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Everything posted by darkraider

  1. I agree with above post about video placement. not going to get into deep but design element arrangement is not the best. You've created trapped spaces Interactive priority is out of place Information presentation order is "broken" You need to learn design-layout rules or hire a professional (with degree). Self teaching is quite possible if you have a art/design background/talent. you could start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_layout one more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canons_of_page_construction GL and overall illusion- not bad
  2. that didnt help? ??? I even removed include once header and footer code fom index.php but still same error. :-\
  3. I have the same thing, i mean whole site is under SSL, because login ans password I have on front page. the site is designed in http:// path model and after I setup SSL I didnt have to change anything and paths for images or etc. but it works fine, if you go http://raid5host.com or https://raid5host.com doesnt make any difference both convert to https://.. I'd say leave it full SSL, since u have login and password on front page as well. , Id feel more comfortable as client to login ssl.
  4. this is nested within index.php <!--T1 Quote Table Begns--> <?php if (file_exists('config.php') == 0) { echo "<P>File is missing : config.php - Please download this file from your backoffice"; exit; } include_once("config.php"); include_once("header.php"); phpparam('ErrorMsg',''); phpparam('refid',''); phpparam('QuoteName',''); phpparam('QuoteEmail',''); phpparam('npa',''); phpparam('nxx',''); phpparam('xxxx',''); phpparam('BTN',''); phpparam('QuoteCompany',''); phpparam('CompanyLine',''); phpparam('RefererPage',''); phpparam('IncompleteID',''); phpparam('service_type',''); if (strlen($BTN) == 10) { $npa = substr($BTN,0,3); $nxx = substr($BTN,3,3); $xxxx = substr($BTN,6,4); } if ($service_type == "") { $service_type = $DefaultServiceType; } $CompanyBGColor = ""; if ($ErrorMsg == "Not a valid Company Name") { $CompanyBGColor = " bgcolor=ffe0e0"; $CompanyLine = "<tr" . $CompanyBGColor . "><td> </td><td align=left><font color=red><b>Not a valid Company Name</b></font></td></tr>"; $ErrorMsg = ""; } $EmailBGColor = ""; $EmailLine = ""; if ($ErrorMsg == "Not a valid Email Address") { $EmailBGColor = " bgcolor=ffe0e0"; $EmailLine = "<tr" . $EmailBGColor . "><td> </td><td align=left><font color=red><b>Not a valid Email Address</b></font></td></tr>"; $ErrorMsg = ""; } $PhoneBGColor = ""; $PhoneLine = ""; if ($ErrorMsg == "Invalid Phone Number") { $PhoneBGColor = " bgcolor=ffe0e0"; $PhoneLine = "<tr" . $PhoneBGColor . "><td> </td><td align=left><font color=red><b>Not a valid Phone Number</b></font></td></tr>"; $ErrorMsg = ""; } $PhoneBGColor = ""; if ($ErrorMsg == "That phone number was not found in our database") { $PhoneBGColor = " bgcolor=ffe0e0"; $PhoneLine = "<tr" . $PhoneBGColor . "><td align=center colspan=\"2\"><font color=red><b>That phone number was not found in our database</b></font></td></tr>"; $ErrorMsg = ""; } if ($ErrorMsg == "Toll Free Phone Number not accepted") { $PhoneBGColor = " bgcolor=ffe0e0"; $PhoneLine = "<tr" . $PhoneBGColor . "><td align=center colspan=\"2\"><font color=red><b>Toll Free Phone Number not accepted</b></font></td></tr>"; $ErrorMsg = ""; } echo <<< EOF <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- function CheckInput(TheForm) { if (TheForm.quotename.value == '') { TheForm.quotename.focus(); alert('Your Name is required'); return false; } if (document.Calculate.service_type.options[document.Calculate.service_type.selectedIndex].value != 'DSL') { if (TheForm.quotecompany.value == '') { TheForm.quotecompany.focus(); alert('Your Company Name is required'); return false; } } return true; } function ShowDetails(SelectedText) { if (SelectedText == 'DSL') { document.getElementById('company').style.display = "none"; } else { document.getElementById('company').style.display = "inline"; document.getElementById('companybox').style.width = "140"; } } //--> </SCRIPT> EOF; $BulletText = "Get Instant " . $ServiceLine . " Pricing Now!"; echo <<< EOF <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.php" type="text/css"> <div align="center"> <table width="412" class="border" align="center"> <tr><td nowrap> <table class="GeoQuote" align="center"> <tr> <td nowrap