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  1. wow. that was quick. I will try your suggestion. Thanks.
  2. Question: How to detect if somebody is accessing a page or uploading the files ?
  3. On many upload pages, the FORM action is set to the same page-that means the script to generate the page and save the uploaded files is same.Can somebody give me some simple example of how to do this ? How to detect if somebody is accessing a page( == generate the form) or uploading the files ( == upload the files) ?
  4. new to php. working on my first php script.. this: $arr=array("xxx"=>"fff","yyy"=>"ggg"); foreach($arr as $value) echo $value; echos fffggg but i want the names(xxx,yyy) too. something like this: $arr=array("xxx"=>"fff","yyy"=>"ggg"); foreach($arr as $value) echo $value_name . $value; how? ???
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