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Posts posted by harristweed

  1. uhhmm

    This displays the correct values:

    //$temp1 = $nonRBProducts[$counteri][3];
    $temp1 * 1;
    //$temp2 = $RBProducts[$counterr][3];
    $temp2 *  1;
    $temp3 = $temp1 + $temp2;
    echo"temp1 = $temp1<br />temp2 = $temp2<br />temp3 = $temp3<br />";


    Are you sure the variables $nonRBProducts[$counteri][3]; and $RBProducts[$counterr][3]; contain a value?


    And what is the purpose of attempting to multiplying by 1? If that's what you want to do because $temp2 *  1; wont do anything!

  2. Oh yes, doh!

    try changing

    $query = mysql_query("SELECT  AVG(customer_service) FROM rating WHERE cust_id LIKE '$search'"); 


    $query = mysql_query("SELECT  AVG(customer_service) FROM rating WHERE cust_id = '$search' "); 


  3. try

    <?php// dont use short tags!!!
    //connect to mysql
    //change user and password to your mySQL name and password
    //select which database you want to edit
    if (mysql_select_db("voogahco_microblog", $link_id));
    //get the mysql and store them in $result
    //change whatevertable to the mysql table you're using
    //change whatevercolumn to the column in the table you want to search
    // Make a MySQL Connection
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT  AVG(customer_service) FROM rating WHERE cust_id LIKE '$search'"); 
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

  4. NOT

    $sql = "INSERT INTO $table SET category='$category', supp_pn='$supp_pn', desc='$desc', $help='help'";
    mysql_query($sql)or die (mysql_error());


    $sql="INSERT INTO $table (category, supp_pn, desc, help)VALUES('$category', '$supp_pn', '$desc', '$help' )";

  5. You can't have a variable name that has a space in it!

    you have the ID as a variable

    Why not...

    $query_Connectors= sprintf("SELECT * FROM Connectors WHERE Conn_ID = %s",

  6. this is the first error

    $query_Connectors = "SELECT * FROM Connectors WHERE Conn_ID = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_Standard Connector, "int"));


    Space in variable name $colname_Standard Connector


    and same error furter down.....

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