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Everything posted by vzent

  1. Hi, Does anyone has experience in using WebDAV in PHP to connect to Exchanger server 2003, i have found some code on the internet, and downloaded Exchange SDK for further development. However, i have problem constructing the XML query to query to Exchange server. I am trying to display the "text" (urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription) of the email item in Exchange. I can retrieve all the properties for the email item based on the following code: $h->xmlrequest = '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; $h->xmlrequest .= <<<END <a:propfind xmlns:a="DAV:" > <a:allprop/> </a:propfind> END; However, i would just want to retrieve the "text" out of all properties. Does anyone has experience in doing this ? I need your expertise, thanks for helping !
  2. Hi everyone, I am trying to use MAPI in PHP. I have also downloaded and registered the CDO.DLL from Microsoft website. Instead of using "$oFldr = $oNs->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox);", i have changed it to "$oFldr = $oNs->GetDefaultFolder(6);" because "olFolderInbox" is not recognized outside of Outlook, 6 is the actual value of olFolderInbox. However, when i run the script, OUTLOOK.EXE is running in the background, after that i have got the following errors: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message '<b>Source:</b> Microsoft Office Outlook<br/><b>Description:</b> Cannot complete the operation. You are not connected.' And my OUTLOOK.exe automatically disappeared in background (from Task Manager). Do you guys have the same problem before ? Where could it gone wrong ? Here is the code: <?PHP global $UnreadMessagesInFolder; class COutLook{ //function for retreiving messages from the selected folder (Inbox or Outbox) function getMessages($folder){ //Setup the folder table,.there is 4 elements: //message number,message subject ,message type and date received echo"<body text=darkblue> <br><font color=red face=verdana size=3><b>$folder</b></font> <table width=100%> <TR bgcolor=#EEEFFF><td><font face=verdana size=2>N:</td><td> <font face=verdana size=2> Subject</td><TD> <font face=verdana size=2 >Type</TD><TD><font face=verdana size=2> Date</TD></TR>"; //creating the COM instance for Outlook.application and MAPI session(access the outlook folders object) $oOutlook = new COM("Outlook.Application"); $session= new COM("MAPI.Session"); //Log into the session like default user $session->Logon(); //key in username and password here //selecting working folder Inbox ot Outbox/ $inb=$session->$folder; //get the total messages in Folder $messages=$inb->Messages->Count(); //get the elements of the message object for($i=1;$i<($messages+1);$i++){ $item=$inb->Messages->item($i); //date string $timeres=$item->TimeReceived(); $date_vb=getdate($timeres); //date elements $year=$date_vb['year']; $month=$date_vb['mon']; $day=$date_vb['mday']; //entering the folder elements echo "<tr bgcolor=#F0F0F0><td><font face=verdana size=2 color=darkblue>$i</td><td><font face=verdana size=2 color=darkblue> <a href=view.php?id=$i&folder=$folder target=bottomFrame><font face=verdana size=2 color=#FF6666>$item->Subject</font></td><td><font face=verdana size=2 color=darkblue>$item->Type</td><td><font face=verdana size=1 color=darkblue>$year/$month/$day</td></font><tr>"; } echo"</table>"; } //view mesage from selected folder (Inbox or Outbox) function ViewMessageFromFolder($id,$folder){ //create new instance of the COM Objects $oOutlook = new COM("Outlook.Application"); $session= new COM("MAPI.Session"); //Log into the current working session $session->Logon(); //get default folder $inb=$session->$folder; if($id==""){ echo "<font face=verdana size=2 color=darkblue>Message Viewer</font><br><font face=verdana size=2 color=red><center>No Messages Selected</center></font>"; } else{ $idint=(int)$id; //get the messages in the selested folder $items=$inb->Messages->item($idint); //make message status read= true $items->Unread="false"; //Update the message status into Outlook's Inbox $items->Update(true); //display the message echo"<font face=verdana size=2 color=darkblue>Message Viewer</font>"; echo"<table width=100%><tr><td><font face=verdana size=2 color=darkblue>$i</td><td><font face=verdana size=2 color=darkblue> <b>$items->Subject</b></td><td><font face=verdana size=2 color=darkblue>$items->Type</td><td></td></font><tr> <tr><td colspan=4><pre><font face=verdana size=2 color=darkblue>$items->Text</pre></td></tr>"; } } function getUnreadinInbox(){ //get unread messages from the Inbox Folder $oOutlook = new COM("Outlook.Application"); $oNs = $oOutlook->GetNamespace("MAPI"); //$oFldr = $oNs->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox); $oFldr = $oNs->GetDefaultFolder(6); //You have referenced 2 Outlook variables by their names, olFolderInbox and olFolderOutbox. These names are// not recognised outside of Outlook, so you must use their values instead. olFolderInbox = 6 and //olFolderOutbox = 4 $UnreadMessagesInFolder = $oFldr->UnReadItemCount; return $UnreadMessagesInFolder; } function getUnreadinOutbox(){ //get unread messages from the Outbox Folder $oOutlook = new COM("Outlook.Application"); $oNs = $oOutlook->GetNamespace("MAPI"); $oFldr = $oNs->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderOutbox); //$oFldr = $oNs->GetDefaultFolder(4); $UnreadMessagesInFolder = $oFldr->UnReadItemCount; return $UnreadMessagesInFolder; } function staticFolders(){ // List of the avaailable folders (static !!!) $unread=$this->getUnreadinInbox(); $out_unr=$this->getUnreadinOutbox(); echo"<font color=blue face = verdana size=1>Available folders in this version are: <a href=comunread.php?folder=Inbox>Inbox(<font color=red>$unread</font>)</a> and <a href=comunread.php?folder=Outbox>Outbox(<font color=red>$out_unr</font>)</a></font>"; } //end of classs } ?>
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