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Everything posted by YRUS

  1. The code should hide the other recipients' email addresses.
  2. <?php /* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2007 Comsenz Inc. This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms $RCSfile: global.func.php,v $ $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/03/21 15:52:38 $ */ if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } function authcode($string, $operation, $key = '') { $key = md5($key ? $key : $GLOBALS['discuz_auth_key']); $key_length = strlen($key); $string = $operation == 'DECODE' ? base64_decode($string) : substr(md5($string.$key), 0, .$string; $string_length = strlen($string); $rndkey = $box = array(); $result = ''; for($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) { $rndkey[$i] = ord($key[$i % $key_length]); $box[$i] = $i; } for($j = $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $j = ($j + $box[$i] + $rndkey[$i]) % 256; $tmp = $box[$i]; $box[$i] = $box[$j]; $box[$j] = $tmp; } for($a = $j = $i = 0; $i < $string_length; $i++) { $a = ($a + 1) % 256; $j = ($j + $box[$a]) % 256; $tmp = $box[$a]; $box[$a] = $box[$j]; $box[$j] = $tmp; $result .= chr(ord($string[$i]) ^ ($box[($box[$a] + $box[$j]) % 256])); } if($operation == 'DECODE') { if(substr($result, 0, == substr(md5(substr($result, .$key), 0, ) { return substr($result, ; } else { return ''; } } else { return str_replace('=', '', base64_encode($result)); } } function clearcookies() { global $discuz_uid, $discuz_user, $discuz_pw, $discuz_secques, $adminid, $credits; dsetcookie('sid', '', -86400 * 365); dsetcookie('auth', '', -86400 * 365); dsetcookie('visitedfid', '', -86400 * 365); dsetcookie('onlinedetail', '', -86400 * 365, 0); $discuz_uid = $adminid = $credits = 0; $discuz_user = $discuz_pw = $discuz_secques = ''; } function checklowerlimit($creditsarray, $coef = 1) { if(is_array($creditsarray)) { global $extcredits, $id; foreach($creditsarray as $id => $addcredits) { if($addcredits * $coef < 0 && $GLOBALS['extcredits'.$id] - $addcredits < $extcredits[$id]['lowerlimit']) { showmessage('credits_policy_lowerlimit'); } } } } function cutstr($string, $length, $dot = ' ...') { global $charset; if(strlen($string) <= $length) { return $string; } $string = str_replace(array('&', '"', '<', '>'), array('&', '"', '<', '>'), $string); $strcut = ''; if(strtolower($charset) == 'utf-8') { $n = $tn = $noc = 0; while($n < strlen($string)) { $t = ord($string[$n]); if($t == 9 || $t == 10 || (32 <= $t && $t <= 126)) { $tn = 1; $n++; $noc++; } elseif(194 <= $t && $t <= 223) { $tn = 2; $n += 2; $noc += 2; } elseif(224 <= $t && $t < 239) { $tn = 3; $n += 3; $noc += 2; } elseif(240 <= $t && $t <= 247) { $tn = 4; $n += 4; $noc += 2; } elseif(248 <= $t && $t <= 251) { $tn = 5; $n += 5; $noc += 2; } elseif($t == 252 || $t == 253) { $tn = 6; $n += 6; $noc += 2; } else { $n++; } if($noc >= $length) { break; } } if($noc > $length) { $n -= $tn; } $strcut = substr($string, 0, $n); } else { for($i = 0; $i < $length - strlen($dot) - 1; $i++) { $strcut .= ord($string[$i]) > 127 ? $string[$i].$string[++$i] : $string[$i]; } } $strcut = str_replace(array('&', '"', '<', '>'), array('&', '"', '<', '>'), $strcut); return $strcut.$dot; } function daddslashes($string, $force = 0) { !defined('MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC') && define('MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC', get_magic_quotes_gpc()); if(!MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC || $force) { if(is_array($string)) { foreach($string as $key => $val) { $string[$key] = daddslashes($val, $force); } } else { $string = addslashes($string); } } return $string; } function datecheck($ymd, $sep='-') { if(!empty($ymd)) { list($year, $month, $day) = explode($sep, $ymd); return checkdate($month, $day, $year); } else { return FALSE; } } function debuginfo() { if($GLOBALS['debug']) { global $db, $discuz_starttime, $debuginfo; $mtime = explode(' ', microtime()); $debuginfo = array('time' => number_format(($mtime[1] + $mtime[0] - $discuz_starttime), 6), 'queries' => $db->querynum); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } function dexit($message = '') { echo $message; output(); exit(); } function dhtmlspecialchars($string) { if(is_array($string)) { foreach($string as $key => $val) { $string[$key] = dhtmlspecialchars($val); } } else { $string = preg_replace('/&((#(\d{3,5}|x[a-fA-F0-9]{4})|[a-zA-Z][a-z0-9]{2,5});)/', '&\\1', str_replace(array('&', '"', '<', '>'), array('&', '"', '<', '>'), $string)); } return $string; } function dheader($string, $replace = true, $http_response_code = 0) { $string = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ''), $string); if(empty($http_response_code) || PHP_VERSION < '4.3' ) { @header($string, $replace); } else { @header($string, $replace, $http_response_code); } if(preg_match('/^\s*location:/is', $string)) { exit(); } } function disuploadedfile($file) { return function_exists('is_uploaded_file') && (is_uploaded_file($file) || is_uploaded_file(str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $file))); } function dreferer($default = '') { global $referer, $indexname; $default = empty($default) ? $indexname : ''; if(empty($referer) && isset($GLOBALS['_SERVER']['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $referer = preg_replace("/([\?&])((sid\=[a-z0-9]{6})(&|$))/i", '\\1', $GLOBALS['_SERVER']['HTTP_REFERER']); $referer = substr($referer, -1) == '?' ? substr($referer, 0, -1) : $referer; } else { $referer = dhtmlspecialchars($referer); } if(!preg_match("/(\.php|[a-z]+(\-\d+)+\.html)/", $referer) || strpos($referer, 'logging.php')) { $referer = $default; } return $referer; } function dsetcookie($var, $value, $life = 0, $prefix = 1) { global $cookiepre, $cookiedomain, $cookiepath, $timestamp, $_SERVER; setcookie(($prefix ? $cookiepre : '').$var, $value, $life ? $timestamp + $life : 0, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain, $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ? 1 : 0); } function dunlink($filename, $havethumb = 0, $remote = 0) { global $authkey, $ftp, $attachdir; if($remote) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/ftp.func.php'; if(!$ftp['connid']) { if(!($ftp['connid'] = dftp_connect($ftp['host'], $ftp['username'], authcode($ftp['password'], 'DECODE', md5($authkey)), $ftp['attachdir'], $ftp['port'], $ftp['ssl']))) { return; } } dftp_delete($ftp['connid'], $filename); $havethumb && dftp_delete($ftp['connid'], $filename.'