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  1. Is it possible to use JS to write to a txt file?
  2. Does anyone have ideas for this? Thanks!
  3. So when I googled this, from what I've read it seems PHP can't get the page anchor bit. If I'm wrong, please let me know. I did find JS that does what I want but how would I get the output of the JS to be a variable in php? Is that possible? document.write(location.href);
  4. That returns the URL of the page but still does not include the page anchor.
  5. Is it possible to get the page anchor name when using $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];? So instead of mysite.com/one.html it'll show mysite.com/one.html#two
  6. Right now they're all on a separate line but I can change it if another way would be easier.
  7. Hello, How would I go about adding the numbers in a txt file and then dividing by however many numbers there are? Thanks for the info.
  8. thebestone


    Say I wanted to use a swf on page but had to have it in a .png extension rather than the .swf extension. Is it possible to do this? I've tried various things but none of them work and I'm out of ideas.
  9. Is it possible to detect where on a page someone clicks with PHP? If so, can you point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  10. Hello everyone, I'm sure this is a pretty easy thing to do but since I'm pretty new at PHP, I'm not sure how to do it. Basically I want to search a page for words and if they are found I want the script to do one thing. If they're not found, I want it to do something else. If someone could point me in the right direction it'd be very appreciated. Thanks.
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