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  1. So, I've set up IIS6.0 following a tutorial. I made my "WEB_ROOT" file, according to this tutorial. Now, I've never set up a web server before. I am doing this for a friend, because I have experience with SQL, php, html and the like. Unfortunately, this does not help much. What I am trying to do is set up a directory for files such as maps, models, and the like so that I may set a server to download it from the website. So, I've set this up um...fairly well, I suppose. The problem is, I believe, that if you go to the site (by IP, naturally. Domain names are for losers ) you see this directory. This is a good thing, unfortunately, when you select a file, it should attempt to send you that file. It doesn't do this, it says it is not found. This isn't because the folders aren't there. I just must be unaware of what to do. If anyone could help, that would be appreciated. I've no idea how to set this up.
  2. Ok, so I've got a dedicated server which is being managed remotely, on windows 2003 server edition. The problem being, I can essentially only do SQL managing, setup, etc. So my knowledge of this is very limited. It was suggested to me that I install Apache, it is also important to mention that I did not install IIS6.0, and have just installed the latest version of Apache. So, essentially I am trying to set up a place to put maps, models, and files to use as a fast download ressource for a half-life server. I have no idea whatsoever how to setup Apache or IIS6.0 or both to do this. I'm at your mercy. Any ideas? Experiences? **I apologize, I edited a bit and IIS6.0 now shows the directory where I place these files, so this is now a IIS problem. A problem because it does not allow me to download through it.
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