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  1. hello, i'm trying to find a tutorial where i can view how to integrate doctrine into the zend framework. i have found only for codeigniter. or at least a tutorial about doctrine and i will try to came up with something to integrate it into zend framework because i have learn a little about it. thanks in advance
  2. thanks for the assistance
  3. i have found it, it was doctrine i forgot the name.
  4. i was at a job interview for a php development job and i have to learn about php delegate( or something like this) in two weeks until i start the work. I didn't ask to many questions, they said that they don't use simple queries for mysql, they have some kind of delegate system, but i don't find to many info about it on the web or i'm searching in a wrong way. Can you please help me to understand where to look ? Because i don't want to ask them from where to learn. Thanks.
  5. __FILE__ The full path and filename of the file. If used inside an include, the name of the included file is returned. Since PHP 4.0.2, __FILE__ always contains an absolute path with symlinks resolved whereas in older versions it contained relative path under some circumstances. of couse it is also a magic constant , but why is my answer not right?
  6. why is that? i have this code <?php var_dump($_POST); ?> i make a GET request to that page , it will show : array(0) { } if it was not initialized it would have been NULL , please explain
  7. thanks this one? if i make a get, delete, head request, $_POST var is still initialized with an empty array in my opinion Question: The $_POST[] superglobal is initialized ONLY when the user agent is making a request using the _________ method. A. POST B. TRACE C. DELETE D. HEAD E. OPTIONS Correct Answer: A User Answer: A ; C ; D Explanation: $_POST[] superglobal is initialized by the web server only when it receives an HTTP request via the POST method.
  8. i have took a test that i think it has some errors: can you please confirm or infirm that A is the right answer? Question: The default value for __FILE__ is _______________________________. A. the complete path of the currently executing script B. the relative path of the currently executing script C. a magical constant; it does not have a default value D. the complete path of the previous executed script E. the relative path of the previous executed script Correct Answer: C User Answer: A Explanation: The PHP engine stores the full path and filename of the currently executing script within the __FILE__ constant.
  9. i have fixed it, the problem was not in the code: looks like with mssql you have to define in : /etc/freetds/freetds.conf the server like this: # A typical Microsoft server [MyServer7] host = **** ; port = 1433 tds version = 8.0 and then connect like this cu mssql_connect("MyServer7",username,parola);
  10. I have this code: it connects to the database, start the statement but i get an error at mssql_execute : PHP Warning: mssql_execute(): stored procedure execution failed in /home/alin/NetBeansProjects/MailScanner/index.php on line 30 the procedure in the db looks like this: GetUsernames (@resultsCount Int=1); resultsCount indicates the number of usernames to return. SELECT STMT Returns Username, ServerList i can't figure it out, need some help please, $ParameterOne=1; $Parameterdoi=""; $ParameterTrei=""; $conn = mssql_connect("***","***","***"); if ($conn===false) { } if (mssql_select_db("***",$conn) === false) { } $proc = mssql_init('GetUsernames',$conn); mssql_bind($proc,'@resultsCount',$ParameterOne,SQLINT1,true, false, 10); mssql_bind($proc,'Username',$Parameterdoi,SQLVARCHAR); mssql_bind($proc,'ServerList',$ParameterTrei,SQLVARCHAR); if ($result = mssql_execute($proc)) { if ($row = mssql_fetch_row($result)) { } }
