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Posts posted by source

  1. "Aquarium filtered 0 words in 0.01 seconds and found 0 bad words.

    Stats: 0 words per second,

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/groups/a/aq/aquarium-filter/htdocs/process.php on line 18

    0% bad words.


    Filtered Text:"


    when I enter <"

  2. strip_tags





    what I meant is exactly what I said I can download any file off of your server.


    Does this look firmiliar?





        // some basic sanity checks


            //connect to the db

            $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "jagguy_***edited****", "")or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error());

            // select our database

            mysql_select_db("jagguy_school") or die(mysql_error());






    wow, running mysql with no password.



    as I said I can download any file off of your server


    ANY FILE. admin.php login2.php login.php sviewOutbox.php

  3. I didnt find anything (tho I didnt look very hard this time, I will again later, busy with my own site)...


    One of the MOST annoying things was the "real" email thing, you lose all data if you dont enter a real email... >:(


    and have to re-type to test it.

  4. http://speaker219.ath.cx:8080/pastebin/paste.php?post=admin.php



    you're opening anything that is there, rfi.


    I can sign up with "><script>alert(1);</script>


    and it will xss...



    also, I can include any text file http://speaker219.ath.cx:8080/message/admin.php?hand=admin.php&view=true



    also, sending a message can contain anycode.


    I do not need to register, and I can login as anyone simply by changing




    the value of $_GET['hand'];


    deleting all from IP I entered


    and I got these errors


    Warning: file(<?php echo $h; ?>.txt) [function.file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/lampp/htdocs/message/test.php on line 12


    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /opt/lampp/htdocs/message/test.php on line 20


    It may be because I tried to change my hand=<?php echo "Shit"; ?> And somehow it fucked it all up.


    you're using txt files to store the data, :/


    also,i can registere the same id over and over.



    " excuse me 74.******.*****.****** but can you stop trying to hack me ;)"


    well what the "heck" do you want me to do? let someone else abuse your system?

  5. btw: I just tried to register the username Tester and p/w password and it said it worked...


    (Yeah I know you not to, but I couldn't resist.)




    roflmao now no one can login with tester cause I need to validate the account (but the email I used to reg was "password") xD


  6. wait a sec...... WHY the heck are you md5ing passwords and setting them to a cookie?


    that's dangerous... cookie stealer could have been made and stolen your cookie, then I would have cracked it and had your password.

  7. Well using something like:






    etc (make it a function if you use it a lot)


    will filter the input and make it hard to xss/sql inject... Making an array and using str_replace($arrayvariable, " ", "$whattofilter")

    and also help if you dont want a couple different characters/words allowed (but can by bypassed)


    EDIT: goodnight.

  8. your registeration system is BUGGED...

    it gave me email failed (or some error like that)


    yet the user still appears in the userlist, same thing with <script>alert("xss");</script>


    so limit the username length with php (server side) not something client side (htmL)

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