailAdmin($_SESSION['UserName'], $row['EndClientBusinessName'], $row['QuoteTitle']); header("itcoclientquotes.php?function=continueincompletequote&status=quotesubmitted"); } } ?>
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