.thumb.jpg'); } else { @unlink($attachdir.'/'.$filename); $havethumb && @unlink($attachdir.'/'.$filename.'.thumb.jpg'); } } function emailconv($email, $tolink = 1) { $email = str_replace(array('@', '.'), array('&#64;', '&#46;'), $email); return $tolink ? '<a href="mailto: '.$email.'">'.$email.'</a>': $email; } function errorlog($type, $message, $halt = 1) { global $timestamp, $discuz_userss, $onlineip, $_SERVER; $user = empty($discuz_userss) ? '' : $discuz_userss.'<br>'; $user .= $onlineip.'|'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; writelog('errorlog', dhtmlspecialchars("$timestamp\t$type\t$user\t".str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array(' ', ' '), trim($message)))); if($halt) { dexit(); } } function getrobot() { if(!defined('IS_ROBOT')) { $kw_spiders = 'Bot|Crawl|Spider|slurp|sohu-search|lycos|robozilla'; $kw_browsers = 'MSIE|Netscape|Opera|Konqueror|Mozilla'; if(preg_match("/($kw_browsers)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { define('IS_ROBOT', FALSE); } elseif(preg_match("/($kw_spiders)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { define('IS_ROBOT', TRUE); } else { define('IS_ROBOT', FALSE); } } return IS_ROBOT; } function fileext($filename) { return trim(substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1, 10)); } function formhash() { global $discuz_user, $discuz_uid, $discuz_pw, $timestamp, $discuz_auth_key; return substr(md5(substr($timestamp, 0, -7).$discuz_user.$discuz_uid.$discuz_pw.$discuz_auth_key), 8, ; } function forumperm($permstr) { global $groupid, $extgroupids; $groupidarray = array($groupid); foreach(explode("\t", $extgroupids) as $extgroupid) { if($extgroupid = intval(trim($extgroupid))) { $groupidarray[] = $extgroupid; } } return preg_match("/(^|\t)(".implode('|', $groupidarray).")(\t|$)/", $permstr); } function getgroupid($uid, $group, &$member) { global $creditsformula, $db, $tablepre; if(!empty($creditsformula)) { $updatearray = array(); eval("\$credits = round($creditsformula);"); if($credits != $member['credits']) { $updatearray[] = "credits='$credits'"; } if($group['type'] == 'member' && !($member['credits'] >= $group['creditshigher'] && $member['credits'] < $group['creditslower'])) { $query = $db->query("SELECT groupid FROM {$tablepre}usergroups WHERE type='member' AND $member[credits]>=creditshigher AND $member[credits]<creditslower LIMIT 1"); if($db->num_rows($query)) { $member['groupid'] = $db->result($query, 0); $updatearray[] = "groupid='$member[groupid]'"; } } if($updatearray) { $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET ".implode(', ', $updatearray)." WHERE uid='$uid'"); } } return $member['groupid']; } function groupexpiry($terms) { $terms = is_array($terms) ? $terms : unserialize($terms); $groupexpiry = isset($terms['main']['time']) ? intval($terms['main']['time']) : 0; if(is_array($terms['ext'])) { foreach($terms['ext'] as $expiry) { if((!$groupexpiry && $expiry) || $expiry < $groupexpiry) { $groupexpiry = $expiry; } } } return $groupexpiry; } function ipaccess($ip, $accesslist) { return preg_match("/^(".str_replace(array("\r\n", ' '), array('|', ''), preg_quote($accesslist, '/')).")/", $ip); } function ipbanned($onlineip) { global $ipaccess, $timestamp, $cachelost; if($ipaccess && !ipaccess($onlineip, $ipaccess)) { return TRUE; } $cachelost .= (@include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/cache_ipbanned.php') ? '' : ' ipbanned'; if(empty($_DCACHE['ipbanned'])) { return FALSE; } else { if($_DCACHE['ipbanned']['expiration'] < $timestamp) { @unlink(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/cache_ipbanned.php'); } return preg_match("/^(".$_DCACHE['ipbanned']['regexp'].")$/", $onlineip); } } function isemail($email) { return strlen($email) > 6 && preg_match("/^[\w\-\.]+@[\w\-\.]+(\.\w+)+$/", $email); } function language($file, $templateid = 0, $tpldir = '') { $tpldir = $tpldir ? $tpldir : TPLDIR; $templateid = $templateid ? $templateid : TEMPLATEID; $languagepack = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./'.$tpldir.'/'.$file.'.lang.php'; if(file_exists($languagepack)) { return $languagepack; } elseif($templateid != 1 && $tpldir != './templates/default') { return language($file, 1, './templates/default'); } else { return FALSE; } } function multi($num, $perpage, $curpage, $mpurl, $maxpages = 0, $page = 10, $simple = 0, $onclick = '') { $multipage = ''; $mpurl .= strpos($mpurl, '?') ? '&' : '?'; $onclick = $onclick ? ' onclick="'.$onclick.'(event)"' : ''; if($num > $perpage) { $offset = 2; $realpages = @ceil($num / $perpage); $pages = $maxpages && $maxpages < $realpages ? $maxpages : $realpages; if($page > $pages) { $from = 1; $to = $pages; } else { $from = $curpage - $offset; $to = $from + $page - 1; if($from < 1) { $to = $curpage + 1 - $from; $from = 1; if($to - $from < $page) { $to = $page; } } elseif($to > $pages) { $from = $pages - $page + 1; $to = $pages; } } $multipage = ($curpage - $offset > 1 && $pages > $page ? '<a href="'.$mpurl.'page=1" class="p_redirect"'.$onclick.'>|‹</a>' : ''). ($curpage > 1 && !$simple ? '<a href="'.$mpurl.'page='.($curpage - 1).'" class="p_redirect">‹‹</a>' : ''); for($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) { $multipage .= $i == $curpage ? '<a class="p_curpage">'.$i.'</a>' : '<a href="'.$mpurl.'page='.$i.'" class="p_num"'.$onclick.'>'.$i.'</a>'; } $multipage .= ($curpage < $pages && !$simple ? '<a href="'.$mpurl.'page='.($curpage + 1).'" class="p_redirect"'.$onclick.'>››</a>' : ''). ($to < $pages ? '<a href="'.$mpurl.'page='.$pages.'" class="p_redirect"'.$onclick.'>›|</a>' : ''). ($curpage == $maxpages ? '<a class="p_redirect" href="misc.php?action=maxpages&pages='.$maxpages.'">›?</a>' : ''). (!$simple && $pages > $page ? '<a class="p_pages" style="padding: 0px"><input class="p_input" type="text" name="custompage" onKeyDown="if(event.keyCode==13) {window.location=\''.$mpurl.'page=\'+this.value; return false;}"></a>' : ''); $multipage = $multipage ? '<div class="p_bar">'.(!$simple ? '<a class="p_total"> '.$num.' </a><a class="p_pages"> '.$curpage.'/'.$realpages.' </a>' : '').$multipage.'</div>' : ''; } return $multipage; } function output() { global $sid, $transsidstatus, $rewritestatus, $ftp; if(($transsidstatus = empty($GLOBALS['_DCOOKIE']['sid']) && $transsidstatus) || in_array($rewritestatus, array(2, 3))) { if($transsidstatus) { $searcharray = array ( "/\<a(\s*[^\>]+\s*)href\=([\"|\']?)