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Everything posted by GetYourArse

  1. thanks didn't know that will be so simple
  2. i got this error You can't specify target table 'mytable' for update in FROM clause
  3. Ok how do i update a row with the lowest id? is this correct or is there a better way? UPDATE table SET title = '$utitle' WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM table ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1)
  4. I have a table with 2 columns. (id | title) id is not auto-increment but is unquie. Example i have these rows [1] ["test"] [3] ["test again"] [5] ["another test"] I want to insert a new row, with the id set to the lowest number possible and not 0 and not taken. So in this example the id should be 2. If anyone played gunbound you should know the room system, I'm trying to do that. Hope anyone understand me.
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