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Everything posted by jonybhi

  1. I'm not getting this, please help..
  2. i referred to your link, but I'm not getting it, any further help plz
  3. Hello, I've a text file containing data for images its like: 1:thumb_1.gif:large_1.gif 8:thumb_2.gif:large_2.gif 5:thumb_3.gif:large_3.gif Array 0 represent views, Array 1 represents thumbnail and Array 2 represents full size image. I'm using the following code to display images: <?php $file_handle = fopen("datafile.txt", "rb"); while (!feof($file_handle) ) { $line_of_text = fgets($file_handle); $parts = explode('/n', $line_of_text); foreach($parts as $gallery_data) { $data = preg_split('/:/', $gallery_data); ?> <img src="<?php echo $data[0]; ?>" width="150" height="150"> <?php } } fclose($file_handle); ?> the above code displays the images in text file order. I'd like it to display most viewd image first, for which the data in variable $line_of_text should be: 8:thumb_2.gif:large_2.gif 5:thumb_3.gif:large_3.gif 1:thumb_1.gif:large_1.gif so the question is, how can i arrange it?
  4. I have a rar file. and its name is control.rar I just pasted the code and saved it as php. Should i write some more code like <html> or else?
  5. hay thanks for the code. but It didn't work. I copied the whole code and made a file get.php and renamed myfile.pdf to my original file. but I gives blank page.
  6. Now I used .htaccess and stopped hot linking but now How could my users will download that by entring a simple code. Please provide me the source Code.
  7. if a person knows the direct link then he can download file.
  8. Hello, I want to design a page where my members enter private code to download a file. and the file cannot be downloaded without entring correct code. and also search engines does not show that page as search result. Thanks
  9. Ok I have created register.php the code is ------------------------------------------- <html> <head> <title>Register</title> </head> <body> <form method="POST" action="register.php"> <p>User Name:<input type="text" name="T1" size="20"></p> <p>Password:<input type="text" name="T2" size="20"></p> <p>Email:<input type="text" name="T3" size="20"></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="B2"></p> </form> </body> </html> ------------------------------------------------------- Now I want to add data in MySQL Database. Now please help me in making database and its tables etc. Thanks
  10. I am just new to PHP. I dont know where to start. Please help me.
  11. Hello I am asian so my english is not too good. I want to make a site where people can make their account and add their favourite sites. let suppose a person registered an account john and add his favuorite sites: www.yahoo.com www.hotmail.com www.google.com Now a page of URL: http://www.mysite.com/index.php?john contain these three links. This page can open anybody who knows this URL but only edit that person who knows the password. So please help me in making this. I shall be very thankful to you all.
  12. Hello Jitest Bro, I used the code given by you as: ------------------------------------ <HTML> <HEAD> <?php $filename= 'mp3/abc.mp3'; $file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename,"."),1)); header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private",false); header("Content-Type: $ctype"); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"xyz".basename($filename)."\";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($filename)); set_time_limit(0); @readfile("$filename") or die("File not found."); ?> <TITLE>ABC</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <A HREF="abc.mp3">DOWNLOAD</A> </BODY> </HTML> ----------------------------------------------- and saved it as abc.htm but when I click download link it download it as abc.mp3 not as xyz.mp3 Please help me
  13. pdf is confussing me someone please tell me about zip/mp3
  14. Hay Thanks, but I am new to PHP so I dont know how to use this code please give a example
  15. Hello Is it possible to rename a file when downloading. for example a file ABC.ZIP is present in 'www.yahoo.com/files' so when someone clicks on download button it downloads with name ABCDE.ZIP
  16. i checked config.php and also permissions but same error occurs.
  17. hay this worked for the first time but when i created new DB and user it doesnt work although I changed config.php according to new DB and user. Please help me
  18. Hmm I have posted there if any body knows there then please tell me
  19. Hello, I have downloaded webcards script from www.mywebcards.net but I can't Install it because I am new to PHP. this script has a filee config.php but I can't configure it. I created a new MySQL (mysite_ecards) and has added a user (mysite_joji) to it. so please tell me what should I edit in config file,, the file is: <?php $conf['admin_script'] = "./admin.php"; $conf['allow_langs'] = "y"; $conf['allow_styles'] = "y"; $conf['auto_expire'] = "y"; $conf['ban_message'] = "Sorry!<br /><br />Your IP address has been banned by an adminsitrator.<br /><br />Please try again later!!"; $conf['buffer'] = "y"; $conf['cat_to_show'] = "5"; $conf['cc_address'] = ""; $conf['date_format'] = "d F Y - h:i a"; $conf['db_driver'] = "MySQL"; $conf['dbhost'] = "localhost"; $conf['dbname'] = ""; $conf['dbpass'] = ""; $conf['dbprefix'] = "wc_"; $conf['dbuser'] = ""; $conf['default_pub_lang'] = "English"; $conf['default_sort'] = "id_desc"; $conf['delay_send'] = "y"; $conf['dir'] = "/"; $conf['email_ban'] = ""; $conf['email_from'] = ""; $conf['enable_delay_send'] = "y"; $conf['enable_notify'] = "y"; $conf['enable_resends'] = "y"; $conf['expiry_time'] = "30"; $conf['expiry_units'] = "86400"; $conf['font_bg_colours'] = "white,black,red,blue,yellow,green,orange,purple,brown,gray,pink"; $conf['font_colours'] = "black,white,red,blue,yellow,green,orange,purple,brown,gray,pink"; $conf['font_faces'] = "Arial,Century,Comic,Courier,Fixedsys,Franklin,Garamond,Impact,Lucida,Microsoft,System,Tahoma,Trebuchet"; $conf['font_sizes'] = "medium,small,large,x-large,xx-large"; $conf['get_post_show'] = "n"; $conf['img_per_row'] = "4"; $conf['ip_ban'] = ""; $conf['mailer'] = "WebCards Mailer"; $conf['max_message_length'] = "2000"; $conf['max_recip'] = "5"; $conf['new_pop_imgs'] = "5"; $conf['query_count'] = "n"; $conf['render_time'] = "n"; $conf['script'] = "./index.php"; $conf['server_load'] = "n"; $conf['smtp_host'] = "localhost"; $conf['smtp_pass'] = ""; $conf['smtp_port'] = "25"; $conf['smtp_user'] = ""; $conf['sql_show'] = "n"; $conf['thumb_format'] = "png"; $conf['thumb_height'] = ""; $conf['thumb_width'] = "150"; $conf['url'] = ""; $conf['use_mail_smtp'] = "mail"; ?> Please help me
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