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  1. here is the test login credientials... username: freak@test.com password: test thanks!
  2. Hello Freaks! I am just finishing up on a new website that has the purpose of bringing land owners with prairie dog problems, together with hunters who like to hunt prairie dogs. The service is free, so please try and break anything that you can, there are no images, or videos as of yet, but they will be coming shortly. Check out www.prairiedogger.com and let me know what you think... feel free to create accounts, add hunts, delete hunts, join a new hunt... whatever you can think of. Thanks ya'll...
  3. FINALLY! Figured it out! Here we go 0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php testEmailScript.php 1and1 needs that /usr/local/bin/php in front of the path.. don't know why but it is working FINALLY! thanks for all your help folks.
  4. yep... tried that... that is on the 1and1 FAQ's... I am flaberghasted.... (sp)
  5. Thanks for the above posts, however, I am still having problems... Here is the weird thing. I put in a test cron job with the following 30 * * * * cp index.php index2.php and it worked perfectly! Great right... WRONG! so I put this in right after that 35 * * * * classes/testEmailScript.php and it DIDN'T work?!?!?! WTH!!!! Do you have to execute it or something? Just weird... thanks for any help you can provide.
  6. modified the crontab to the above posted script, and it still isn't working... any help would be fantastic... :'(
  7. sweet! A couple of questions... 1. The username below I would replace with the SSH username? Right? 2. The string you left would replay my string of classes/testEmailScript.php Right? thanks again for the quick post!
  8. hello freaks! I am new to cron, but I am pretty sure that I have set it up correctly on my 1and1 server. I have this currently in my crontab -l 0,15,30,45 * * * * /classes/testEmailScript.php The script works perfectly if I load it in a browser so I know the problem isn't the script... the only thing I can think of is that I have the path to the script wrong????? Any ideas????? I have also tried it using classes/testEmailScript.php and that didn't work either. Does the cron file need some other path directories in there specific to 1and1 servers? I have a business server. Any help would be great!! examples??!! thanks again.
  9. could someone give me an example of how to set up the cron job to run every 10 min? Also some instruction on how to set it up? thanks a bunch
  10. that is a fantastic idea! How do I write a daemon (mini) I have never done that either... So if my logic is correct, I would have a table that takes an entry, then a daemon that checks ever 5 min. or so to see if there is an entry... if there is, it executes the mail function to the selected list of neccessary folks. Then deletes the entry that is in that table. So I guess my question is 2 fold: 1. How do I write a daemon that executes every 5 min? Is that with Cron? 2. could someone give me a quick example? Thanks so much for all your comments... this is greatly appreciated!
  11. try the file_get_content, reads the file into a string, and you can spit it out. http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php good luck!
  12. any suggestions folks? This is pretty much the only thing I have left to do to get this website up and running... thanks
  13. Here is what I am trying to do: I have a website that users can set up events in particular states. Once the event is posted, I want to send an email out to all other users in that state to inform them that the event was posted and a link for them to sign up for that event. I want this to happen in the back ground so that the user who posted the event doesn't have to wait for the script that sends the email to run. Thanks for all your help... Gui
  14. sorry... and I want it to go out 1 min after is is posted to cron... what would be the settings for that? thanks again
  15. I get no output for the script that you posted... I looked through the link you posted, and I still can't get it to work... where do I stick in my username? Password? thanks for the quick reply
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