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  1. Awesome PFMaBiSmAd. Thank you very much! I was struggling with my database structure and just kept making things more complicated. Thanks again!!!
  2. I have a database with one row and about 50 columns, where the inserted data is being displayed on a page. But a lot of the time not all columns are being used. So say only 25 columns have data, there will be 25 blanks spaces with an &#8226; symbol. Is there a way to ignore to columns that have no data in them? Such as SELECT * from notices WHERE [columns have data] <?php $html="<table>"; $q="select * from notices"; $r=mysql_query($q); while($o=mysql_fetch_object($r)){ foreach($o as $key=>$val){ $html.="<tr><td colspan='2' bgcolor='#896B45'><div style='padding:10px;'>&#8226; {$val}<br></div></td></tr>"; }} $html.="</table>"; echo $html; ?> CREATE TABLE `notices` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `notice1` text, `notice2` text, `notice3` text, `notice4` text, `notice5` text, `notice6` text, `notice7` text, `notice8` text, `notice9` text, `notice10` text, `notice11` text, `notice12` text, `notice13` text, `notice14` text, `notice15` text, `notice16` text, `notice17` text, `notice18` text, `notice19` text, `notice20` text, `notice21` text, `notice22` text, `notice23` text, `notice24` text, `notice25` text, `notice26` text, `notice27` text, `notice28` text, `notice29` text, `notice30` text, `notice31` text, `notice32` text, `notice33` text, `notice34` text, `notice35` text, `notice36` text, `notice37` text, `notice38` text, `notice39` text, `notice40` text, `notice41` text, `notice42` text, `notice43` text, `notice44` text, `notice45` text, `notice46` text, `notice47` text, `notice48` text, `notice49` text, `notice50` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=40 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 I have an admin page for the posting of the date to the database: <?php include_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/main.inc.php"); $page_content = db_select("select * from notices"); $pc = $page_content[0]; $ff=$_POST; if ($ff['submit']) { $insc="UPDATE notices SET notice1='".$ff['notice1']."' , notice2='".$ff['notice2']."' , notice3='".$ff['notice3']."' , notice4='".$ff['notice4']."' , notice5='".$ff['notice5']."' , notice6='".$ff['notice6']."' , notice7='".$ff['notice7']."' , notice8='".$ff['notice8']."' , notice9='".$ff['notice9']."' , notice10='".$ff['notice10']."' , notice11='".$ff['notice11']."' , notice12='".$ff['notice12']."' , notice13='".$ff['notice13']."' , notice14='".$ff['notice14']."' , notice15='".$ff['notice15']."' , notice16='".$ff['notice16']."' , notice17='".$ff['notice17']."' , notice18='".$ff['notice18']."' , notice19='".$ff['notice19']."' , notice20='".$ff['notice20']."' , notice21='".$ff['notice21']."' , notice22='".$ff['notice22']."' , notice23='".$ff['notice23']."' , notice24='".$ff['notice24']."' , notice25='".$ff['notice25']."' , notice26='".$ff['notice26']."' , notice27='".$ff['notice27']."' , notice28='".$ff['notice28']."' , notice29='".$ff['notice29']."' , notice30='".$ff['notice30']."' , notice31='".$ff['notice31']."' , notice32='".$ff['notice32']."' , notice33='".$ff['notice33']."' , notice34='".$ff['notice34']."' , notice35='".$ff['notice35']."' , notice36='".$ff['notice36']."' , notice37='".$ff['notice37']."' , notice38='".$ff['notice38']."' , notice39='".$ff['notice39']."' , notice40='".$ff['notice40']."' , notice41='".$ff['notice41']."' , notice42='".$ff['notice42']."' , notice43='".$ff['notice43']."' , notice44='".$ff['notice44']."' , notice45='".$ff['notice45']."' , notice46='".$ff['notice46']."' , notice47='".$ff['notice47']."' , notice48='".$ff['notice48']."' , notice49='".$ff['notice49']."' , notice50='".$ff['notice50']."' , id='1' WHERE id='1'"; mysql_query($insc); } ?> <html> <head> </head> <body> <form name="noticesform" method="post" action="notices_admin.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <textarea name='notice1' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice1"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice2' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice2"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice3' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice3"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice4' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice4"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice5' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice5"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice6' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice6"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice7' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice7"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice8' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice8"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice9' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice9"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice10' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice10"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice11' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice11"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice12' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice12"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice13' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice13"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice14' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice14"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice15' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice15"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice16' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice16"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice17' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice17"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice18' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice18"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice19' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice19"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice20' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice20"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice21' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice21"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice22' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice22"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice23' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice23"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice24' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice24"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice25' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice25"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice26' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice26"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice27' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice27"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice28' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice28"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice29' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice29"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice30' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice30"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice31' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice31"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice32' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice32"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice33' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice33"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice34' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice34"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice35' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice35"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice36' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice36"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice37' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice37"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice38' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice38"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice39' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice39"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice40' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice40"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice41' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice41"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice42' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice42"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice43' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice43"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice44' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice44"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice45' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice45"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice46' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice46"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice47' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice47"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice48' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice48"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice49' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice49"]?> </textarea> <textarea name='notice50' cols='110' rows='3' class='input'><?=$pc["notice50"]?> </textarea> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Click here to update" class="input"> </form> </body> </html>
  3. Figured it out. It was a PHP issue. I did yum remove php and deleted all the PHP 4 files. Then did a fresh PHP 5 ./configure install and everything works well.
