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Everything posted by taurus

  1. i got the following MySQL code but its not working when i like compile/execute it: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS KWEADB; USE KWEADB; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS staff_member ( staff# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, staff_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, service VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (staff#)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS placement ( opening# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, start_date DATE, end_date DATE, total_bonds INT(6), rent SMALLINT(4)' PRIMARY KEY (opening#)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenant ( tenant# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, placement# SMALLINT(4), tenant_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, postal_address VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL, D.O.B DATE, gender ENUM('m','f'), marital_status VARCHAR(, #_of_people TINYINT(2), status ENUM(‘placed’, ‘waiting’) phone VARCHAR(10), comments VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (tenant#), FOREIGN KEY (placement#) REFERENCES placement (placement#)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS property ( property# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(15), #_of_rooms TINYINT(2), address VARCHAR(75), comments VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (property#)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS owner ( owner# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, owner_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, owner_address VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, owner_phone VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (owner#), FOREIGN KEY (property#) REFERENCES property (property#)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS possesion ( property# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, owner# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (property#, owner#), FOREIGN KEY (property#) REFERENCES property (property#), FOREIGN KEY (owner#) REFERENCES owner (owner#)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS report ( report# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, owner# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, rent SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED, rent_end DATE, service_fee INT(4) UNSIGNED, inspection VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (report#), FOREIGN KEY (property#) REFERENCES property (property#), FOREIGN KEY (owner#) REFERENCES owner (owner#)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS waiting_list ( waiting# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, opening# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, start_date DATE, property_type VARCHAR(15), rent_offered SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED, PRIMARY KEY (waiting#), FOREIGN KEY (opening#) REFERENCES placement (opening#)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS future_tenant ( property# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, waiting# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (property#, waiting#), FOREIGN KEY (property#) REFERENCES property (property#), FOREIGN KEY (waiting#) REFERENCES placement (waiting#)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS priority ( property# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, staff# SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (property#, staff#), FOREIGN KEY (property#) REFERENCES property (property#), FOREIGN KEY (staff#) REFERENCES staff_member (staff#)); Can someone help with it? THANKS
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