([^\"\'\s]+)/ies", "/(\<form.+?\>)/is" ); $replacearray = array ( "transsid('\\3','<a\\1href=\\2')", "\\1\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\">" ); } else { $searcharray = array ( //"/\<a href\=\"index\.php\"\>/", "/\<a href\=\"forumdisplay\.php\?fid\=(\d+)(&page\=(\d+))?\"([^\>]*)\>/e", "/\<a href\=\"viewthread\.php\?tid\=(\d+)(&extra\=page\%3D(\d+))?(&page\=(\d+))?\"([^\>]*)\>/e", "/\<a href\=\"viewpro\.php\?(uid\=(\d+)|username\=([^&]+?))\"([^\>]*)\>/e", "/\<a href\=\"space\.php\?(uid\=(\d+)|username\=([^&]+?))\"([^\>]*)\>/e" ); $replacearray = array ( //"<a href=\"index.html\">", "rewrite_forum('\\1', '\\3', '\\4')", "rewrite_thread('\\1', '\\5', '\\3', '\\6')", "rewrite_profile('\\2', '\\3', '\\4')", "rewrite_space('\\2', '\\3', '\\4')" ); } $content = preg_replace($searcharray, $replacearray, ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); $GLOBALS['gzipcompress'] ? ob_start('ob_gzhandler') : ob_start(); echo $content; } if($ftp['connid']) { @ftp_close($ftp['connid']); } $ftp = array(); if(defined('CACHE_FILE') && CACHE_FILE && !defined('CACHE_FORBIDDEN')) { global $cachethreaddir; if(diskfreespace(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./'.$cachethreaddir) > 1000000) { $fp = fopen(CACHE_FILE, 'w'); if($fp) { flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fwrite($fp, empty($content) ? ob_get_contents() : $content); } @fclose($fp); } } } function rewrite_thread($tid, $page = 0, $prevpage = 0, $extra = '') { return '<a href="thread-'.$tid.'-'.($page ? $page : 1).'-'.($prevpage ? $prevpage : 1).'.html"'.stripslashes($extra).'>'; } function rewrite_forum($fid, $page = 0, $extra = '') { return '<a href="forum-'.$fid.'-'.($page ? $page : 1).'.html"'.stripslashes($extra).'>'; } function rewrite_profile($uid, $username, $extra = '') { return '<a href="profile-'.($uid ? 'uid-'.$uid : 'username-'.$username).'.html"'.stripslashes($extra).'>'; } function rewrite_space($uid, $username, $extra = '') { return '<a href="space-'.($uid ? 'uid-'.$uid : 'username-'.$username).'.html"'.stripslashes($extra).'>'; } function periodscheck($periods, $showmessage = 1) { global $timestamp, $disableperiodctrl, $_DCACHE, $banperiods; if(!$disableperiodctrl && $_DCACHE['settings'][$periods]) { $now = gmdate('G.i', $timestamp + $_DCACHE['settings']['timeoffset'] * 3600); foreach(explode("\r\n", str_replace(':', '.', $_DCACHE['settings'][$periods])) as $period) { list($periodbegin, $periodend) = explode('-', $period); if(($periodbegin > $periodend && ($now >= $periodbegin || $now < $periodend)) || ($oeriodbegin < $periodend && $now >= $periodbegin && $now < $periodend)) { $banperiods = str_replace("\r\n", ', ', $_DCACHE['settings'][$periods]); if($showmessage) { showmessage('period_nopermission', NULL, 'NOPERM'); } else { return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } function quescrypt($questionid, $answer) { return $questionid > 0 && $answer != '' ? substr(md5($answer.md5($questionid)), 16, : ''; } function random($length, $numeric = 0) { PHP_VERSION < '4.2.0' && mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000); if($numeric) { $hash = sprintf('%0'.$length.'d', mt_rand(0, pow(10, $length) - 1)); } else { $hash = ''; $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $max = strlen($chars) - 1; for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $hash .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $max)]; } } return $hash; } function removedir($dirname, $keepdir = FALSE) { $dirname = wipespecial($dirname); if(!is_dir($dirname)) { return FALSE; } $handle = opendir($dirname); while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) { if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $dir = $dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; is_dir($dir) ? removedir($dir) : unlink($dir); } } closedir($handle); return !$keepdir ? (@rmdir($dirname) ? TRUE : FALSE) : TRUE; } function sendmail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $email_from = '') { extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); require DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/sendmail.inc.php'; } function sendpm($toid, $subject, $message, $fromid = '', $from = '') { extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); include language('pms'); if(isset($language[$subject])) { eval("\$subject = addslashes(\"".$language[$subject]."\");"); } if(isset($language[$message])) { eval("\$message = addslashes(\"".$language[$message]."\");"); } if(!$fromid && !$from) { $fromid = $discuz_uid; $from = $discuz_user; } $pmids = array(); foreach(explode(',', $toid) as $uid) { if(is_numeric($uid)) { $query = $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}pms (msgfrom, msgfromid, msgtoid, folder, new, subject, dateline, message) VALUES ('$from', '$fromid', '$uid', 'inbox', '1', '$subject', '$timestamp', '$message')"); if($query) { $pmids[] = $uid; } } } if($toid = implodeids($pmids)) { $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET newpm='1' WHERE uid IN ($toid)"); } } function showmessage($message, $url_forward = '', $extra = '') { extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); global $extrahead, $discuz_action, $debuginfo, $seccode, $fid, $tid, $supe_fromsupesite, $supe_jumpurl, $supe, $charset, $show_message, $_DCACHE; define('CACHE_FORBIDDEN', TRUE); $supe_messagetpl = $supe_error = ''; $show_message = $message; $msgforward = unserialize($_DCACHE['settings']['msgforward']); $msgforward['refreshtime'] = intval($msgforward['refreshtime']); $url_forward = empty($url_forward) ? '' : (empty($_DCOOKIE['sid']) && $transsidstatus ? transsid($url_forward) : $url_forward); if($supe_fromsupesite && $supe['status']) { $supe_messagetpl = 'supesite_'; $extra = ''; $supe_error = $url_forward ? false : true; $url_forward = !empty($supe_jumpurl) && !$supe_error ? urldecode($supe_jumpurl) : $url_forward; } elseif($url_forward && empty($_GET['inajax']) && $msgforward['quick'] && $msgforward['messages'] && @in_array($message, $msgforward['messages'])) { updatesession(); dheader("location: ".str_replace('&', '&', $url_forward)); } if(in_array($extra, array('HALTED', 'NOPERM'))) { $fid = $tid = 0; $discuz_action = 254; } else { $discuz_action = 255; } include language('messages'); if(isset($language[$message])) { $supe_pre = $supe_fromsupesite ? 