  11. i have a bash script that i was running with cron jobs: #! /bin/bash start=1000 homedir="/home/alin/NetBeansProjects/Fragger2" numberofprocess=`expr $start + $2` i=$start currentnumber=`ps ax | grep index | grep -c php` case "$1" in start) while [ $i -lt $numberofprocess ] do if [ `ps axo cmd | grep index | grep php | grep -c $i` -lt 1 ] ; then /server/php/bin/php $homedir/index.php $i & fi; i=`expr $i + 1` done ;; stop) while [ $currentnumber -ne 0 ] do kill -9 `ps ax | grep php | grep index | awk {'print $1'} | head -n 1`; currentnumber=`ps ax | grep index | grep -c php` done ;; *) echo "Usage : " $0 "start|stop" ;; esac exit 0 and it was working fine, now i'm tring to make it run from a page . if(isset ($_POST['stop'])){ $conn->update("update `links` set `proccess`=0 "); exec("/home/alin/NetBeansProjects/Fragger2/Trans stop 0"); } if(isset ($_POST['start'])){ if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_POST['proccess'])) echo "proccess should be only a number!"; exec("/home/alin/NetBeansProjects/Fragger2/Trans start ".$_POST['proccess']); } and i don't know why it is not working, i have set for this folder all the permision for this folder "chmod -R 777 /home/alin" it doesn't stop running and i can't figure out why i have to kill the procces from the comand line to stop
  12. I work on translating about 1200 k of phrases from japanese to english After about 150 requested translations it stops throwing the error i showed in the title, the requests are done under 60 seconds (the whole 150); I run this php scrip as cli script i use this method from a class public function TranslateDetails(){ $get=$this->conn->select("select `details`.*,`summary`.`id` 'sum_id' from `summary`,`details` where `summary`.`id`=`details`.`summary_id` and `summary`.`details_translated`=0"); if(sizeof($get)>0) foreach($get as $each) { if($each['text']=="") continue; try { $text=$this->Translate($each['text']); } catch (GTranslateException $e){ echo $e; die("Stoped"); } $this->conn->update("update `details` set `text`='".$text."' where `id`=".$each['id']); $this->conn->update("update `summary` set `details_translated`=1 where `id`=".$each['sum_id']); echo date("H:i:s"),"\t","Translated Details: ",$each['id'],PHP_EOL; } } The problem is that after about 150 translation per minute it throws an exception. Has anybody used this class? How can i have access to translate unlimited words? Thanks.
  13. or because it is in the sendbox it will never be completed?
  14. i have this class: i have a sand box account : but it seams that the payment isn't completed because the log file looks like this: called IPN PAYPAL TRANSACTION ID: 93797056AB281154A SUCCESS DATE: 07/28/2010 10:59 PM PAYER EMAIL: porpag_1280151493_per@yahoo.com NAME: User Test LINK ID: 1 QUANTITY: 1 TOTAL: 33.00 Failed By Alin and this is the code that is called: <?php $fp=fopen("text.txt","a"); include_once('paypal.inc.php'); $paypal=new paypal(); // optionally enable logging // $paypal->log=1; // $paypal->logfile='/absolute/path/to/logfile.txt'; //if you are dealing with subscriptions this must be called first $paypal->ignore_type=array('subscr_signup'); fwrite($fp,"called".PHP_EOL); $paypal->log=1; $paypal->logfile='/server/apache/htdocs/Paypal/text.txt'; if($paypal->validate_ipn()) { //280346602 if($paypal->payment_success==1) { //payment is successfull //use the item id to identify for which product the payment was made $id=intval($paypal->posted_data['item_number']); fwrite($fp, "id=>".$id.PHP_EOL); foreach($paypal->posted_data as $key=>$each){ fwrite($fp, $key."=>".$each.PHP_EOL); } } else { fwrite($fp, "Failed By Alin"); //payment not successful and/or subcsription cancelled } } else { foreach($paypal->posted_data as $key=>$each){ fwrite($fp, $key."=>".$each.PHP_EOL); } } ?