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Everything posted by harristweed

  1. $new_val=strtotime($arr[7]); $into_db=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$new_val); //or $into_db=date("Y-d-m H:i:s",$new_val); depending on whether $arr[7] is America(mm/dd/yyyy) or English date format(dd/mm/yyyy) $sql = "INSERT INTO Links(URL,Title,Description,Email,SubmitURL,ContactedOn) VALUES('{$arr[0]}','{$arr[1]}','{$arr[2]}','{$arr[3]}','{$arr[4]}','$into_db"
  2. Works like a charm. Many thanks.
  3. I have a form in a pop up window. When the form is submitted a database is updated (via php). I then want the widow to close, I have this in the php script: exit("<a href=\"javascript:window.close();\">Close Window</a>"); Is it possible to get the window to close without the need to click on the link? You can see from the above that I am a total idiot where Javascript is concerned!
  4. Try this! <?php $email = "[email protected]"; $subject = "Test mail"; $message = "Hello! This is a simple email message."; $headers.= "From: [email protected]\n"; $headers.= "X-Priority: 2\n"; $headers.= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $headers.= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; if(mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers));
  5. and 2) have a look at http://www.htmlkit.com/services/favicon/
  6. Not a php problem. Have a look here: http://www.cssplay.co.uk/
  7. I have some scripts that i run consecutively. How I do it :I make one script out of the seveveral i.e. all_at_once.php <?php ini_set (max_execution_time,600); include_once("script1.php"); include_once("script2.php"); include_once("script3.php"); echo"finished"; ?> Then just run all_at_once.php I know it's a bit simple but it works for my needs, hope it helps!
  8. I think that you need the field names in the query: $query="INSERT INTO 'table' VALUES ('$_POST[street]','$_POST[city]','$_POST[stateabbr]',' $_POST[zipcode])"; should be: $query="INSERT INTO 'table' (street, city, stateabbr, zipcode ) VALUES ('$_POST[street]','$_POST[city]','$_POST[stateabbr]',' $_POST[zipcode])";
  9. $londonclub= (int) $_GET['londonclub']; will produce a '0' try: $londonclub= trim($_GET['londonclub']);
  10. ToonMariner is correct the xml should look like this: <taxonomy> <form id="1" name="category1"> <taxonomy> <form id="2" name="subcategory1"> </form> </taxonomy> </form> <form id="3" name="category2"> </form> <form id="4" name="category3"> </form> </taxonomy>
  11. Can you post the code for the upload form please
  12. when the url is index.php?page=home.php?x=2&y=3 try when the url is index.php?page=home.php&x=2&y=3
  13. $limit = 'LIMIT ' .($pageno - 1) * $rows_per_page .',' .$rows_per_page; if(($numrows % $limit) != 0) I don't think you can divide a number by a text string!
  14. look in php manual for: continue
  15. I think this will do it <?php $sql=""; $search_query=array(); if(trim($_POST['Designer'])!=="")$search_query[]=" Desiner='$_POST[Designer]' "; if(trim($_POST['Style'])!=="")$search_query[]=" Style ='$_POST[style]' "; if(trim($_POST['Colour'])!=="")$search_query[]="Colour = '$_POST[Colour]' "; $boxes=count($search_query); if($boxes==1) { $detail=implode(" ",$search_query); $sql="Where $detail"; } if($boxes>1) { $sql="Where "; $detail=implode(" and ",$search_query); $sql.=$detail; } //put $sql in the mysql query ?>
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