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Posts posted by immanuelx2

  1. Hey guys, wondering if someone could point me to a sample preg_replace() function that searches for an URL of any kind and encloses it in tags


    The one I found so far is

    $text = preg_replace('@(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $text);


    but for some reason, if the URL contains a dash "-" it thinks the URL has ended.. ???


    Thanks in advance

  2. <?php
    $value= 'This is my "article"';
    function input($value)
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $value = stripslashes($value);}
    if (!is_numeric($value)){ $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";}
       return $value;
    echo $value;


    gives me:


    'This is my "article"'




    a) you are not even using the function

    b) you are not using it in a query

  3. How do you know - "it only inputs the contents until the first double quote is reached"


    It's likely you have a problem when you output it onto a web page. What does a "view source" of the output look like?


    Say the following is true:


    $_POST['articletitle'] = 'This is my "article"';


    After the insert, if I look in the MySQL table, I only get 'This is my '

  4. Hey guys.


    I have a piece of code that puts the contents of a textbox into a mysql database:


    mysql_query("INSERT INTO articles VALUES(NULL, ".input($_POST['articlecategory']).", ".input($_POST['articletitle']).", NULL, ".input($_POST['articletext']).", ".input($_SESSION['user_id']).", UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '0')")


    And here is the input function


    function input($value)
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $value = stripslashes($value);
    if (!is_numeric($value)) $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
    return $value;


    Now the problem is, if there is a double quote inside the $_POST['articletitle'] variable, it only inputs the contents until the first double quote is reached. However, there are no problems with single quotes.


    Now the weird thing is, that only has a problem with textbox contents.  The $_POST['articletext'] can have single or double quotes with no problems!


    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  5. Hey guys.


    I am building a PHP/MySQL search feature that is quite simple. A user inputs keyword(s) and the MySQL finds the terms in a body of text.


    However, if that body of text contains an URL (bbcode [ur=http://www.blahblahblah.com]Blah[/url]) it will actually search through the URL and return a part of that. Is there some way I can get the MySQL to ignore anything inside [] brackets?


    Thanks in advance.

  6. Here's what i've got:


    function comment_output($comment)
    $bbcode = array
    	'#\[/quote\]\n#i' => '[/quote]',
    	'@\[quote=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/quote\]@si' => '<div class="quote"><h1>\\1 said:</h1>\\2</div>'
    $comment = preg_replace(array_keys($bbcode), array_values($bbcode), $comment);
    $comment = nl2br($comment);
    return $comment;


    Here's what it's giving me:



  7. Well I suppose we could exchange str_replace for a version of your preg_replace like so:



    $article['short'] = 'Some text... Car Some more text... [Car] Even more text.. finally, Car and [Car]!';
    $pattern = '#(^|\])[^[]+#';
    $_GET['search'] = 'some'; // Obviously, you won't use this line, as you have your $_GET value.. I just use this as a test
    function replace($a){
    return preg_replace('#\b('.$_GET['search'].')\b#i', '<span style="background:#ffffab">\1</span>', $a[0]);
    $article_short = preg_replace_callback($pattern, 'replace', $article['short']);
    echo $article_short;


    This worked :)


    Thanks a lot for helping with this complex problem. However, now I realize that it still return articles if a match is found in the URLS... so I have to figure out a way for MySQL to recognize where the URLS are and not include them in the LIKE '%search%' statement



  8. Any idea why this isn't working? Different but similar problem..


    I'm basically trying to ignore the first \n (newline) after the



    <?php $bbcode = array
    	'@\[/quote\]\\n@si' => '[/quote]', // this one doesn't work
    	'@\[quote=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/quote\]@si' => '<div class="quote"><h1>\\1 said:</h1>\\2</div>' // this one works fine
    $comment = preg_replace(array_keys($bbcode), array_values($bbcode), $comment);

  9. Well, those 'extra steps' takes what preg finds (outside the [] characters), then to the replace function, uses str_replace to replace any $variable found. A regular preg_replace alone would not do all that.


    All you need to do is change a) the $variable that you want to see replaced, and b) $str to the string you want to check.


    Hmm. Thanks for the reply... Here is my delimma though


    I am trying to get a search highlighted fields script going, and right now I have


    $article_short = preg_replace("/\b(".$_GET['search'].")\b/i", '<span style="background:#ffffab">\1</span>', $article['short']);


    that goes through and encloses all instances of $_GET['search'] with that span tag. However, the problem is that if there is a with the variable present, it will replace the URL with span tags and mess it up.


    So how can I do that? Your example used str_replace which I don't think will work for my situation.

  10. hey all.


    I currently have a preg_replace function to highlight search terms with the following:

    <?php $article_text = preg_replace("/\b(".$_GET['search'].")\b/i", '<span style="background:#ffffab">\1</span>', $article['text']);


    However, the problem is that if a URL using bbcode (ex. Link) contains the search keyword, it will wrap <span> around it and mess up the link.  Is there any way I can add to the regexp where "search term" is NOT between "" ?


    Thanks in advance

  11. Hey all. I am trying to implement a comment system for my website, which makes use of nl2br().


    My question is how to limit the number of consecutive \n so that users cannot spam enter and enter a long blank comment.


    I would preferably like to replace all consecutive \n with just "" (nothing) after the first two ( \n\n )


    Regex Noob here, so please explain it for a dummy ;)

    Thanks in advance..

  12. Hey all. I have been trying to figure this out for literally several hours and my head is starting to hurt. I come to you experts as a last resort.  I am by no means a regexp expert, in fact the format below is something I snagged off the internet, so it may be wrong...


    So far I have this for my bbcode parsing:

    $bbcode = array(
    	'@\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/url\]@si' => '<a href="\\1" target="_blank">\\2</a>',
    	'@\[quote\](.*?)\[/quote\]@si' => '<i>"\\1"</i>',
    	'@\[ul\](.*?)\[/ul\]@si' => '<ul>\\1</ul>' ,
    	'@\[li\](.*?)\[/li\]@si' => '<li>\\1</li>' 
    return preg_replace(array_keys($bbcode), array_values($bbcode), $string);


    However, when it comes to the "ul" and "li" tags... I want to omit any newline ("\n") characters before or after those elements, because I have a nl2br() statement that parses right at the end to output the HTML, and since <li> tags are naturally list-type elements, they don't need extra <br /> around them.


    Just like in these forums:

    [*]item 1
    [*]item 2


    between items 1 and 2, and the two list tags, no additional line breaks are added, even though there are newlines created when that code is written. So my question is, how can I remove the newlines at those specific points only, so that my nl2br() can parse the rest of the newlines in my string as breaks?


    Thanks in advance for any help

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