height="50" align="center" colspan="2"><div class=Bullet>$BulletText</div></td> </tr> <form method="POST" action="calculate.php" name="Calculate" onSubmit="return CheckInput(this)"> <input type="hidden" name="AgentID" value="$AgentID"> <input type="hidden" name="Affiliate" value="$Affiliate"> <input type="hidden" name="refid" value="$refid"> <input type="hidden" name="QuoteType" value="$ServiceLine"> <input type="hidden" name="RefererPage" value="$RefererPage"> EOF; if ($IncompleteID != '') { echo '<input type="hidden" name="IncompleteID" value="' . $IncompleteID . '">' . "\n"; } if ($ErrorMsg != "") { echo "<tr><td nowrap colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><font color=red><b>" . $ErrorMsg . "</b></font></td></tr>\n"; } if ($ServiceLine == "DSL") { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"service_type\" value=\"DSL\">"; } else { echo "<tr><td width=35% nowrap align=right class=noborder>Service Type:</td>"; echo "<td><select name=\"service_type\" onChange=\"javascript:ShowDetails(document.Calculate.service_type.options[document.Calculate.service_type.selectedIndex].value);\">"; echo "<option value=\"DSL\"" . ($service_type == "DSL"?" selected":"").">Residential High Speed Internet</option>"; echo "<option value=\"D\"" . ($service_type == "D"?" selected":"").">Broadband for Business (Data $SelectService)</option>"; echo "<option value=\"V\"" . ($service_type == "V"?" selected":"").">Voice (Local and Long Distance $SelectService)</option>"; echo "<option value=\"I\"" . ($service_type == "I"?" selected":"").">Integrated (Bundled Data/Voice $SelectService)</option>"; echo "</select></td></tr>\n"; } echo "<tr><td nowrap align=right>Your Name:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"quotename\" value=\"" . $QuoteName . "\" SIZE=\"20\" MAXLENGTH=\"50\"></td></tr>\n"; if ($ServiceLine != "DSL") { echo "<tr><td nowrap colspan=\"2\" width=\"412\"" . $CompanyBGColor . "><table id=\"company\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"412\"><tr>\n"; echo "<td id=\"companybox\" nowrap align=\"right\" width=\"35%\">Company:</td>\n"; echo "<td width=\"65%\"><input type=\"text\" NAME=\"quotecompany\" value=\"" . $QuoteCompany . "\" SIZE=\"20\" MAXLENGTH=\"50\"></td>\n"; echo "</tr></table></td></tr>\n"; } echo $CompanyLine; // Company specific Error Message echo "<tr><td nowrap align=right" . $EmailBGColor . ">Email:</td>"; echo "<td nowrap" . $EmailBGColor . "> <input type=\"text\" NAME=\"quoteemail\" value=\"" . $QuoteEmail . "\" SIZE=\"25\" MAXLENGTH=\"100\"> </td></tr>"; echo $EmailLine; // Email specific Error Message echo "<tr><td nowrap align=right" . $PhoneBGColor . ">Installation Phone Number:</td>"; echo "<td nowrap width=65% class=\"pn2\"" . $PhoneBGColor . ">"; echo <<< EOF (<input type="text" name="npa" value="$npa" size="2" maxlength="3" onkeyup="javascript:if(Calculate.npa.value.length == 3) { Calculate.nxx.focus(); };">) <input type="text" name="nxx" value="$nxx" size="2" maxlength="3" onkeyup="javascript:if(Calculate.nxx.value.length == 3) { Calculate.xxxx.focus(); };">- <input type="text" NAME="xxxx" value="$xxxx" size="3" maxlength="4" value="" > </td> EOF; echo $PhoneLine; // Phone number specific Error Message echo <<< EOF <tr><td></td><td><input type=image alt="Proceed to Step 2" src="images/blue_button_step2.gif" class="a"></td></tr> </form></table> </td></tr> </table> EOF; echo <<< EOF <table width="430" class="border" align="center"> <tr><td valign="top" style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(startColorStr='#F3F3F3', endColorStr='#FFFFFF', gradientType='0')"><p><img src="images/ico1.gif" align="left"> <b>Low Price Guarantee</b><br> Put our GeoQuote software to work for you and find the best value from over 14 different broadband providers nationwide. We guarantee the best prices.<br> <div align=right><a href="javascript:var x=window.open('guarantee.php','null','width=400,height=250,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,toolbar=no,left=20,top=20,location=no,menubar=no,status=no');"><b>More Info</b></a></div> </td></tr> </table> <table width="430" class="border" align="center"> <tr><td valign="top" style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(startColorStr='#F3F3F3', endColorStr='#FFFFFF', gradientType='0')"><p><img align="left" src="images/ico4.gif"> <b>Live Sales Support</b><br> Call <b>$CallCenterPhone</b> to speak with a live broadband specialist without obligation or sales pitch. We'll give it to you straight.