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Posts posted by Crew-Portal

  1. roopurt18 Your cats are cute. Ya like myself I started off life with 8 cats in our house and now we only have 3. Thier names are:



    And Josie.


    Not sure why I made this post because Im not sure if anyone really cares about my cats names but ohwell...  ;)

  2. I can help a bit.


    For a lot of things, use double quotes, insted of single. Well, its hard to explain when to use double or single, read up on it.


    Also, use

    <br />

    insted of



    Use <?PHP insted of <? or <?php


    And check for a lot of possible things. My friend has everything, literally EVERYTHING secure on his site. the battle's 7000+ lines long. Even macros are unusable.


    What its not more security safe using <?php <?PHP or <? they all do the same thuing. as far a <br> and <br /> They do the exact same except <br> is for Html While <br /> is for Xhtml.

  3. Well it figures you gotta start it off with something really easy and make it harder as you go along. You also need like 3 questions per level so it choses a random one so no-one can cheat. But it figures you should start off with what does the echo statement do? Then:






    And ect ect...

  4. Yes being online that long can have bad effects with the radiation coming off of your monitors. Just do what I do, because CRT radiation can make your skin really pale. Just go and hop into a sunbed for 12 mins a day. Thats what I do and I wont lieits the only thing preventing me from looking like a ghost. (Pale I mean). But personally speaking. There is absolutly nothing wrong with spending time on the comp as long as your doing something useful like programming because that can be turned into a job for you. Its better than some jobs out there. I would personally rather be with a partner building a program than working at a fast food place flipping burgers.

  5. Thats sad. That is what happened to my cat about 12 years ago. I was only 4 at the time but the cat was still alive and it bleed to death on our porch. It was a very sad moment for us and Im really sorry to hear that happened to you.  :'(

    Hope you feel Better soon.

  6. My PHP Intellegence is just how good on a scale of 1-10 I think I am. So I know about 47% of all of the PHP functions and I know how to incorperate them into any situation. Its not a test or anythingh fancy I took its just on a scale of how good I think I am, just so people who hire me for freelancing can see how good I think my skills are in the language.

  7. <?php
    function valid_phone($phone)
      //validate password
      if(ereg("^[0-9]+$",$phone) && strlen($phone) = 10)
      return true;
      return false;
    $phone = $_POST['phone'];
    if(!valid_phone ($_POST['phone'])) {
    $error = "Invalid Phone Number";
    else {
    echo "(" . $phone[0] . $phone[1] . $phone[2] . ")" . $phone[3] . $phone[4] . $phone[5] . "-" . $phone[6] . $phone[7] . $phone[8] . $phone[9];
    // If The Phone number entered was 5555555555 it will produce (555)555-5555
    // It will also make sure the number is 10 digits long and only numeric

  8. Keep Getting hacked till I stop getting hacked. Okay that makes sencse, Ill just make sure I make backups of my databases and stuff like idk every week or couple of days. Thanks! and ya Ill use mysql_real_escape_string(); But I got one last question. Is it possible for someone to upload a file to my comp using sql injection? because I think someone did on my ?page= area.

  9. Im really not sure how to do this and I am always trying new things so here is how I think it would be done...


    if(!$password[0](ereg("^[a-zA-Z]+$",$password))) {
    $error = 'Your Password Has To Start Off Alpha! (A-Z)';

  10. Try This:



    function valid_password($pass1)
      //validate password
      if(ereg("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$",$pass1) && strlen($pass1) >= 5 && strlen($pass1) <= 20)
      return true;
      return false;



    if(!valid_password($_POST['pass1'])) {
    $error = $tblstart . 'You Did Not Enter A Password Or Your Password Is Invalid' . $tblend;


    This should work, A little more complicated than your code but for verfication the more the merrier!

  11. Would any of you fine gentlemen be at all interested in posting ways I can secure my PHP scripts from SQL Injection? I am not a hacker so I do not know how there done and I do not know how to protect myself. Ive been SQL Injected before and it sucks big time!

    All I know is:



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