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Everything posted by Alicia

  1. Alicia

    change format

    If I need the time as well so shall I use datetime? so what you recommended is I add a new column with datetime format, then use str to datetime function to convert the value and update the generated value into the newlly added column?
  2. Hi guys, Anyone know a quick fix how I can change a column value from US datetime to UK in all records? e.g : 25/12/2010 23:59:00 to 12/25/2010 in the database Currently the var type for this column is varchar Please advise. Alicia
  3. i am not sure... there is a syntax error when i run the query
  4. i just want to filter the records by referrring to the date i have in the column but currently it is in varchar so i couldn't filter by date range
  5. Hi guys, can somebody give me an idea why this query doesn't work? thanks SELECT SUM(credit) AS usage, STR_TO_DATE(`created`, '%m/%d/%y'),STR_TO_DATE(`expiry`, '%m/%d/%y') FROM `suax` WHERE STR_TO_DATE(`created`, '%m/%d/%y') >= '11/5/2012' AND STR_TO_DATE(`expiry`, '%m/%d/%y') = '11/15/2012' LIMIT 0 , 30 my created and expiry format is a string like this 1/15/2012 04:05:22 Please advise.thanks
  6. can any guru give me an idea what I have done wrong here? Why my onclick function is not working and no popup window is displayed? This : <a onclick="window.open('http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&p[title]=<?php echo $title;?>&p[summary]=<?php echo $summary;?>&p[url]=<?php echo $url; ?>&&p[images][0]=<?php echo $image;?>', 'sharer', 'toolbar=0,status=0,width=548,height=325');" href="javascript: void(0)"> and this also not working <a href="#" onclick="window.open('http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&p[title]=<?php echo $title;?>&p[summary]=<?php echo $summary;?>&p[url]=<?php echo $url; ?>&&p[images][0]=<?php echo $image;?>','windname','width=325,height=54,top=50,left=50'); return false;"> please advise.thanks
  7. Hi, i am trying to run this script but encounted an unknown error .. can somebody give me an idea whats wrong with my php mysql code $mysett = "'".$myopt[0].','.$myopt[1].','.$myopt[2].','.$myopt[3]."'"; $prescho = mysql_query("SELECT *FROM stud WHERE `d_type_id`IN ($mysett) AND `disp_homep` = 'yes' AND STR_TO_DATE(join, '%d/%m/%Y' ) <= CURDATE( ) AND STR_TO_DATE( left '%d/%m/%Y' ) > CURDATE( ) ORDER BY FIELD( `d_type_id` , $mysett ) , `Deal`.`join` DESC"); no error or record displayed in the page even there are records match the condition... please help
  8. Hi guys, Can some guru give me an idea how should I create a php query for my search form as below? I tried to search online for some tutorial for such searches from a form but found nothing relevant.. please help.. I have a form that allow user to search : Class type : Student name : Student email : Student gender : I want to create a php mysql query that if the user only key in the name, it will only search the name column and if the user key in name and email, it will search both with AND in the query and if all are inserted, it will search all with 4 columns (AND) in the query. The problem is i am not sure how to create such conditional statement so a proper query can be generated according to what textfields they user insert in the form.. please advise..
  9. Hi, May I know why my conditional statement doesn't work when comparing with decimal point input? $money = 0.2; if($money<=0) { echo 'no money'; { else { echo 'OK'; } The output after multiple tries by using intval or float , it still show OK when it suppsed to show no money... May i know what I have missed? it seems like the php script cant recognize 0.2 is smaller than 0. please advise
  10. hi guys, can somebody give me an idea how I sort the records that I want to display order by value that I sum up from records? I have a query like this : // in a while loop $sold = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT( class ) AS num FROM `Student` WHERE class ='xxx' "); Anyway I can do something in a new query like select * from class order by num ASC ? first i want to count how many students in every class from Student table then I want to arrange the class records and display in a web page order by number of students they have in each of the classes. I am not able to sort from the class table because there is no column for this value, thats why I need to count from another table first. TQ
  11. i have changed that but it is still not showing the latest date on top.. any idea? thanks
  12. thanks guys but how can i sort this column by showing the latest date first since this is a varchar column? i tried $re= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `students` ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE( join, '%d/%m/%Y' ) DESC"); but it is not working.. can someone pls assist..thanks
  13. Guys, can someone give me a hint on this. Currently i have 2 columns in db to store the date but the structure is in varchar How can I compare the date with these columns because I did try to use str to date function but now working. My script as below. my column name is join and grad and data store in these varchar columns format is like this : 14/03/2001 11:30:00 $now = date("Y-m-d"); $beu_main = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `students` WHERE STR_TO_DATE( join, '%d/%m/%Y' )<='$now' AND STR_TO_DATE( grad, '%d/%m/%Y' ) > '$now'"); anything wrong with my query or any quick fix? thankyou.
  14. anyone has idea how to solve this prob? thanks
  15. Hi, Can any guru can advise me on this? I have used this code to capture name, email and etc from facebook connect without any problem function fbLogin() { FB.login(function(response) { if (response.session) { //user is logged in, reload page window.location.reload(true); } else { // user is not logged in } }, {perms:'read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access,email'}); <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" onclick="fbLogin()" value="login" src="images/fb"> I managed to print data with this after login echo "$user"; // user facebook id echo $user_info['email']; echo $user_info['name']; but now my facebook logout script to destroy the sessions are not working. include_once "facebook-php-sdk/src/facebook.php"; setcookie('fbs_'.$facebook->getAppId(), ”, time()-100, '/', 'http://www.myste.com'); session_destroy(); header('Location: /'); may i know why i am still not logout yet after loading the script. I tried to search online but none solution seem to work to destroy facebook session from my site. please advise.
  16. I managed to solve this one by using css button.. another new question if any guru can assist. now I put this <input type="hidden" name="checkboxes[]" value="<? echo $row['memo'] ?>" /><input type="hidden" name="checkboxes[]" value="<? echo $row['memo'] ?>" /> inisde a for loop when I posted to the php file, it has error : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in when I use this : foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $copid){ The code works when I use it as checkbox but why it doesn't work anymore after I changed it to hidden value ? any idea??
  17. print_r($_POST, 1) shows nothing... no.. different name doesn't work either.. it still print nothing.. any guru can assist.. this looks simple but why not able to solve the issue =(
  18. i am not uploading any image so the form type is not what i need.. actually i have 2 image buttons for them to click..in my php file, i want to do conditional statement $_POST['Submit'] == a do this or b do that so hidden value wont work in this case since we need to perform an action based on the image button clicked\ any guru can advise
  19. Hi, I am trying to create a simple form with image buttons but why my php page can't capture the value of the image button clicked? can somebody give me a hint about this.. thankyou <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="process.php"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><input type="image" name="Submit" id="Submit" src="images/01.jpg" value="Mobile" /></td> <td> <input type="image" name="Submit" src="images/03.png" id="Submit" value="Hardware" /></td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </form> in my php file i put use this code.. it is very simple and straight forward but wonderng why nothing is printed.. Other elements in the form can be printed except the value of the submit image. =( echo $_POST['Submit'];
  20. spry tab is the tab that generated from the dreamweaver. I have 8 tabs in the page and each of the tab will show different content after getting the content from the database. My problem now is everytime user loads the page, it will run all queries in all tab instead of the first active page. Is there anyway I can stop other queries in other inactive tab from sending to the server unless they click on the tab and it turns to an active one? thanks
  21. Alicia