  4. When I rpm -qa | grep -i '^mysql-' is shows: MySQL-devel-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 MySQL-client-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 MySQL-shared-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 MySQL-server-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 The headers and libraries are installed. I can't figure out why I am receiving the error. Is this a PHP install error? Or is it MySQL? I have tried re-installing MySQL multiple times via: rpm -qa | grep -i '^mysql-' MySQL-devel-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 MySQL-client-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 MySQL-shared-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 MySQL-server-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 rpm --nodeps -ev MySQL-shared-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 rpm --nodeps -ev MySQL-server-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 rpm --nodeps -ev MySQL-client-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 rpm --nodeps -ev MySQL-devel-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4 wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/MySQL-server-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4.i386.rpm/from/http://opensource.become.com/mysql/ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/MySQL-client-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4.i386.rpm/from/http://opensource.become.com/mysql/ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/MySQL-shared-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4.i386.rpm/from/http://opensource.become.com/mysql/ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/MySQL-devel-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4.i386.rpm/from/http://opensource.become.com/mysql/ rpm -Uvh MySQL-server-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh MySQL-client-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh MySQL-shared-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4.i386.rpm rpm -Uvh MySQL-devel-community-5.1.36-0.rhel4.i386.rpm
  5. This is a new virtual server, where I have installed LAMP. When I bring up my website that is being hosted, I get this error: Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:40120 Library:50136 in Any ideas of what has gone wrong? Thanks!
  6. Follow up: I don't think this is an issue with the rewrite rule, as it is working as far as removing the extension. But I am getting a Not Found error thereafter. Could this be an issue with the DefaultType or MIME Rewrite rule, just in case: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None # # Remove ".php" RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ ([^\?]+)\.php.*(.*)\ HTTP RewriteRule (.+)\.php.*(.*)$ $1$2 [R,L]
  7. I am switching over to a new server and I edited the httpd.conf file to be similar to my old server. I have a mod rewrite rule to remove .php extensions, which does work - but when it rewrites to http://domain.com/index I get a Not Found 404 error. Just going to http://domain.com will bring up the file, but if I try to access any files, it will rewrite and remove the extension properly, but I will get a 404 error for that file. I set DefaultType application/x-httpd-php - Not sure if this is an Apache or PHP problem.
  8. Simpler explanation. I am a user, viewing all results from a table that has an ID and content fields. I want to view the content for every id - but if in another table, an ID has exclude = Yes, don't show that one. $query = "select a.id,a.content, b.no_id, b.exclude from accounts a left outer join excludetable b on b.no_id = a.id where ((b.exclude!='Yes') order by rand() limit 10"; But if the exclude table, does not have an entry for the ID, those IDs will not show in the results. - How would you code it to show all rows from accounts, unless table exlcude b.exclude=Yes for a certain Id, then don't show that ID
  9. Basically I want to select certain tables, and show information based on the results. SELECT a.*, b.special from accounts a left outer join special_tb b on on etc. etc. WHERE a.id = $id and b.special!='Yes' So basically I want to show all results, but if the new special table has a row for a certain id that says Yes, that is excluded. --- The problem is, if the rest of the rows in the special table don't say No for every id, the results won't show up. So is there a way to say : (If b.special says Yes, exclude that from the results, but if it says NO or there is no row at all for that ID, then display the result for that ID. I don't want to have to enter thousands of "NOs" in the new table. Just exclude if there is a Yes.
  10. I have some query statements to show certain data based items selected from a DB. SELECT value FROM table WHERE value = "no" The problem is, I don't want to have to do a db insert for each id on a new table. - How would I write the SELECT code, so I can join it with other statements, where value = a userid that has No in this new table, but show all other users, even if they have yet to be entered into the table? Basically select all No's - and show all other ids whether they are in the new table or not.