'supe_' : ''; eval("\$show_message = \"".($language[$supe_pre.$message] ? $language[$supe_pre.$message] : $language[$message])."\";"); unset($supe_pre); } ajaxtemplate('showmessage_ajax'); $extrahead .= $url_forward ? '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'.$msgforward['refreshtime'].' url='.$url_forward.'">' : ''; if($advlist = $advlist['redirect']) { foreach($advlist AS $type => $redirectadvs) { $advlist[$type] = $redirectadvs[array_rand($redirectadvs)]; } } if($extra == 'NOPERM' && !$passport_status) { //get secure code checking status (pos. -2) if($seccodecheck = substr(sprintf('%05b', $seccodestatus), -2, 1)) { $seccode = random(6, 1) + $seccode{0} * 1000000; } include template('nopermission'); } else { include template($supe_messagetpl.'showmessage'); } dexit(); } function showstars($num) { global $starthreshold; $alt = 'alt="Rank: '.$num.'"'; if(empty($starthreshold)) { for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { echo '<img src="'.IMGDIR.'/star_level1.gif" '.$alt.' />'; } } else { for($i = 3; $i > 0; $i--) { $numlevel = intval($num / pow($starthreshold, ($i - 1))); $num = ($num % pow($starthreshold, ($i - 1))); for($j = 0; $j < $numlevel; $j++) { echo '<img src="'.IMGDIR.'/star_level'.$i.'.gif" '.$alt.' />'; } } } } function site() { return $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } function strexists($haystack, $needle) { return !(strpos($haystack, $needle) === FALSE); } function seccodeconvert(&$seccode) { $seccode = substr($seccode, -6); $s = sprintf('%04s', base_convert($seccode, 10, 24)); $seccode = ''; $seccodeunits = 'BCEFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789'; for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $unit = ord($s{$i}); $seccode .= ($unit >= 0x30 && $unit <= 0x39) ? $seccodeunits[$unit - 0x30] : $seccodeunits[$unit - 0x57]; } } function submitcheck($var, $allowget = 0, $seccodecheck = 0, $secqaacheck = 0) { if(empty($GLOBALS[$var])) { return FALSE; } else { global $_SERVER, $seccode, $seccodeverify, $secanswer, $_DCACHE; if($allowget || ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && $GLOBALS['formhash'] == formhash() && (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || preg_replace("/https?:\/\/([^\:\/]+).*/i", "\\1", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == preg_replace("/([^\:]+).*/", "\\1", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])))) { if($seccodecheck) { $tmp = $seccode{0}; seccodeconvert($seccode); if(strtoupper($seccodeverify) != $seccode) { showmessage('submit_seccode_invalid'); } $seccode = random(6, 1) + $tmp * 1000000; } if($secqaacheck) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/cache_secqaa.php'; if(md5($secanswer) != $_DCACHE['secqaa'][substr($seccode, 0, 1)]['answer']) { showmessage('submit_secqaa_invalid'); } $seccode = random(1, 1) * 1000000 + substr($seccode, -6); } return TRUE; } else { showmessage('submit_invalid'); } } } function supe_submitcheck($allowget = 0, $timespan = 300) { global $supe_seccode, $timestamp, $_DCOOKIE, $supe, $supe_fromsupesite; $supe_hash = isset($_GET['supe_hash']) || isset($_POST['supe_hash']) ? (isset($_GET['supe_hash']) ? $_GET['supe_hash'] : $_POST['supe_hash']) : (isset($_DCOOKIE['supe_hash']) ? $_DCOOKIE['supe_hash'] : ''); if($supe_fromsupesite && $supe['status'] && ($allowget || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') && $supe_hash && !empty($supe_seccode)) { list($check_timestamp, $check_seccode) = explode("\t", authcode($supe_hash, 'DECODE')); if($timestamp - $check_timestamp <= $timespan && $check_seccode == $supe_seccode) { return TRUE; } showmessage('submit_invalid'); } return FALSE; } function template($file, $templateid = 0, $tpldir = '') { global $tplrefresh; $tpldir = $tpldir ? $tpldir : TPLDIR; $templateid = $templateid ? $templateid : TEMPLATEID; $tplfile = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./'.$tpldir.'/'.$file.'.htm'; $objfile = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/templates/'.$templateid.'_'.$file.'.tpl.php'; if(TEMPLATEID != 1 && $templateid != 1 && !file_exists($tplfile)) { return template($file, 1, './templates/default/'); } if($tplrefresh == 1 || ($tplrefresh > 1 && substr($GLOBALS['timestamp'], -1) > $tplrefresh)) { if(@filemtime($tplfile) > @filemtime($objfile)) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/template.func.php'; parse_template($file, $templateid, $tpldir); } } return $objfile; } function transsid($url, $tag = '', $wml = 0) { global $sid; $tag = stripslashes($tag); if(!$tag || (!preg_match("/^(http:\/\/|mailto:|#|javascript)/i", $url) && !strpos($url, 'sid='))) { if($pos = strpos($url, '#')) { $urlret = substr($url, $pos); $url = substr($url, 0, $pos); } else { $urlret = ''; } $url .= (strpos($url, '?') ? ($wml ? '&' : '&') : '?').'sid='.$sid.$urlret; } return $tag.$url; } function typeselect($curtypeid = 0) { if($threadtypes = $GLOBALS['forum']['threadtypes']) { $html = '<select name="typeid"><option value="0"> </option>'; foreach($threadtypes['types'] as $typeid => $name) { $html .= '<option value="'.$typeid.'" '.($curtypeid == $typeid ? 'selected' : '').'>'.strip_tags($name).'</option>'; } $html .= '</select>'; return $html; } else { return ''; } } function updatecredits($uids, $creditsarray, $coef = 1, $extrasql = '') { if($uids && ((!empty($creditsarray) && is_array($creditsarray)) || $extrasql)) { global $db, $tablepre; $creditsadd = $comma = ''; foreach($creditsarray as $id => $addcredits) { $creditsadd .= $comma.'extcredits'.$id.'=extcredits'.$id.'+('.intval($addcredits).')*('.$coef.')'; $comma = ', '; } if($creditsadd || $extrasql) { $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET $creditsadd ".($creditsadd && $extrasql ? ', ' : '')." $extrasql WHERE uid IN ('$uids')", 'UNBUFFERED'); } } } function updatesession() { if(!empty($GLOBALS['sessionupdated'])) { return TRUE; } global $db, $tablepre, $sessionexists, $sessionupdated, $sid, $onlineip, $discuz_uid, $discuz_user, $timestamp, $lastactivity, $seccode, $pvfrequence, $spageviews, $lastolupdate, $oltimespan, $onlinehold, $groupid, $styleid, $invisible, $discuz_action, $fid, $tid, $bloguid; $fid = intval($fid); $tid = intval($tid); if($oltimespan && $discuz_uid && $lastactivity && $timestamp - ($lastolupdate ? $lastolupdate : $lastactivity) > $oltimespan * 60) { $lastolupdate = $timestamp; $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}onlinetime SET total=total+'$oltimespan', thismonth=thismonth+'$oltimespan', lastupdate='$timestamp' WHERE uid='$discuz_uid' AND lastupdate<='".