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Everything posted by Mink

  1. I wrote the code below to access tables that my Drupal installation created to insert information into a custom php page. Specifically it links pictures to a data type pulled from Druapl and makes them all nice. It was working just dandy before, but then 1and1 hosting decided they wanted to overcharge me and then make my site setup unavailable. I got over that quickly, got a new host, and now on the new host the code below is not working. The table is set up like this: What is happening is that the code pulls up the information from the same picture, and it will not put the correct number of images (as you can see in the picture, 3 images but on the report only 2 show). The image is posts is only for the image with "delta" of 0. Please assist! Thanks in advance. <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM files where nid='$CR'") or die(mysql_error()); $tot=count($result); $num=0; while ( $tot >= $num ) { $question= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM content_field_uphoto where nid='$CR' and delta=$num") or die(mysql_error()); $pic= mysql_fetch_array($question); $url = $pic['field_uphoto_alt'] ; print ("<a href='http://curseoftime.com/GRS/drupal/files/$url'><img src='http://curseoftime.com/GRS/drupal/files/$url' height=150 width=150></a> "); $num++; } ?>
  2. I am a complete newbie when it comes to PHP yet my boss has decided this is the way to go in putting an application for his company on the web. Drupal seems to be the closest to what I need so I have it and their case management module and I am trying to change it to fit our needs. And well, it isn't going well because of how new to everything I am. I work for a reposession company that handles high dollar hard to find cars. The system needs to track assignments to us giving access also to the company that hired us and the companies we hired. The case management system has a similar range but is needing some changes to make it suit my needs. The least of all being that there are not enough fields in the module to be able to cover the information needed for the assignment. I don't know how to make it use my tables for data. Attached are the module, and a dump of the tables that I set up for an access database that was the original idea to get this worked out. Any help at all would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. [attachment deleted by admin]
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