  11. I have a function that dies and gives a message if there is a MySQL error: $result=mysql_query($query,$id) or die ("Unable to execute query \"".$query."\": ".mysql_error()); Is there a way to have it die and redirect to an error page instead of just giving an error message? I tried the below code, but I kept getting a too many redirects error from my browser: $error_page = header('error.php'); exit(0); $result=mysql_query($query,$id) or die ($error_page);
  12. Caesar, I have tried both methods and either continue to get the MySQL error if letters are entered for u= ; or I get a too many redirects browser error. Again, I am just trying to figure out how to get the page to exit if letters are entered for page?u= Any ideas / examples would be much appreciated. Thanks!!!
  13. How would I add this to the existing code? - Or what new codeset would I use with is_integer?
  14. I have a page that shows information based on the user id. ex. http://www.domain.com/page?u=10 The problem is, if u=letters, I get a SQL error. - Instead I would like to make it to where if someone enters u=letters, it just exits to page.php. - Basically u can only = integers. What would be the best way to do this?? - I already have it so if u= a user non-existant, it exits. But that only works for invalid numbers: $get = $_GET; $uupid = ($get['u']) ? $get['u'] : 0; if($uupid!=0) { $info1 = db_select("select user from accounts where user=$user"); if($uupid!=0 && $info1[0][0] == 0) { header("Location: page"); exit; } }
  15. I have a function to check for secure 443 HTTPS: function check_https() { if ($_SERVER['HTTPS']!='on') { header("location: https://www.domain.com".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit; } } - The question is, how to I force back to HTTP 80? - Basically I only want to use SSL on login pages and submission pages, but don't want users to continue to navigate the site under HTTPS after they go to one of these pages. Basically I only want a couple select pages to use HTTPS and the rest to force HTTP.
  16. I know I have had contact forms that used the above if eregi referrer code to prevent contact forms from being submitted if they didn't come from a certain page. But i tried adding this code to the _login.php page and it didn't seem to work.
  17. Yeah, but if I do this, like : session_start(); $_SESSION['memberlogin'] = "memberlogin"; on the sign_in.php - and then put: if($_SESSION['memberlogin']!="memberlogin") { print "Access Denied!"; exit; } on the _login.php page - all I have to do is go to sign_in.php so the session starts, then go to my spoofed.php page and it will let me log in, since the session started. How do I get around this. - I only want the login to come from page sign_in.php
  18. I have a page with a login form called sign_in.php. The form is: method=post onsubmit=_login.php Then _login.php executes some functions then on success forwards to the network.php I would like to add some code to the _login.php page to ensure users are logging in from sign_in.php and not other spoofed pages. I tried a few things different things, but couldn't get them to work: if(!eregi("domain.com/sign_in.php",$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { mail("email@domain.net", "Non-Form Attempt", "A login relay was attempted from the Web site and was blocked.", "From:Monitor"); die(); } and <?php if (!$_POST['login']) { header("location: sign_in.php"); exit; } ?>
  19. That works. Thanks!!! I was over thinking the && and or statements I guess. Thanks again.
  20. I can just do this: if ($ff['FORMFIELDNAME1'] or $ff['FORMFIELDNAME2']) { But how could I incorporate FORMFIELDNAME2 in the code below:? $variable = split(",",trim($ff['FORMFIELDNAME1']));
  21. $ff = $_POST; if ($ff['FORMFIELDNAME']) { $variable = split(",",trim($ff['FORMFIELDNAME'])); $j=0; $k=0; for ($i=0;$i<count($variable);$i++) { <textarea name="FORMFIELDNAME" cols="30" rows="3" style="width:100%;" wrap="soft"></textarea> <input type="checkbox" name="FORMFIELDNAME" value="<?php echo htmlentities($variable) ?>" />
  22. I get an array error when I do that. The fields are being submitted comma delimited, so I basically just want to be able to use the same name and have both the text filed and checkboxes submitted at the same time. Do I just need to duplicate my code, or is there a way to specify that a form field name = the same as the other form name?
  23. Hello, I have some form fields that are being posted to a database. One field is a text field and the others are checkboxes. I can get the text to post to the database separately, but not at the same time. Like if there is text in the text field and a checkbox is checked, the data won't post. - The name has to be a certain name to work with my code, but it needs to be used on multiple fields. Is there a way where you can code so the form field name will equal the same as the other? Essentially have name2 = name 1 so on submit it acts the same and there are no conflicts?
  24. Wanted to specify that the links will be posting the text in the same text field. They will be separated by commas, which is in the javascript code above. - Basically once the full list of text comes up, I want to be able to browse through and select a few by clicking on them via a link, radio, checkbox etc. and have them sent to a text field being separated by a comma.
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