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  1. Okay, I know that I'm a new member here and what not, and I'm sure some people will attack me for no good reason, but hopefully whoever reads this actually gives real answers and critical analysis Basically I'm trying to make a sort of "tool kit" for web developers to increase the security of their applications, it's all-free and licensed under the MIT license, of course it's nothing new, but the goal is just to make things easier. I have a website setup at http://see.nodecrash.com which I hope explains everything, as well as provides workable code and implementation examples. I'd love if people could go through and give me some feedback, or point out any potential security problems within SEE. Anyway, any help is appreciated, and my apologies for the short post, I'm "typed out"
  2. Hey guys, found this forum via google, so decided to join up I currently have a script which uses imageJPEG (GD) to generate an image, I'm using the destination feature, which makes the function save the results to a regular .jpg image. The data form which the files are generated changes every two minutes, so there's a cron job to run the PHP script, and to save on CPU, I simply opted to save the output to an image. The only problem is that the browser caches the images, so solve this I need to add a header which causes the browser to not cache it. Herein lies the problem, I couldn't find any instructions on how to write headers to the outputed file. Any ideas? (P.S. There are some work arounds (php adding headers and calling the image), however I'd prefer to keep the bloat to the most minimal level).
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