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  1. How do I do <img src="picture.php?string=123">... Right now all i get is a bunch of gibberish. The image is created in php gd. Thanks. picture.php <?php header('content-type: image/jpeg'); $image = imagecreatefromgif('emp.gif'); $size = getimagesize('emp.gif'); $strings = $_GET['strings']; $len = strlen($strings); $cur = 0; $characterarray = array(); while($cur < $len){ $char = $strings{$cur}; array_push($characterarray,$char); $cur = $cur + 1; } /* "*---*" " --" */ $car1 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[0].'.gif'); $car2 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[1].'.gif'); $car3 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[2].'.gif'); $car4 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[3].'.gif'); $car5 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[4].'.gif'); $car6 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[5].'.gif'); $car7 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[6].'.gif'); $car8 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[7].'.gif'); $dest_x = 17; $dest_y = 33; $dest_x1 = 17; $dest_x2 = 43; $dest_x3 = 69; $dest_x4 = 95; $dest_x5 = 121; $dest_x6 = 147; $dest_x7 = 173; $dest_x8 = 199; imagecopymerge($image, $car1, $dest_x1, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car1), imagesy($car1), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car2, $dest_x2, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car2), imagesy($car2), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car3, $dest_x3, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car3), imagesy($car3), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car4, $dest_x4, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car4), imagesy($car4), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car5, $dest_x5, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car5), imagesy($car5), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car6, $dest_x6, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car6), imagesy($car6), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car7, $dest_x7, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car7), imagesy($car7), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car8, $dest_x8, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car8), imagesy($car8), 100); imagejpeg($image); $filename = $characterarray[0].$characterarray[1].$characterarray[2].$characterarray[3].$characterarray[4].$characterarray[ 5].$characterarray[6].$characterarray[7].".jpg"; if (is_file($filename)) { readfile($filename); exit; } imagejpeg($image,$filename); imagedestroy($image); imagedestroy($car1); imagedestroy($car2); imagedestroy($car3); imagedestroy($car4); imagedestroy($car5); imagedestroy($car6); imagedestroy($car7); imagedestroy($car8); ?>
  2. Ok ive found out that the images that is creating is actuly ok its the image that is actuly displayed on the screen... http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/test4.php?strings=256 http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/256.jpg This is very weird. Its like its not able to complete the process for some reason. But it works on every other image.
  3. Hello, thanks for taking the time to help. Ive designed a code to create an image that uses user input of 8 or less chars, and converts it to an array and displays the correct image for each char. So far the code works 95% it creates the image ok execpt for a few conditions. Ok so http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/test4.php?strings=12345678 Works http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/test4.php?strings=1 Works http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/test4.php?strings=12 Works http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/test4.php?strings=123 Freezes ??? http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/test4.php?strings=1234 Works http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/test4.php?strings=12345 Works and the rest works up to 12345678 and the other condition: http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/test4.php?strings=%20%20%20%20%20%20%201 Works http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/test4.php?strings=%20%20%20%20%20%2012 Freezes ??? http://bkswindell.dyndns.org:8091/dev/project/trunk/php/test4.php?strings=%20%20%20%20%20123 Works And so on to %201. Im think it has some to do with the math but im not finding and problems. Any help would be much appricated. Also feel free to do and testing of other contitions. Brad <?php header('content-type: image/jpeg'); $image = imagecreatefromgif('emp.gif'); $size = getimagesize('emp.gif'); $strings = $_GET['strings']; $len = strlen($strings); $cur = 0; $characterarray = array(); while($cur < $len){ $char = $strings{$cur}; array_push($characterarray,$char); $cur = $cur + 1; } /* "*---*" " --" */ $car1 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[0].'.gif'); $car2 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[1].'.gif'); $car3 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[2].'.gif'); $car4 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[3].'.gif'); $car5 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[4].'.gif'); $car6 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[5].'.gif'); $car7 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[6].'.gif'); $car8 = imagecreatefromgif($characterarray[7].'.gif'); $dest_x = 17; $dest_y = 33; $dest_x1 = 17; $dest_x2 = 43; $dest_x3 = 69; $dest_x4 = 95; $dest_x5 = 121; $dest_x6 = 147; $dest_x7 = 173; $dest_x8 = 199; imagecopymerge($image, $car1, $dest_x1, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car1), imagesy($car1), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car2, $dest_x2, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car2), imagesy($car2), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car3, $dest_x3, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car3), imagesy($car3), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car4, $dest_x4, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car4), imagesy($car4), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car5, $dest_x5, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car5), imagesy($car5), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car6, $dest_x6, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car6), imagesy($car6), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car7, $dest_x7, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car7), imagesy($car7), 100); imagecopymerge($image, $car8, $dest_x8, $dest_y, 0, 0, imagesx($car8), imagesy($car8), 100); imagejpeg($image); $filename = $characterarray[0].$characterarray[1].$characterarray[2].$characterarray[3].$characterarray[4].$characterarray[ 5].$characterarray[6].$characterarray[7].".jpg"; if (is_file($filename)) { readfile($filename); exit; } imagejpeg($image,$filename); imagedestroy($image); imagedestroy($car1); imagedestroy($car2); imagedestroy($car3); imagedestroy($car4); imagedestroy($car5); imagedestroy($car6); imagedestroy($car7); imagedestroy($car8); ?>
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