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Andu Jame

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Everything posted by Andu Jame

  1. how to include css style in my web page by using php5? how to make a link with image in ubuntu?
  2. how to make report by month?? i want to call out from my db but how to make the weekday function and also holiday??
  3. I have Ubuntu, Apache, PHP & MySql working and serving about 7-8 different sites. 2 are being served to the public, and the rest are local and testing sites, but they do work.
  4. hmm...can anybody help me??? how to make my website up in LAN?? im using ubuntu linux, mysql and php. using apache
  5. <? include("config/config.php"); $ip1=getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); //echo "ip1=$ip1<br>"; $q="select from kawalan_punch where id_kursus='$id_kursus'"; $r=mysql_query($q); $row=mysql_fetch_array($r); $ip2=row["ip_client"]; //echo "ip2=$ip2<br>"; if($ip1==$ip2){ $q1="insert into maklumat_kedatangan (id_pelajar,tarikh,masa,id_slot) values ('$id_pelajar','$tarikh','$masa','$id_slot')" $r1=mysql_query($q1); echo "You Are Punch In"; //punching id card for attendance system } ?>
  6. kawalan_punch is my db and $id_kursus is one of the row. $id_kursus is id for my workers....and i'm doing punch card system for attendance i want this code to verify according to $id_kursus. If $id_kursus is different it will show error msg
  7. can any1 help me?? Is that any error on this php code?? $ip1 = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); $q="select * from kawalan_punch where id_kursus ='$id_kursus'"; $row=mysql_fetch_array($r); $ip2=$row["ip_client"];
  8. How to use the css that already pre-made in my page??
  9. Can i get a example code??? pls
  10. Can i get some of code php that using function looping? and also can somebody help with code that use to get IP address??
  11. The time is working, I have another problem. Actually im trying control two system working separately, that system using for punch card their attendance. What are the code i should use?? To make that system works separate by using one server. Should i control it by IP address??
  12. Thanks a lot Actually i am doing punch card system for two department, they are using bar code scanner. Now,i have got problem with php code to controlling that two department to punch at same time but using only one server and two computers.It means, officer in department A can not punch card at department B and it same goes to officer in department B. What should i do,Can u pls HELP me with that php or js code Well..im really new to this programming.
  13. can u pleasegive that j.script??? i'm really very urgent to finish my page...bcoz i'm quit delay with my project..
  14. ??? What are the code to make "time" in website, automatically follows the server time the code i hv tried is: <? $today=date("F j,Y, g:i a"); echo date ("F j,Y, g:i a"); ?> this code make appear the time at my page but i'hv to refresh the page each time i open it..!!
  15. <? include("config/config.php"); include("fungsi_beza_masa.php"); $masa=date('H:i:s'); $i=0; //$masa_awal=mktime(0,10,0,0,0,0); //$masa_lewat=mktime(0,15,0,0,0,0); $hari=date("w"); if($hari<=4 && $hari>=1){ $q="SELECT * FROM slot"; } if($hari==5){ $q="SELECT * FROM slot_j"; } $r=mysql_query($q);s while($row=mysql_fetch_array($r)){ $id_slot=$row["id_slot"]; $masa_slot=$row["masa_slot"]; list($jam_slot, $minit_slot, $saat_slot) = split(":", $masa_slot); //echo "slot : $jam_slot, $minit_slot, $saat_slot<br>"; list($jam, $minit, $saat) = split(":", $masa); //echo "jam biasa : $jam, $minit, $saat<br>"; $t1=date("H:i:s", mktime($jam_slot-$jam, $minit_slot-$minit, $saat_slot-$saat, 0, 0, 0)); $t2=date("H:i:s", mktime($jam-$jam_slot, $minit-$minit_slot, $saat-$saat_slot, 0, 0, 0)); if($t1<'00:10:00'||$t2<'00:15:00'){ echo "Masa Boleh Punch t1 atau t2<tr>"; echo "masa slot semasa = $masa_slot dan masa = $masa,<br> tempoh "; echo "t1 = $t1 dan t2 = $t2<br>"; //insert disini if($hari<=4 && $hari>=1){ $q2="INSERT INTO maklumat_kedatangan (id_pelajar,tarikh,masa,id_slot) VALUES ('$id_pelajar','$tarikh','$masa','$id_slot')"; } if($hari==5){ $q2="INSERT INTO maklumat_kedatangan (id_pelajar,tarikh,masa,id_slot_j) VALUES ('$id_pelajar','$tarikh','$masa','$id_slot_j')"; } //echo "$q<br>"; $r2=mysql_query($q2); echo "Anda Telah Punch"; } //echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1;URL=punch.php\" a target = \"_self\"> "; } echo "<br>Jika mesej \"Anda Telah Punch\" Tidak Keluar, Anda Punch Diluar Waktu"; //echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1;URL=punch.php\" a target = \"_self\"> "; ?>
  16. well..im doing my final project for my studies (I'm very basic to using php) Using php 5 to create a system punch card for student attendance, i'm stuck when doing weekday function. Can somebody help me???
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