($timestamp - $oltimespan * 60)."'"); if(!$db->affected_rows()) { $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}onlinetime (uid, thismonth, total, lastupdate) VALUES ('$discuz_uid', '$oltimespan', '$oltimespan', '$timestamp')", 'SILENT'); } } else { $lastolupdate = intval($lastolupdate); } if($sessionexists == 1) { if($pvfrequence && $discuz_uid) { if($spageviews >= $pvfrequence) { $pageviewsadd = ', pageviews=\'0\''; $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET pageviews=pageviews+'$spageviews' WHERE uid='$discuz_uid'", 'UNBUFFERED'); } else { $pageviewsadd = ', pageviews=pageviews+1'; } } else { $pageviewsadd = ''; } $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}sessions SET uid='$discuz_uid', username='$discuz_user', groupid='$groupid', styleid='$styleid', invisible='$invisible', action='$discuz_action', lastactivity='$timestamp', lastolupdate='$lastolupdate', seccode='$seccode', fid='$fid', tid='$tid', bloguid='$bloguid' $pageviewsadd WHERE sid='$sid'"); } else { $ips = explode('.', $onlineip); $db->query("DELETE FROM {$tablepre}sessions WHERE sid='$sid' OR lastactivity<($timestamp-$onlinehold) OR ('$discuz_uid'<>'0' AND uid='$discuz_uid') OR (uid='0' AND ip1='$ips[0]' AND ip2='$ips[1]' AND ip3='$ips[2]' AND ip4='$ips[3]' AND lastactivity>$timestamp-60)"); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}sessions (sid, ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, uid, username, groupid, styleid, invisible, action, lastactivity, lastolupdate, seccode, fid, tid, bloguid) VALUES ('$sid', '$ips[0]', '$ips[1]', '$ips[2]', '$ips[3]', '$discuz_uid', '$discuz_user', '$groupid', '$styleid', '$invisible', '$discuz_action', '$timestamp', '$lastolupdate', '$seccode', '$fid', '$tid', '$bloguid')", 'SILENT'); if($discuz_uid && $timestamp - $lastactivity > 21600) { if($oltimespan && $timestamp - $lastactivity > 86400) { $query = $db->query("SELECT total FROM {$tablepre}onlinetime WHERE uid='$discuz_uid'"); $oltimeadd = ', oltime='.round(intval($db->result($query, 0)) / 60); } else { $oltimeadd = ''; } $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET lastip='$onlineip', lastvisit=lastactivity, lastactivity='$timestamp' $oltimeadd WHERE uid='$discuz_uid'", 'UNBUFFERED'); } } $sessionupdated = 1; } function updatemodworks($modaction, $posts = 1) { global $modworkstatus, $db, $tablepre, $discuz_uid, $timestamp, $_DCACHE; $today = gmdate('Y-m-d', $timestamp + $_DCACHE['settings']['timeoffset'] * 3600); if($modworkstatus && $modaction && $posts) { $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}modworks SET count=count+1, posts=posts+'$posts' WHERE uid='$discuz_uid' AND modaction='$modaction' AND dateline='$today'"); if(!$db->affected_rows()) { $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}modworks (uid, modaction, dateline, count, posts) VALUES ('$discuz_uid', '$modaction', '$today', 1, '$posts')"); } } } function writelog($file, $log) { global $timestamp, $_DCACHE; $yearmonth = gmdate('Ym', $timestamp + $_DCACHE['settings']['timeoffset'] * 3600); $logdir = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/logs/'; $logfile = $logdir.$yearmonth.'_'.$file.'.php'; if(@filesize($logfile) > 2048000) { $dir = opendir($logdir); $length = strlen($file); $maxid = $id = 0; while($entry = readdir($dir)) { if(strexists($entry, $yearmonth.'_'.$file)) { $id = intval(substr($entry, $length + 8, -4)); $id > $maxid && $maxid = $id; } } closedir($dir); $logfilebak = $logdir.$yearmonth.'_'.$file.'_'.($maxid + 1).'.php'; @rename($logfile, $logfilebak); } if($fp = @fopen($logfile, 'a')) { @flock($fp, 2); $log = is_array($log) ? $log : array($log); foreach($log as $tmp) { fwrite($fp, "<?PHP exit;?>\t".str_replace(array('<?', '?>'), '', $tmp)."\n"); } fclose($fp); } } function implodeids($array) { if(!empty($array)) { return "'".implode("','", is_array($array) ? $array : array($array))."'"; } else { return ''; } } function ajaxshowheader() { global $charset; @header("Expires: -1"); @header("Cache-Control: no-store, private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE); @header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-type: application/xml"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?>\n<root><![CDATA["; } function ajaxshowfooter() { echo ']]></root>'; } function ajaxtemplate($tplname) { if(!empty($_GET['inajax'])) { extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); updatesession(); ajaxshowheader(); include template($tplname); ajaxshowfooter(); die(); } } function wipespecial($str) { return str_replace(array('..', "\n", "\r"), array('', '', ''), $str); } function supe_dbconnect() { global $supe, $db; if(empty($supe['dbmode'])) { $supe['db'] = $db; } elseif(empty($supe['db'])) { $supe['db'] = new dbstuff; $supe['db']->connect($supe['dbhost'], $supe['dbuser'], $supe['dbpw'], $supe['dbname'], $supe['pconnect']); } } ?>
  3. <? /* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2007 Comsenz Inc. This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms $RCSfile: plugin.php,v $ $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/03/21 15:52:05 $ */ require_once './include/common.inc.php'; $pluginmodule = isset($pluginlinks[$identifier][$module]) ? $pluginlinks[$identifier][$module] : ''; if(empty($identifier) || empty($module) || !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i", $module) || !$pluginmodule) { showmessage('undefined_action'); } elseif($pluginmodule['adminid'] && ($adminid < 1 || ($adminid > 0 && $pluginmodule['adminid'] < $adminid))) { showmessage('plugin_nopermission'); } elseif(@!file_exists(DISCUZ_ROOT.($modfile = './plugins/'.$pluginmodule['directory'].((!empty($pluginmodule['directory']) && substr($pluginmodule['directory'], -1) != '/') ? '/' : '') .$module.'.inc.php'))) { showmessage('plugin_module_nonexistence'); } include DISCUZ_ROOT.$modfile; ?> [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. key: cdb_sid value: LTXMZS key: cdb_cookietime value: 2592000 key: cdb_auth value: iUp/svxyVP9pa2rfBwsU23u3Dvrj631NYtLhHgttojNTW2nxNQ5CWw8rfA
  5. Sorry, it still not works. p/s: I already add semi-colons after these 2 lines. $_value = str_replace('\n', '<br />', $_value) $_value = str_replace('\r\n', '<br />', $_value) I hope you won't given up. Thank you very much.
