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  1. Agreed, sorry. I know something gets accessed in the PHPBB2 system when that page comes up that allows a new user to register. I just wanted to know how I can get into that process and add my database check. I tried a place I thought would work for me, and the code I put in there didn't even fire off at all. I have no idea. Maybe if I could study a manual on the inner-workings of PHPBB2 forums, but I haven't found that either, so I have no clue how I can put this guild database check into the forums we use. Sorry if I didn't explain myself more clearly earlier. I'm trying to give you guys all the info you need to help me. It's certainly appreciated!
  2. That's awesome! But where would I put that? In usercp_register.php? Or elsewhere? And where in that file? Thanks again for the response
  3. PHPBB2 Related! I feel real stupid asking this, especially considering the flaming hoops I jumped through today. I thought I could figure it out, but alas, I suck, so help is what I will now rely on. Summary of my need(s); I am doing a World of Warcraft site for our guild. The forums are working just fine, and all is well. Problem is we have a lot of members, and many of them are kids that like to invite friends to register on the site that are not actually in the guild, so I came up with a solution. Within the game, I wrote an addon that pulls guild information, including members, and a lot of other fields for each member. I took that savedvariable file and uploaded it to my site. Using that file, I parsed it and converted it to a PHP array. Now there, that data was used to populate a database for our roster information. It works great! Now, I want to use that database to compare the new member's username with during registration. If there is nothing found in the Guild Roster database, that means they aren't a member, and deny the registration. I just can't figure how to wedge that into the usercp_register.php file. Can anyone help me with this? I don't need complete code. Obviously, if I populated my Guild Roster database, and used it to check to see if the record existed, I have what I need to access that database, and use the information in it. All that work is done. I just need to know how I can block registration if there isn't the register candidate's username in my Guild Roster database, and maybe direct to a page that states why they were not allowed. I hope I gave enough information for someone to suggest what I need to do. Thanks again for all the help. I try not to ask unless I'm hopelessly stuck. Hop
  4. Sorry I thought I was doing a good thing.
  5. One more thing for people that might be looking for the same answer and happen to find this thread... I read elsewhere how to turn off a directory listing of a folder on your site if you don't happen to put a default index.html, index.htm, or index.php file into every folder. I'm sure everyone registered knows this, but I didn't and it's good info. Create a file called .htaccess (no extension) and put in it... Options -Indexes and save that into the root of your site. I was worried that if that was available to a casual browsing individual, they could see my PHP file, right click it, and download it for examination. This fix worked for me. =) Hop
  6. I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but having that access info for your database posted in a public forum is not a good idea. I'd change that asap. Am I wrong? And is 'localhost' for the database server possible? I guess if it was local, oh, sorry. I'm thinking it's on a website. Hop
  7. Snowdog, I used your solution, just happened to be watching my post and noticed this one, which is the next step for me. It worked just fine after I filled in the fields for the variables. Thank you! Hop
  8. Ok, thank you. I suspected that, but I wanted to hear it to help me feel safer. One thing I didn't like was that since I knew the filenames of a few php files I had in the same directory, that held functions, etc., I was able to open it, or run it that is, by just typing that file name in at the end of the folder's path in the address field of my browser. Perhaps I should look at how to write code in my php files that look at how that file was called upon, as in via include or just targeted from a client application.
  9. I'm not new to PHP, but I haven't spent the time needed to be considered good at it. I know enough to do what I want mostly, but now I'm working with MySQL and a concern popped into my head like a bomb going off... Is my php code on my site secure from viewing? A tutorial I'm working through now talks about connecting to my database, and in the code is $connid = mysql_connect ('servername' , 'username' , 'password'); What keeps someone from reading my source, getting that login information, and compromising my database? The database contains useless info for anything else but my specific task at hand, not like login info or anything. And I'm real careful with my ftp info and database info. I'm just talking about someone getting that info out of a folder on my site, like view source for html. Thanks! Hop
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