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Everything posted by aQ

  1. Hello! I've re-designed Lindekleiv Media's websites today. The website is here. Critique and comments are welcome. I hope you like it. Thanks.
  2. aQ

    Blog Critique

    It now works pretty good in IE 6, not as in Firefox and Opera, but good enough. A lot of the IE6 users will start using IE7 soon anyway. I've also added a note at the top.
  3. aQ

    Blog Critique

    Oh, thank you, I'm running Linux, and haven't seen my site in IE. I'll check that out. Thank you for comments!
  4. aQ

    Blog Critique

    Haha, you're using an adblocker, eh? Well, there is a google-ad there, check the source. Thank you for critique, I'll have a look at my links. Edited: I've added a "visited-change". The menu-links will turn a darker color, and the blog-post links will turn darker, and get an underline. Looks better?
  5. aQ

    Blog Critique

    I've made it all myself, I have used a blog-script though, but that is just for the back-end, not the layout / design. Thank you ober! More critique would be great, there is always something that I could have done better.
  6. Hello out there! I want critique on this page. Simple, yes, that's what I wanted it to be. I am kind of minimalistic, and don't like big fancy überphotoshopped websites. (By the way, all graphics on my site is done in Gimp.) Thank you, I hope you like it. -- aQ
  7. Hi! I have a .adr file (Opera bookmarks) that I want users of my website to download. The problem is that when I open it in my browser, it shows up just like a .css or .txt file, but I want to automatically start to download the file. I know there is a way to do that in php, but I don't know how. Thanks.
  8. I used sammyP's method. Great function! Thank you all.
  9. There is a parse error on the last line. Seems like a ( or ) is missing?
  10. Thanks! I have one more question: How can I replace these words with growing numbers, so that the first "walked" is replaced with 1, the second one 2, 3, 4 and so on?
  11. Hey! I am trying to check how many times a word is written in a variable. Lets say I have a story, and want to know how many times "walked" is written. I guess I will need a loop of some kind, but I'm not sure. Thank you.
  12. That's great. I used str_replace to replace the path/to/file_ with "", and .php with "". Then, there was only a number left. That was exactly what I wanted. Thanks a lot!
  13. That displays nothing. So it seems like $number has no content?
  14. Count is 2, that's the correct number of files by now, but the number of the highest file is 3
  15. Still wont display anything. Thanks for trying guys.
  16. Still does not display anything.
  17. Thanks, no errors now, but no output either. Anyone?
  18. Thank you, but there is an error: Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /path/to/script.php on line 9 The script: <?php $dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/my/path/'; $dirHandle = opendir($dir); $highnumber = 0; while ($file = readdir($dirHandle)) { if(!is_dir($file)) { $num = substr(strrchr($file, "_"), 0); $number = $str_replace('.php','',$num); if ($highnumber < $number) { $highpg = $file; } } } closedir($dirHandle); print $highpg; ?>
  19. Hello! I have a folder with a lot of .php files in it. They are named *somestuff*_*number*.php (blabla_10.php). I want to find the file with the highest value in its name. Is this possible? Thank you.
  20. Hello! I have an external newsticker on my site. The newsticker is often heavily slow, and slows down my site. I don't want to remove it, but I want php to stop loading that ticker if it doesn't display in 2 seconds. The ticker is the one from giveawayoftheday.com. Thank you!
  21. Hello! I have a variable ( $theProgram[name], found in a database, contains "MyProgram" ), and I have another one ($program[name], also found in a database, contains "CATEGORY: MyProgram"). I want to search for $theProgram[name] inside $program[name], and if I find it, I want to print out $program[information]. I don't know if this is possible, but help me if you can.
  22. Ok, that's fine. Can you tell me how to print out the highest id available in a table?
  23. So all queries written after I select new db will be connected to that db-connection?
  24. Hello! I am trying to post some info from a form, and into two databases. I have one of my mysql connections in a config file, and the other one in the file I am posting from. It is something like this: <?php include(config.php); //send something to the first database mysql_query("INSERT INTO ...."); // And connect to the other db: $xconnect = mysql_connect("x", "x", "x"); mysql_select_db("x", $xconnect); // Then send info to the second db: mysql_query("INSERT INTO ...."); ?> Is this a good way to do it? I don't feel that it works correct, I get some errors and such.... Can you help me?
  25. Hi! I am experimenting a little with tags, and in the database, I have a row called "tags", so that I can set the tags I want into the news I want. I use a comma between each tag. I explode the "tags" row, and all the tags from one of my news gets into an array. I want to combine all the arrays into one. Lets say that I have one post with the tags "free, basic, cool", and an other one with "program, free, open source". How can I combine these two arrays into one? If it's possible, I also want to remove double tags. Thank you for these great boards!
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