</p> <div align="right"><a href="custlogin.php"><b>Customer Login</b></a></div> </td></tr> </table> </div> EOF; if ($ServiceLine != "DSL") { echo <<< EOF <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"> ShowDetails(document.Calculate.service_type.options[document.Calculate.service_type.selectedIndex].value); </SCRIPT> EOF; } include ("footer.php"); ?> <!--T1 Quote Table Ends--> This is header.php <div align="center"><p></p></div> this is foter.php <div align="center"><p></p></div> This is config_lib.php <?php if (!isset($DisplayedHeader)) { $DisplayedHeader = false; } $xmlsearch = array("&",'>','<',"'",'"'); $xmlreplace = array("&",">","<","'","""); if (!$DisplayedHeader && strtolower(getenv("SCRIPT_NAME")) != '/quote.php') { // Setup the tracking cookies... QuotePage is setup in the calculate.php file if (!isset($_COOKIE['RefererPage'])) { $RefererPage = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); setcookie("RefererPage", $RefererPage); } else { $RefererPage = $_COOKIE['RefererPage']; if ($RefererPage == '') { $RefererPage = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); setcookie("RefererPage", $RefererPage); } } $EntryPage = getenv('HTTP_HOST') . getenv('SCRIPT_NAME'); if (getenv('QUERY_STRING') != '') { $EntryPage .= getenv('QUERY_STRING'); } if (!isset($_COOKIE['EntryPage'])) { setcookie("EntryPage", $EntryPage); } else if ($_COOKIE['EntryPage'] == '') { setcookie("EntryPage", $EntryPage); } else { $EntryPage = $_COOKIE['EntryPage']; } } if (function_exists('str_Ireplace') == false) { function str_Ireplace($needle, $replacement, $haystack) { $i = 0; while (($pos = strpos(strtolower($haystack), strtolower($needle), $i)) !== false) { $haystack = substr($haystack, 0, $pos) . $replacement . substr($haystack, $pos + strlen($needle)); $i = $pos + strlen($replacement); } return $haystack; } } if (function_exists('get_keyi') == false) { function get_keyi($array, $key){ // looks case insensitive for the key in array, and returns the matching key if (!is_array($array)) { return false; } reset($array); while (current($array)!==FALSE){ if (strtolower(key($array)) == strtolower($key)) { return key($array); } next($array); } return false; } } if (function_exists('phpparam') == false) { function phpparam($var, $default) { global $$var; $keymatch = ""; if (!isset(${$var})) { $keymatch = get_keyi($_POST,$var); if ($keymatch !== false) { $$var = $_POST[$keymatch]; } if ($keymatch === false && isset($_HTTP_POST_VARS)) { $keymatch = get_keyi($_HTTP_POST_VARS,$var); if ($keymatch != false) { $$var = $_HTTP_POST_VARS[$keymatch]; } } if ($keymatch === false) { $keymatch = get_keyi($_GET,$var); if ($keymatch != false) { $$var = $_GET[$keymatch]; } } if ($keymatch === false && isset($_HTTP_GET_VARS)) { $keymatch = get_keyi($_HTTP_GET_VARS,$var); if ($keymatch != false) { $$var = $_HTTP_GET_VARS[$keymatch]; } } if ($keymatch === false) { $keymatch = get_keyi($_COOKIE,$var); if ($keymatch != false) { $$var = $_COOKIE[$keymatch]; } } if ($keymatch === false) { // couldn't find the parameter in the Get or Post methods $$var = $default; } } } } if (function_exists('GetValidXML') == false) { function GetValidXML($Param, $IndexVal, $default) { global $vals; global $myxml; if (!array_key_exists($Param, $myxml)) { return $default; } else if (!array_key_exists($IndexVal, $myxml[$Param])) { return $default; } else if (!array_key_exists('value', $vals[$myxml[$Param][$IndexVal]])) { return $default; } else { return $vals[$myxml[$Param][$IndexVal]]['value']; } } } ?> Any other codes?
  5. hi, all I am almost done with designing site for raid5host.com and have one weird problem, when I visit one page with php it s nested innhtml and has footer and header, so i removed text in footer and header.(it as just a blah blah text) and now visiting the page this is error: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/wartorn/public_html/raid5host/t1/index.php:6) in /home/wartorn/public_html/raid5host/t1/config_lib.php on line 14 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/wartorn/public_html/raid5host/t1/index.php:6) in /home/wartorn/public_html/raid5host/t1/config_lib.php on line 27 you can see this page here http://raid5host.com/t1/index.php Whats even weirder that if I reload page warning disappears. any idea what to do with it? ??? thanks in advance.
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