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Everything posted by DJTim666

  1. So lets say we have a large inventory of items(5000+) held in a database. Now lets say 2000 of these items do something different than the last. Which of the following ways is more efficient? Or maybe you have your own suggestion . Store individual code bits in the DB, then pull and run <?php $item_id = $_GET['item_id']; $findItem = $db->query("select `code` from `items` where `item_id` = '{$item_id}'"); if ($findItem) { $itemCode = $db->fetch($findItem); eval ($itemCode['code']); } ?> Store all item codes in an inventory script <?php $item_id = $_GET['item_id']; switch ($item_id){ case 123: //do this break; case 124: //do this break; //continuing on for my 2000 item list } ?> I know the first one looks more efficient, but I've heard its not good to use eval :S
  2. Try this inside your <form>; <input type='hidden' name='id' value='someValue /'> Obviously change someValue to whatever value you want passed to your script.
  3. A checkbox field will be passed to PHP regardless of user input. The appropriate method would be to compare the value of the passed checkbox to the values you're expecting. Otherwise just check if it's empty or not with empty().
  4. Could you please your PHP and include the error.
  5. Calling the date() function without parameters will give you a timestamp. This would be the same for the time() function aswell
  6. Add this to your file before anything is written or included. <?php ob_start(); ?>
  7. We need some code to work with..?
  8. Where you check the email, your $okay variable is spelt $okey. Change that and your script should work fine
  9. So do you want to be able to login remotely and grab info to use on your site, or are you looking to be able to go to your website, type your information and be taken to amazon from there?
  10. <td><input type='button' onClick=\"window.location='edit_form_instructions.php?id={$row['instructions_id']}';\" value='Submit' /></td></tr></p>
  11. Print your values and confirm you're getting the values you expect.
  12. Try this; <?php if (isset($_GET['passkey'])) { // Passkey that got from link $passkey=mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['passkey']); // Retrieve data from table where row that match this passkey $query="SELECT * FROM `temp` WHERE0 `confirmcode` ='{$passkey}'"; $run = mysql_query($query); // If successfully queried if($run){ // Count how many row has this passkey $count=mysql_num_rows($run); // if found this passkey in our database, retrieve data from table if($count==1){ $rows=mysql_fetch_array($run); $username=$rows['username']; $password=$rows['password']; // Insert data that retrieves from temp in to users $sql2="INSERT INTO `users` (`username`, `password`)VALUES('$username', '$password')"; $result2=mysql_query($sql2); } // if not found passkey, display message "Wrong Confirmation code" else { echo "Wrong Confirmation code"; } // if successfully moved data from table temp to table users displays message "Your account has been activated" and delete confirmation code from table if($result2){ echo "Your account has been activated"; // Delete information of this user from table that has this passkey $sql3="DELETE FROM `temp` WHERE `confirmcode` = '$passkey'"; $result3=mysql_query($sql3); } else { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } } } ?>
  13. Lmfao. This is a login script. Not a register script. Try creating one of those to first create the users you want to login to your site. I'm sure you can find a few free register scripts on google.
  14. Anyone see a problem?
  15. No, you'll have to change the way you're storing the time in your database if you want to run the query like that. mktime() should be able to help you convert. Edit: I always use a UNIX timestamp to insert dates into the database. It's much more flexible than having an actual date stamp.
  16. Your $time variable should be time(). That'll fix your problem.
  17. Am I stupid, or what? <?php $date = date("d", $status['created'])==date("d", time())?"Today at ".date("h:i:s A"):(date("d", $status['created'])+1)==date("d", time())?"Yesterday at ".date("h:i:s A", $status['created']):date("d/m/y h:i:s A", $status['created']); ?> It won't say anything but "Yesterday at [date here]". Even though the status its going over was created today. PLEASE HELP!!!
  18. <?php // sending query $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM supportfeedback WHERE datetime >= $from AND datetime <= $to"); if (!$result) { die("<b>Error: Query failed</b>"); } if ($to = $from) { $label = "dated {$to}"; } elseif ($to <> $from) { $label = "between {$from} and {$to}"; } ?> In the code above. You haven't defined $to and $from. Now unless you have register_globals turned on, this won't work. Try defining those variables and your problem should be solved. Also you must use == when comparing two variables. Using = is for defining variables, not comparing.
  19. <?php function convert_text($content) { $reg_ex = array( '/<ul>/s', '/\.jpg">/s', '/\.gif">/s', '/<br>/s' ); $replace_word = array( '<ul class="list">', '.jpg" class="imgright" alt="" />', '.gif" class="imgright" alt="" />', '<br />' ); $content = preg_replace($reg_ex, $replace_word, $content); return $content; } ?> That should work.
  20. <?php $stringToSearch = "<a href=\"lalala.com\" title=\"lalala.com\">Go Here</a>"; preg_match("/\<td class\=\"file\"\>\n\<a href\=\"(.*?)\" title\=\"(.*?)\"\>(.*?)\<\/a\>/i", $stingToSearch, $matches); print_r($matches); ?>
  21. Try <?php $stringToSearch = "<a href=\"lalala.com\" title=\"lalala.com\">Go Here</a>"; preg_match("/\<a href\=\"(.*?)\" title\=\"(.*?)\"\>(.*?)\<\/a\>/i", $stingToSearch, $matches); print_r($matches); ?> Simple code, really. $matches[0] will be the first pattern, $matches[1] will be the second and so on.
  22. Unfortunately that didn't work. EDIT: I done some research and found encodeURIComponent(); which works perfectly. Thanks for the help
  23. I've just recently coded some AJAX forums. They are in excellent working order except for the fact that I cannot post question marks. This is the AJAX code I am using to POST to the PHP script; function create(pars, det){ if (det == "topic") pars += "&subject="+$('subject').value+"&message="+$('message').value; else if (det == "post") pars += "&message="+$('message').value; new Ajax.Request("forum_scripts/posting.php", {method: 'post', parameters: pars, onUninitialized: inRequest(), onSuccess: showResponse} ); } And here is the form I am sending to the AJAX; <form action='' onSubmit='return false;'> <table width='65%' id='replyBox'> <tr> <th vAlign='top'>Message:</th> <td><textarea id='message' cols='70' rows='10'></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' value='Reply to Topic' onClick=\"create('mode=post&t_id={$t_id}&f_id={$topic['f_id']}&start={$start}', 'post');\" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> Help is appreciated.
  24. http://www.php.net/str_replace
  25. Not true.. I'm not 100% sure of the difference between fetch_array and fetch_assoc. However I do know that I use fetch_array all the time and I call with the field names; not numbers. Wouldn't wanna get the newbs confused as soon as they come here, now would we. P.S. kpetsche20, you're just missing the $ in front of your data array as stated in the first reply. -- DJ
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