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Posts posted by The-Last-Escape

  1. My little application is a simple file upload system. There is only ever going to be one user who will upload, and one user who will download the file. There is also an archive of current uploaded files for the download person, and a separate archive page for the uploader which is the same, but includes a delete function to delete the db record and also to delete the actual file. When a file is uploaded, an email is sent to the person who will download the file when he is ready, by visiting the archive page and choosing which file he wishes to dowload and clicking the 'download' link. So far so good.


    What I want to do now is to have a 'Yes'/'No' next to the archive of each file which will let the user know whether the file has been downloaded or not. The question is.....how do I detect if the file has been downloaded or not?


    Thanks for any suggestions

  2. I've tried to split data into group of 10 from a txt file but I need help


    In the txt file each group is one line and I want 10 line to be put into something like ?page#1 page#2...


    then it will display 1-10 if the url has ?page#1, 11-20 if the page is #2 ...


    What would the script be?

  3. Region one is europe and the others are for diffent countrys if you want to play a region 4 in Europe for example you will need a muilti regional DVD player I reccommend that if your not sure on this then just shearch in google or something because they have helful atricals etc.

  4. I use priunt to output the information onto the screen from php, but i wanted to change some size settgin and such, any ideas how to do that?


  5. <?php

        $bool = true;

        print "Bool is set to $bool\n";

        $bool = false;

        print "Bool is set to ";

        print (int)$bool;


    I was wondering about one thing in this script.

    what is the (int) mean.  I know bool is just a variable create which is short fo boolean, and it's set to the booleon true, here is the website it came off of the exact page actually I was just wondering if int was a preset something in php or something he named himself or what, and what it does.

    [a href=\"http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/3_3_0\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/3_3_0[/a]

  6. Dose anybody know here where I can get a free email account one that allowes you to send files EG text,MP3 etc for free and also allows you to send and get emails ?

  7. i have been messing with my php script trying to get it to work.

    before trowing my monitor out of the window i thought maybe you guys know what is going on:)

    its a small piece of script from a forum.

    this peace of code delete's a complete topic from my forum and will also set the total number of replys back.

    lets say my counter is on 15 for the amount of replys that are on my forum.

    then when i delete a topic with only 5 replys in it, i want the counter to go back to 10.

    so i wrote this script.



    $quik =mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forumnews WHERE vantopicid = '$topic_id' ") or die(mysql_error());

    $ab =mysql_num_rows($quik);

    if (($ab = 1) OR ($ab = 0)){



    mysql_query("UPDATE forums SET nrofreplys = nrofreplys-'$ab' WHERE forum_id = '$vfi' ") or die(mysql_error());



    the damn thing just wont work, anybody have an idea???

    thanks in advance  ;D




  8. Hi, I have a table named brokers and am trying to add numbers from a menu to an existing number in a field named value_votes . I tried it with the UPDATE command in sql but this just replaced my old number not added to it. I know I need to do something along these lines: UPDATE brokers SET value_votes WHERE value_votes = existing number + new number from form , that last little bit is over my head, can anybody help me with that syntax





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