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Everything posted by jellis

  1. Wow... that was so much easier than I anticipated. Here I was trying subqueries etc... and the answer was there all along. Thanks a bunch!
  2. Hi all, I've tried searching but have achieved nothing so far. I have a table as follows: - del_id booking fname lname email What I'd like to do is return DISTINCT bookings, but also COUNT how many time bookings are repeated. So the output would return the booking number and how many people on that booking. Thanks ladies and gents.
  3. Thankyou for your help. My left join is working for the time being, but I will change it to the inner join that you speak of and that will reduce it to one query only. Thankyou so much!
  4. Okay... I made another step (I think)... let me know if this is correct: "SELECT * FROM conf2007_speakpres LEFT JOIN conf2007_speakers ON conf2007_speakpres.speak_id = conf2007_speakers.speak_id WHERE conf2007_speakpres.pres_id = '$pres_id'"
  5. Hi all, Long time reader, first time poster. I'm absolutely stuck. I have the following table structure. Presentations pres_id title description date Speakers speak_id fname lname bio Speakpres sp_id speak_id pres_id I've written a page to display the information from a presentation. It queries the database based on the pres_id and returns those values... no problems. The problem arises when I try to return the presenter(s) from the presentation. I've tried numerous ways to return these values but I just cannot get it to work. My latest idea was this: "SELECT fname, lname FROM conf2007_speakers AS s, conf2007_speakpres AS sp WHERE sp.pres_id = '$pres_id' AND s.speak_id = sp.speak_id" but this is obviously wrong... Thanks for any input. Josh
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