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  1. I'm using a subfolder on a remote host. I don't think I can do a 404 page. I tried using a global variables file to check the url for a particular folder name, but it sent me to a 404. Dan
  2. Hi everyone, I'm trying to duplicate the same effect on my site that myspace.com has on theirs. What they do is give each person a unique url that they can use in promotion. However, when a user clicks, they are sent to a page that is taken from the database. Here is what I mean: This is the url that I use to go directly to a person's page: http://www.myspace.com/myuniquename This is the real url that is brought up: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=123456789 Myspace uses ColdFusion, but Indieheaven does the same thing with PHP. Can I do this without creating a lot of folders on my site and redirecting? Thanks, Dan
  3. One more question: What does *\r\n mean? Is it similar to chr(10)chr(13)? Thanks for your help. Dan
  4. I'm a newbie at PHP so I apologize for the dumb question. Can anyone please explain to me in plain english what these two lines are asking for? if ($line!="*\r\n") if (($line_num%2)==0) Thanks -Dan
  5. Hello all, I'm a Coldfusion developer and I'm trying to convert some PHP code to Coldfusion. I'm having trouble diciphering some of the code. Here is the code below: if ($line!="*\r\n") { $orig=trim($line); $line=str_replace("PICT","TN/PICT",$line); $line=str_replace("dcp","TN/dcp",$line); $line=str_replace("DCP","TN/DCP",$line); $line=str_replace("pyramide","TN/pyramide",$line); $line=str_replace("quai","TN/quai",$line); $line=str_replace("Negative","TN/Negative",$line); if (($line_num%2)==0) { ?> <img class="thumb" onclick="javascript:popTof('<?=$orig; ?>');" src="<?=$line; ?>" <? } else { ?> alt="<?=$line; ?>"><? } } These lines are especially troubling: if ($line!="*\r\n") if (($line_num%2)==0) Any help diciphering these would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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