    facebook connect

    Hi, I am not sure where should I go to get advise and hopefully some guru able to assist. <a href="<?=$loginUrl?>"><img src="images/fconc.png" alt="Login with Facebook Account"/></a> I am having this facebook connect button in my site. The problem now is it is actually direct user to facebook login page before redirecting back to our site. I want to have something like other website fb login button where once I clicked on the facebook connect button, a small facebook login page will pop up and close automatically and reload my page after successfully signed in. Can somebody please let me know how can I do that? or any reference for me to follow ? Thanks
  22. Hi, May I know is there any way I can prevent the content in other inactive tab of a spry tabbed from loading? Currently all my tabs content needs to connect to the database to fetch the data. Most of the users don't really click on the other tabs but I found it is very resource consuming since once the spry tabbed is loaded, all tabs will start to connect to the db and fetch the records even the user doesn't click on the tab. Or is there any other way I can use the get the same thing? I need feature like tab but it will only load the active tab content. Please advise. Thanks in advance. ALicia
  23. oh gosh, i am such an idiot.. thank you very much for your hint.
  24. Hi, Can anyone give me an idea whats wrong with this query? from the while loop, I can echo all the values echo below but why my query just won't update the database records? since all values are there? echo "Updated".$row['team_id'].'-'.$row['UserName'].'-'.$row['Password']."<br>"; $upd = mysql_query("UPDATE `team` SET `username2` = '{$_row['UserName']}',`password2` = '{$_row['Password']}' WHERE `team`.`team_id` ='{$row['team_id']}'") or die(mysql_error()); echo mysql_affected_rows(); what i take the query and update directly in mysql console, it works e.g : UPDATE `team` SET `username2` = 'miko',`password2` = 'ERQSDs' WHERE `team`.`team_id` ='1232' Please advise and thanks
  25. Hi, Can some experts please advise why style in my class 1mycolumn doesn't work in browsers even it shows okay in dreamweaver : <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup"> <div class="TabbedPanelsContent"> <div id="mycontainer"> Today's Buy <div class="1mycolumn">1 colum</div> <div class="1mycolumn">1 colum2</div> <div class="1mycolumn">1 colum3</div> <div class="1mycolumn">1 colum4</div> <div id="rightcolumn">wedwsrighthh <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Content 2</div> </div> other spry tab class and the righcolumn id works fine but not 1mycolumn class.. please advise. thanks. I am trying to show some content in multple same size columns. Thanks.
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