  6. It will automatic include this file: common.inc.php <?php /* [Discuz!] (C)2001-2007 Comsenz Inc. This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms $RCSfile: common.inc.php,v $ $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/03/21 15:52:38 $ */ error_reporting(0); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); $mtime = explode(' ', microtime()); $discuz_starttime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; define('SYS_DEBUG', FALSE); define('IN_DISCUZ', TRUE); define('DISCUZ_ROOT', substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, -7)); if(PHP_VERSION < '4.1.0') { $_GET = &$HTTP_GET_VARS; $_POST = &$HTTP_POST_VARS; $_COOKIE = &$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; $_SERVER = &$HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $_ENV = &$HTTP_ENV_VARS; $_FILES = &$HTTP_POST_FILES; } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/global.func.php'; define('ISROBOT', getrobot()); if(defined('NOROBOT') && ISROBOT) { exit(header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden")); } define('MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC', get_magic_quotes_gpc()); isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) && exit('Access Error'); foreach(array('_COOKIE', '_POST', '_GET') as $_request) { foreach($$_request as $_key => $_value) { $_key{0} != '_' && $$_key = daddslashes($_value); } } (!MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) && $_FILES = daddslashes($_FILES); $charset = $dbcharset = $forumfounders = $metakeywords = $extrahead = ''; $plugins = $hooks = $admincp = array(); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./config.inc.php'; $_DCOOKIE = $_DSESSION = $_DCACHE = $_DPLUGIN = $advlist = array(); $prelength = strlen($cookiepre); foreach($_COOKIE as $key => $val) { if(substr($key, 0, $prelength) == $cookiepre) { $_DCOOKIE[(substr($key, $prelength))] = MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC ? $val : daddslashes($val); } } unset($prelength, $_request, $_key, $_value); $timestamp = time(); if($attackevasive) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/security.inc.php'; } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/db_'.$database.'.class.php'; $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $SCRIPT_FILENAME = str_replace('\\\\', '/', (isset($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); $boardurl = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].preg_replace("/\/+(api|archiver|wap)?\/*$/i", '', substr($PHP_SELF, 0, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '/'))).'/'; if(getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP') && strcasecmp(getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'), 'unknown')) { $onlineip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'); } elseif(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') && strcasecmp(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'), 'unknown')) { $onlineip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'); } elseif(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') && strcasecmp(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'unknown')) { $onlineip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); } elseif(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && strcasecmp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'unknown')) { $onlineip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } preg_match("/[\d\.]{7,15}/", $onlineip, $onlineipmatches); $onlineip = $onlineipmatches[0] ? $onlineipmatches[0] : 'unknown'; unset($onlineipmatches); $cachelost = (@include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/cache_settings.php') ? '' : 'settings'; @extract($_DCACHE['settings']); if($gzipcompress && function_exists('ob_gzhandler') && CURSCRIPT != 'wap') { ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } else { $gzipcompress = 0; ob_start(); } if(!empty($loadctrl) && substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') { if($fp = @fopen('/proc/loadavg', 'r')) { list($loadaverage) = explode(' ', fread($fp, 6)); fclose($fp); if($loadaverage > $loadctrl) { header("HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable"); include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/serverbusy.htm'; exit(); } } } if(defined('CURSCRIPT') && in_array(CURSCRIPT, array('index', 'forumdisplay', 'viewthread', 'post', 'blog', 'pm', 'topicadmin', 'register', 'archiver'))) { $cachelost .= (@include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/cache_'.CURSCRIPT.'.php') ? '' : ' '.CURSCRIPT; } $db = new dbstuff; $db->connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname, $pconnect); $dbhost = $dbuser = $dbpw = $dbname = $pconnect = NULL; $sid = daddslashes(($transsidstatus || (defined('CURSCRIPT') && CURSCRIPT == 'wap'))&& (isset($_GET['sid']) || isset($_POST['sid'])) ? (isset($_GET['sid']) ? $_GET['sid'] : $_POST['sid']) : (isset($_DCOOKIE['sid']) ? $_DCOOKIE['sid'] : '')); $discuz_auth_key = md5($_DCACHE['settings']['authkey'].$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); list($discuz_pw, $discuz_secques, $discuz_uid) = empty($_DCOOKIE['auth']) ? array('', '', 0) : daddslashes(explode("\t", authcode($_DCOOKIE['auth'], 'DECODE')), 1); $newpm = $newpmexists = $sessionexists = $seccode = $bloguid = 0; $membertablefields = 'm.uid AS discuz_uid, m.username AS discuz_user, m.password AS discuz_pw, m.secques AS discuz_secques, m.adminid, m.groupid, m.groupexpiry, m.extgroupids, m.email, m.timeoffset, m.tpp, m.ppp, m.posts, m.digestposts, m.oltime, m.pageviews, m.credits, m.extcredits1, m.extcredits2, m.extcredits3, m.extcredits4, m.extcredits5, m.extcredits6, m.extcredits7, m.extcredits8, m.timeformat, m.dateformat, m.pmsound, m.sigstatus, m.invisible, m.lastvisit, m.lastactivity, m.lastpost, m.newpm, m.accessmasks, m.xspacestatus, m.editormode, m.customshow'; if($sid) { if($discuz_uid) { $query = $db->query("SELECT s.sid, s.styleid, s.groupid='6' AS ipbanned, s.pageviews AS spageviews, s.lastolupdate, s.seccode, $membertablefields FROM {$tablepre}sessions s, {$tablepre}members m WHERE m.uid=s.uid AND s.sid='$sid' AND CONCAT_WS('.',s.ip1,s.ip2,s.ip3,s.ip4)='$onlineip' AND m.uid='$discuz_uid' AND m.password='$discuz_pw' AND m.secques='$discuz_secques'"); } else { $query = $db->query("SELECT sid, uid AS sessionuid, groupid, groupid='6' AS ipbanned, pageviews AS spageviews, styleid, lastolupdate, seccode FROM {$tablepre}sessions WHERE sid='$sid' AND CONCAT_WS('.',ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4)='$onlineip'"); } if($_DSESSION = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $sessionexists = 1; if(!empty($_DSESSION['sessionuid'])) { $query = $db->query("SELECT $membertablefields FROM {$tablepre}members m WHERE uid='$_DSESSION[sessionuid]'"); $_DSESSION = array_merge($_DSESSION, $db->fetch_array($query)); } } else { $query = $db->query("SELECT sid, groupid, groupid='6' AS ipbanned, pageviews AS spageviews, styleid, lastolupdate, seccode FROM {$tablepre}sessions WHERE sid='$sid' AND CONCAT_WS('.',ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4)='$onlineip'"); if($_DSESSION = $db->fetch_array($query)) { clearcookies(); $sessionexists = 1; } } } if(!