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Everything posted by dlebowski

  1. Hi Corbin. I understand the concept of how it works. I just need to know how to implement it.
  2. I am having a hard time finding anything online that explains what I would need to do to stream live audio on my website. For example, I want one user to be able to talk into the mic plugged into their computer and someone on the other end to hear it real time (or very close to real time). Does anyone have any idea have to set this up on a dedicated server. I do not want to use a third party application to do that. Any help would be great. Thank you.
  3. Ah. Thanks man. I forgot the Content-Type header!
  4. $outbidnotice = "Please click <a href=index.php?Number=$Lot&Date=$Date>HERE >></a> to bid again!"; mail($HighBidderOrigEmail, 'Subject of email!', $outbidnotice, 'From: [email protected]'); Is there anyway to make this link work in the subject of this email? Thanks for having a look.
  5. I would just want to update the table structure. The table names would never be different. It would just be adding new tables or new fields to existing tables. Basically I have my development database and then my "live" databases. I want to make changes to the development database structure, export it, then import it into the live databases without messing up the existing data in the database.
  6. I am referring to the import feature in phpmyadmin. Sorry I'm unclear. I'm not good with explaining myself on here. If I am in phpmyadmin, can I use that import feature to import new db structures without overwriting the existing data?
  7. Hello. I have been using mysql and phpmyadmin for quite a while and came across a question the other day that I couldn't answer. Is it possible to import in a new database structure (i.e. - i added some new tables, and modified other tables) without overriding the existing database data? Basically I have a number of different databases that all have the same structure. If I update the database structure, it would be much easier to be able to import the new structure without compromising the existing data. Please let me know if anyone is aware of a way to do this. Thanks. Ryan
  8. What I want to do, is have the results of a MYSQL query be displayed on my page every 5 seconds without have to refresh the page. So for example, I have a MYSQL query that I can run that will display results on my page if I click refresh or with an autorefresh. I don't want to have to use those. I would like for javascript to run and automatically display the MYSQL query data on the page. Is this possible? Thank you!
  9. This may be an AJAX question, but I thought I'd start here. What I want to do, is have the results of a MYSQL query be displayed on my page every 5 seconds without have to refresh the page. So for example, I have a MYSQL query that I can run that will display results on my page if I click refresh or with an autorefresh. I don't want to have to use those. I would like for javascript to run and automatically display the MYSQL query data on the page. Is this possible? Thank you!
  10. No. Forums in general for me are rough. As for "non-technical", that was what I was trying to do when I "slopped" code in there. Thanks again. Ryan
  11. That is what I needed. I have a hard time explaining what I am trying to do in these forums and I appreciate your patience. Ryan
  12. I don't think I explained what I am trying to do very well. The form submission will be to an update query. How does that update query know to go through each input in the form submission and update the database? The results of my query below will return many existing entries from the database for update. I want to click the submit button once to update all of them.
  13. Is it possible to only use one submit button to update all the values of a query in a form? What I have is the results of a query associated with input fields. There will be up to 10 results per page. Each has it's own individual entry in the database. Can I go through somehow and update all the input fields and then click submit once and update all the fields? Below is a rough sketch of what I am trying to do. I would like to avoid javascript if possible. Thank you for your help. $query="SELECT table1, table2 FROM database; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); <form> while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $table1 = ($row['table1']); $table2 = ($row['table2']); <input type='text' name='ud_table1' value='<? echo $table1 ?>'> <input type='text' name='ud_table2' value='<? echo $table2 ?>'> } <input type='submit' value=submit></form>
  14. I am using Zenoss. It requires me to use port 8080. On the server itself I have to enter in to bring up in browser.
  15. All I am wanting to do is have a user on our network browse to www.url.com and it redirect them to www.url.com:8080. That will take care of my problem. May not even be an apache related issue. This is where I thought I'd start. Currently if a user MANUALLY types in www.url.com:8080 on our network, it works fine. I just want them to be able to type in www.url.com and it take them to www.url.com:8080. Thanks for your help. Ryan
  16. I have not done that in the past. Can you give me an example of what that would look like and what file needs modified? Thanks for your help!
  17. I have a server running Centos 5 and I have running a site from that server. I need anyone browsing to www.url.com to go to www.url.com:8080. I made a DNS entry on our network for www.url.com to point to and that is working OK. I just need it to somehow resolve to www.url.com:8080. I am assuming this needs modified in the apache config, but not sure. Any help would be great! Thanks. Ryan
  18. In you honest opinion (I know we are all big fans of php) would you use php gtk or would you go with c# and .net?
  19. This has been helpful. So I would have to totally rewrite my applications to work with GTK?
  20. All, I have a web based application written in .php that I want to offer as a standalone app as well. I would really like to use PHP GTK2, but it seems like it would be difficult to compile this into a .exe for my clients to install. For one, I don't think there is a windows compiler that works with GTK2 that I am aware of, and the other concern is regarding protection of my code. I don't want someone hijacking my code if they are running in on a stand alone machine. I have been looking around the internet all day for a straightforward tutorial or guide on converting existing php applications to work with PHP GTK2, and have not have much luck. I would hate to go the .net MSSQL route. Any help or input would be appreciated. Thanks. Ryan
  21. Ober, Thank you for the quick response. One of the big concerns with XAMPP is the security. Do you have some direction for me as to what I would confirm in regards to the security? Is it more or less the same precautionary measures you take with any LAMP server? Also, would I just be able to zip up the entire XAMPP configuration, with my application included, and then have them unzip it and run xampp? I don't believe there is any installation involved with XAMPP. I think you just download the program and run it from the directory structure provided when downloaded. Ryan
  22. I wanted to get a few peoples take on using XAMPP or WAMP to run a .php application client side. I have some concern with people not wanting to use my application because it's web based and I host it. I have looked at php GTK, but looks like it would be challenging for my client to install and configure. I love using XAMPP for my testing, is this even something to consider for my clients to be able to run my apps without an internet connection? My biggerst concern from a developer's side of things is someone hijacking my code. I could encrypt it, but I'm not even sure that is an option with XAMP. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks! Ryan
  23. Should I concerned about security with the code below? If so, how would I use mysql_real_escape_string to secure it? Thanks in advance. if(isset($_POST['submit1']))
  24. CentOS and I'm not sure how php was installed. The people that host my server took care of it for me and that was over a year ago.
  25. Is there any way that I can "safely" move this file as well as update my php installation to know where the new file resides?
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