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  1. I am basically trying to create a hyperlink that will launch a batch file. The batch file is used for file synchronization. Any help would be appreciated...
  2. The batch file is to be run on the server. This is to be a part of a small companies intranet so the security aspect is not a concern. User's must login to this specific page and there is not but a few user's that will even be granted access.
  3. Hey no problem, I appreciate the help. I have already tried this as well
  4. Thanks for the response but I have already tried this. The only thing this does is to write what would be displayed in the command prompt window to the browser??
  5. Hello Gang, I am trying to run a batch file from a php file via a web browser but cannot get it to execute. This is part of an intranet application and I am pulling my hair out trying to get it to work. The code below should work but when I call the page throught IE nothing happens. Any ideas? <?php exec("SyncNow.bat"); ?>
  6. Hey gang, I need a little help creating a Query. I have a table storing info about visitors to our company. The name of the table is "visitors" and it has an "arrivalDate" field and a "departureDate" field. Both of these fields are of DateTime data type and both fields are populated prior to the visitors arrival, neither field will accept a null value. I need to run a report each day to see which visitors are currently on site. I am by no means a SQL expert and I am drawing a blank on how to extract this info?? Entry Example: name: John Doe arrivalDate: 1/16/08 departureDate: 1/20/08 So every morning between 1/16/08 and 1/20/08 John Doe must show up on the report I was trying to do something like this with my code (using todays date): SELECT name FROM visitors WHERE ((MONTH(arrivalDate) = 1 AND DAY(arrivalDate) >= 15 AND YEAR(arrivalDate) = 2008) AND (MONTH(departureDate) ????? if I were to go this route, it is the second half of the query that I am having problems. Am I going about this all wrong? Please help!
  7. finally got it straight with a different approach but thanks for the help. <html> <head> <title>Submit Hider</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function onSubmitButton(){ document.getElementById("submitButtonDiv").style.display = "none"; if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { document.getElementById("progressBar").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("progressBar").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("progressBar").innerHTML = "<img src='progressbar.gif' alt='Progress Bar'>"; } else { document.getElementById("progressBar").style.display = "block"; } } </script> <body> <form action="" onsubmit="return onSubmitButton()"> <div id="submitButtonDiv"> <input type="submit" value="submit"> </div> <div id="progressBar" style="display:none"> <img src="progressbar.gif" alt="Progress Bar"> </div> </form> </body> </html>
  8. This works but my form does not get submitted??
  9. I have a form in which I am trying to hide the submit button once it has been clicked and replace it with a gif image. The code that I am trying is below but I cannot get it to work. Right now both elements show up at the same time. Please help! <script type="javascript"> function onSubmit(){ document.getElementById('submitButton').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('progressBar').style.display = "block"; } </script> <form action="..." onSubmit="return onSubmit()"> ..... <div id="submitButton"> <input type="button" value="submit"> </div> <div id="progressBar" style="display: hidden"> <img src="progressbar.gif"> </div> </form>
  10. Alright gang, This one has me baffled and I am hoping someone will take the time to help me figure this out. This script is selecting order numbers from a db based off of the order type and the time period that the order was placed. The table that I am searching archives every line item for each order, there is a part number field and a order number field for every record. So if there are 10 items on the order, the order number will appear 10 times in the table. At this point, I am only concerned with the order number itself and I do not want the order number to duplicate in my results from the query. Please see the code below, pay attention to the $check and the $ordernum variables. I am using the $check variable to eliminate the duplications in the while loop but for whatever reason, it does not always work. 95% of the time it works but I need it to work every time. Does anyone have any better ideas for eliminating duplications? <? $check = ""; $countrec = 1; $warque = "SELECT sddoco, sddcto, sdshan, sdivd, sdrcd FROM query1 WHERE sdivd >= $from AND sdivd <= $to AND sdrcd LIKE '$warcode'"; $result4 = odbc_exec($warcon, $warque); while (odbc_fetch_row($result4)){ $ordernum = odbc_result($result4, 1); $ordertype = odbc_result($result4, 2); $shipto = odbc_result($result4, 3); $ivdcode = odbc_result($result4, 4); $reason = odbc_result($result4, 5); if (($ordernum != $check) AND ($ordertype != "CR") AND ($ordertype != "CV") AND ($ordertype != "CW")){ ?> <tr> <td align="center"><font color="#666666" face="Tahoma"><?echo $countrec++?></td></font> <td align="center"><font face="Tahoma"> <a href='<?print ("warorder.php?ordernum=$ordernum&ordertype=$ordertype&date=$date&shipto=$shipto&reason=$reason&custname=$custname");?>'title="<?echo "$ordernum $ordertype"?>" target='_blank'><?echo "$ordernum $ordertype"?></a> </td></font> <td align="center"><font color="#666666" face="Tahoma"><?echo $reason?></td></font> <td align="center"><font color="#666666" face="Tahoma"><?echo $custname?></td></font> <td align="center"><font color="#666666" face="Tahoma"><?echo $date?></td></font> <td width="20" align="center"><font size= face="Tahoma"> <b><a><button name="open" value="none" type="submit">create</button></a></b></font> <input type="hidden" name="ordernum" value='<?print ("$ordernum");?>'> <input type="hidden" name="ordertype" value='<?print ("$ordertype");?>'> <input type="hidden" name="date" value='<?print ("$date");?>'> <input type="hidden" name="reason" value='<?print ("$reason");?>'> <input type="hidden" name="month" value='<?print ("$month");?>'> <input type="hidden" name="year" value='<?print ("$year");?>'> <input type="hidden" name="shipto" value='<?print ("$shipto");?>'> <input type="hidden" name="custname" value='<?print ("$custname");?>'> </td> </tr> <? } $check = $ordernum; } odbc_close($connect); odbc_close($warcon); ?>
  11. dkirk


    your gonna get spanked for asking this question in this forum... checked out the link below and then google eclipse PDT http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/board,16.0.html
  12. Is there a way to create pdf files commercially using php without having to purchase the pdflib. I am currently running php 5.1.4, is it not possible to use the php_pdf.dll? I have never looked into this and now I need to create and save pdf files dynamically. Can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks for any help.
  13. Can anyone tell me where I can find some tutorials or documentation on getting started using eclipse pdt? I have downloaded the all in one package and it looks very promising but some guidance as to what it can do and how to do it would be great....
  14. I have been using Crimson editor for the last year and a half and it does pretty good but I was interested to see what everyone is using and if there is a "better" free text editor out there for PHP???
  15. Thanks esukf, that did the trick. I appreciate the help, best regards....
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