$sessionexists) { if($discuz_uid) { $query = $db->query("SELECT $membertablefields FROM {$tablepre}members m WHERE m.uid='$discuz_uid' AND m.password='$discuz_pw' AND m.secques='$discuz_secques'"); if(!($_DSESSION = $db->fetch_array($query))) { clearcookies(); } } if(ipbanned($onlineip)) $_DSESSION['ipbanned'] = 1; $_DSESSION['sid'] = random(6); $_DSESSION['seccode'] = random(6, 1); } $_DSESSION['dateformat'] = empty($_DSESSION['dateformat']) ? $_DCACHE['settings']['dateformat'] : $_DSESSION['dateformat']; $_DSESSION['timeformat'] = empty($_DSESSION['timeformat']) ? $_DCACHE['settings']['timeformat'] : ($_DSESSION['timeformat'] == 1 ? 'h:i A' : 'H:i'); $_DSESSION['timeoffset'] = isset($_DSESSION['timeoffset']) && $_DSESSION['timeoffset'] != 9999 ? $_DSESSION['timeoffset'] : $_DCACHE['settings']['timeoffset']; $membertablefields = ''; @extract($_DSESSION); $lastvisit = empty($lastvisit) ? $timestamp - 86400 : $lastvisit; $timenow = array('time' => gmdate("$dateformat $timeformat", $timestamp + 3600 * $timeoffset), 'offset' => ($timeoffset >= 0 ? ($timeoffset == 0 ? '' : '+'.$timeoffset) : $timeoffset)); if(PHP_VERSION > '5.1') { @date_default_timezone_set('Etc/GMT'.($timeoffset > 0 ? '-' : '+').(abs($timeoffset))); } $accessadd1 = $accessadd2 = $modadd1 = $modadd2 = ''; if(empty($discuz_uid) || empty($discuz_user)) { $discuz_user = $extgroupids = ''; $discuz_uid = $adminid = $posts = $digestposts = $pageviews = $oltime = $invisible = $credits = $extcredits1 = $extcredits2 = $extcredits3 = $extcredits4 = $extcredits5 = $extcredits6 = $extcredits7 = $extcredits8 = 0; $groupid = empty($groupid) || $groupid != 6 ? 7 : 6; } else { $discuz_userss = $discuz_user; $discuz_user = addslashes($discuz_user); if($accessmasks) { $accessadd1 = ', a.allowview, a.allowpost, a.allowreply, a.allowgetattach, a.allowpostattach'; $accessadd2 = "LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}access a ON a.uid='$discuz_uid' AND a.fid=f.fid"; } if($adminid == 3) { $modadd1 = ', m.uid AS ismoderator'; $modadd2 = "LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}moderators m ON m.uid='$discuz_uid' AND m.fid=f.fid"; } } if($errorreport == 2 || ($errorreport == 1 && $adminid > 0)) { error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); } define('FORMHASH', formhash()); $statstatus && require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/counter.inc.php'; $extra = isset($extra) && @preg_match("/^[&=;a-z0-9]+$/i", $extra) ? $extra : ''; $tpp = intval(empty($_DSESSION['tpp']) ? $topicperpage : $_DSESSION['tpp']); $ppp = intval(empty($_DSESSION['ppp']) ? $postperpage : $_DSESSION['ppp']); $rsshead = $navtitle = $navigation = ''; $_DSESSION['groupid'] = $groupid = empty($ipbanned) ? (empty($groupid) ? 7 : intval($groupid)) : 6; if(!@include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/usergroup_'.$groupid.'.php') { $query = $db->query("SELECT type FROM {$tablepre}usergroups WHERE groupid='$groupid'"); $grouptype = $db->result($query, 0); if(!empty($grouptype)) { $cachelost .= ' usergroup_'.$groupid; } else { $grouptype = 'member'; } } if($passport_status && ($passport_status != 'shopex' || !$passport_shopex)) { $passport_forward = rawurlencode('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $link_login = $passport_url.$passport_login_url.(strpos($passport_login_url, '?') === FALSE ? '?' : '&').'forward='.$passport_forward; $link_logout = $passport_url.$passport_logout_url.(strpos($passport_logout_url, '?') === FALSE ? '?' : '&').'forward='.$passport_forward; $link_register = $passport_url.$passport_register_url.(strpos($passport_register_url, '?') === FALSE ? '?' : '&').'forward='.$passport_forward; } else { $link_login = 'logging.php?action=login'; $link_logout = 'logging.php?action=logout&formhash='.FORMHASH; $link_register = 'register.php'; } if($discuz_uid && $_DSESSION) { if(!empty($groupexpiry) && $groupexpiry < $timestamp && (!defined('CURSCRIPT') || (CURSCRIPT != 'wap' && CURSCRIPT != 'member'))) { dheader("Location: {$boardurl}member.php?action=groupexpiry"); } elseif($grouptype && $groupid != getgroupid($discuz_uid, array ( 'type' => $grouptype, 'creditshigher' => $groupcreditshigher, 'creditslower' => $groupcreditslower ), $_DSESSION)) { @extract($_DSESSION); $cachelost .= (@include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/usergroup_'.intval($groupid).'.php') ? '' : ' usergroup_'.$groupid; } } if(!in_array($adminid, array(1, 2, 3))) { $alloweditpost = $alloweditpoll = $allowstickthread = $allowmodpost = $allowdelpost = $allowmassprune = $allowrefund = $allowcensorword = $allowviewip = $allowbanip = $allowedituser = $allowmoduser = $allowbanuser = $allowpostannounce = $allowviewlog = $disablepostctrl = $supe_allowpushthread = 0; } elseif(isset($radminid) && $adminid != $radminid && $adminid != $groupid) { $cachelost .= (@include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/admingroup_'.intval($adminid).'.php') ? '' : ' admingroup_'.$groupid; } $forum = array(); $auditstatuson = !empty($mod) && $mod == 'edit' && in_array($adminid, array(1, 2, 3)) && $allowmodpost ? true : false; $tid = isset($tid) && is_numeric($tid) ? $tid : 0; $fid = isset($fid) && is_numeric($fid) ? $fid : 0; $typeid = isset($typeid) ? intval($typeid) : 0; if(!empty($tid) || !empty($fid)) { if(empty($tid)) { $query = $db->query("SELECT f.fid, f.*, ff.* $accessadd1 $modadd1, f.fid AS fid FROM {$tablepre}forums f LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}forumfields ff ON ff.fid=f.fid $accessadd2 $modadd2 WHERE f.fid='$fid'"); $forum = $db->fetch_array($query); } else { $query = $db->query("SELECT t.tid, t.closed,".(defined('SQL_ADD_THREAD') ? SQL_ADD_THREAD : '')." f.*, ff.* $accessadd1 $modadd1, f.fid AS fid FROM {$tablepre}threads t INNER JOIN {$tablepre}forums f ON f.fid=t.fid LEFT JOIN {$tablepre}forumfields ff ON ff.fid=f.fid $accessadd2 $modadd2 WHERE t.tid='$tid'".($auditstatuson ? '' : " AND t.displayorder>='0'")." LIMIT 1"); $forum = $db->fetch_array($query); $tid = $forum['tid']; } if($forum) { $fid = $forum['fid']; $forum['ismoderator'] = !empty($forum['ismoderator']) || $adminid == 1 || $adminid == 2 ? 1 : 0; foreach(array('postcredits', 'replycredits', 'threadtypes', 'digestcredits', 'postattachcredits', 'getattachcredits', 'supe_pushsetting') as $key) { $forum[$key] = !empty($forum[$key]) ? unserialize($forum[$key]) : array(); } } else { $fid = 0; } } $styleid = intval(!empty($_GET['styleid']) ? $_GET['styleid'] : (!empty($_POST['styleid']) ? $_POST['styleid'] : (!empty($_DSESSION['styleid']) ? $_DSESSION['styleid'] : $_DCACHE['settings']['styleid']))); $styleid = intval(isset($stylejump[$styleid]) ? $styleid : $_DCACHE['settings']['styleid']); if(@!include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/style_'.intval(!empty($forum['styleid']) ? $forum['styleid'] : $styleid).'.php') { $cachelost .= (@include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/style_'.($styleid = $_DCACHE['settings']['styleid']).'.php') ? '' : ' style_'.$styleid; } if($cachelost) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/cache.func.php'; updatecache(); dexit('Cache List: '.$cachelost.'<br>Caches successfully created, please refresh.'); } if(!defined('CURSCRIPT') || CURSCRIPT != 'wap') { if($nocacheheaders) { @dheader("Expires: 0"); @dheader("Cache-Control: private, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0", FALSE); @dheader("Pragma: no-cache"); } if($headercharset) { @dheader('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.$charset); } if(empty($_DCOOKIE['sid']) || $sid != $_DCOOKIE['sid']) { dsetcookie('sid', $sid, 604800); } } if($cronnextrun && $cronnextrun <= $timestamp) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/cron.func.php'; runcron(); } if(isset($plugins['include']) && is_array($plugins['include'])) { foreach($plugins['include'] as $include) { if(!$include['adminid'] || ($include['adminid'] && $include['adminid'] >= $adminid)) { @include_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./plugins/'.$include['script'].'.inc.php'; } } } if((!empty($_DCACHE['advs']) || $globaladvs || $redirectadvs) && !defined('IN_ADMINCP')) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/advertisements.inc.php'; } if(isset($allowvisit) && $allowvisit == 0 && !(defined('CURSCRIPT') && CURSCRIPT == 'member' && $action == 'groupexpiry')) { showmessage('user_banned', NULL, 'HALTED'); } elseif(!((defined('CURSCRIPT') && in_array(CURSCRIPT, array('logging', 'wap', 'seccode'))) || $adminid == 1)) { if($bbclosed) { clearcookies(); $closedreason = $db->result($db->query("SELECT value FROM {$tablepre}settings WHERE variable='closedreason'"), 0); showmessage($closedreason ? $closedreason : 'board_closed', NULL, 'NOPERM'); } periodscheck('visitbanperiods'); } if((!empty($fromuid) || !empty($fromuser)) && ($creditspolicy['promotion_visit'] || $creditspolicy['promotion_register'])) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'/include/promotion.inc.php'; } $rssauth = $rssstatus && $discuz_uid ? rawurlencode(authcode("$discuz_uid\t".($fid ? $fid : '')."\t".substr(md5($discuz_pw.$discuz_secques), 0, , 'ENCODE', md5($_DCACHE['settings']['authkey']))) : '0'; ?> [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. I think it is from: <textarea name="emailMsg" rows="10" cols="80" wrap="off"></textarea>
  8. Yes, it is a text box. 39 $subject = str_replace("member_name",$member["username"],$emailSubject); 40 $emailMsg = str_replace('\n', '<br />', $emailMsg) 41 $emailMsg = str_replace('\r\n', '<br />', $emailMsg) 42 $msg = str_replace("member_name",$member["username"],$emailMsg); 43 if ($useDzSendMail) Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in E:\htdocs\bbs\plugins\ontimeSendRemind\manualSendMail.inc.php on line 41
  9. I just get this message on the email: test email message
  10. Sorry, it didn't work. Do you know how to use preg_replace to work on it?
  11. Sorry about the long posts. I am now trying...
  12. these are the source files [attachment deleted by admin]
  13. I found another method to send emails to my Discuz! Board members. But I have a problem. I hope someone can help me to solve this problem. The problem is the text I sent out all in one line. Example: (I wish to send) Hello! Thank you for joining Discuz! Board. Have a nice day. Thank you! - Discuz! Board team. On the recipients’ emails, it shows this: Hello!Thank you for joining Discuz! Board. Have a nice day.Thank you!- Discuz! Board team. The texts are joining into one line. Please help me! Thank you! mail.inc
  14. This sendmail code is from Discuz! Board I have a problem when I wish to send mail to my board member. When I send email to multiple members, member can read other member’s email address. I try to hide the address, then I changed fputs($fp, "To: ".$email_to."\r\n"); To fputs($fp, "Bcc: ".$email_to."\r\n"); But then I am facing another problem, member’s email is not showing 'To: xxx@xxx.com', for example. Hotmail will reject these kind of email. Then I decided to add fputs($fp, "To: ".$touser."\r\n"); //note that it is touser not email_to before fputs($fp, "Bcc: ".$email_to."\r\n"); but it showed the last member’s email address on every member’s email. 'To: last_member@xxx.com', for example insteed of 'To: particular_member@xxx.com. Finally I found that, fputs($fp, "Date: ".gmdate('r')."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "To: ".$touser."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Bcc: ".$email_to."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Subject: ".$email_subject."\r\n"); fputs($fp, $headers."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "\r\n\r\n"); fputs($fp, "$email_message\r\n.\r\n"); fputs($fp, "QUIT\r\n"); are only tell the email what to show in every member’s email. Even I have looped and updated $touser, the code above is only running 1 time. So, here is my problem: Can you help me to modify the original code so that it will send email one by one with every email only show the particular member’s email address on his email. Thank you!! ORIGINAL CODE: mail_config.inc.php
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