> <?php /********************************************************* * DO NOT REMOVE * Project: PHP PayPal Class 1.0 Url: http://phpweby.com Copyright: (C) 2009 Blagoj Janevski - bl@blagoj.com Project Manager: Blagoj Janevski For help, comments, feedback, discussion ... please join our Webmaster forums - http://forums.phpweby.com License------------------------------------------------: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. End License---------------------------------------------- *********************************************************/ class paypal { var $logfile='ipnlog.txt'; var $form=array(); var $log=0; //var $form_action='https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr'; var $form_action='https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr'; var $paypalurl='www.sandbox.paypal.com'; // var $paypalurl='www.paypal.com'; var $type='payment'; var $posted_data=array(); var $action=''; var $error=''; var $ipn=''; var $price=0; var $payment_success=0; var $ignore_type=array(); function paypal($price_item=0) { $this->price=$price_item; } function validate_ipn() { if(!empty($_POST)) { $postvars=''; $this->price=0; foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) { $postvars.=$key. '=' . urlencode($value) . '&'; $this->posted_data[$key]=$value; } $postvars.="cmd=_notify-validate"; $errstr=$errno=''; $fp= @ fsockopen($this->paypalurl,80,$errno,$errstr,30); if(!$fp) { $this->error="fsockopen error no. $errno: $errstr"; return 0; } @ fputs($fp, "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1\r\n"); @ fputs($fp, "Host: ".$this->paypalurl."\r\n"); @ fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); @ fputs($fp, "Content-length: ".strlen($postvars)."\r\n"); @ fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); @ fputs($fp, $postvars . "\r\n\r\n"); $str=''; while(!feof($fp)) $str.=@ fgets($fp,1024); @ fclose($fp); if(preg_match('/VERIFIED/i',$str)) { if($this->log) $this->log_results(1); if(preg_match('/subscr/',$this->posted_data['txn_type'])) { $this->type='subscription'; if(in_array($this->posted_data['txn_type'],$this->ignore_type)) return 0; if($this->posted_data['txn_type']=='subscr_payment') { if($this->posted_data['payment_status']=='Completed') { $this->price=$this->posted_data['mc_amount3']; $this->payment_success=1; } } } else { if($this->posted_data['payment_status']=='Completed') { $this->type='payment'; $this->price=$this->posted_data['mc_gross']; $this->payment_success=1; } } return 1; } else { if($this->log) $this->log_results(0); $this->error='IPN verification failed.'; return 0; } } else return 0; } function add($name,$value) { $this->form[$name]=$value; } function remove($name) { unset($this->form[$name]); } function enable_recurring() { $this->type='subscription'; $this->add('src','1'); $this->add('sra','1'); $this->add('cmd','_xclick-subscriptions'); $this->remove('amount'); $this->add('no_note',1); $this->add('no_shipping',1); $this->add('currency_code','USD'); $this->add('a3',$this->price); $this->add('notify_url',$this->ipn); } function recurring_year($num) { $this->enable_recurring(); $this->add('t3','Y'); $this->add('p3',$num); } function recurring_month($num) { $this->enable_recurring(); $this->add('t3','M'); $this->add('p3',$num); } function recurring_day($num) { $this->enable_recurring(); $this->add('t3','D'); $this->add('p3',$num); } function enable_payment() { $this->type='payment'; $this->remove('t3'); $this->remove('p3'); $this->remove('a3'); $this->remove('src'); $this->remove('sra'); $this->add('amount',$this->price); $this->add('cmd','_xclick'); $this->add('no_note',1); $this->add('no_shipping',1); $this->add('currency_code','USD'); $this->add('notify_url',$this->ipn); } function output_form() { echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' . '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>Redirecting to PayPal...</title></head>' .'<body onload="document.f.submit();"><h3>Redirecting to PayPal...</h3>' . '<form name="f" action="'.$this->form_action.'" method="post">'; foreach($this->form as $k=>$v) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $k . '" value="' . $v . '" />'; } echo '<input type="submit" value="Click here if you are not redirected within 10 seconds" /></form></body></html>'; } function reset_form() { $this->form=array(); } function log_results($var) { $fp=@ fopen($this->logfile,'a'); $data=date('m/d/Y g:i A'); if($var==1) { $str="\nIPN PAYPAL TRANSACTION ID: " . $this->posted_data['txn_id'] ."\n"; $str.="SUCCESS\n"; $str.="DATE: ". $data . "\n"; $str.="PAYER EMAIL: " . $this->posted_data['payer_email']. "\n"; $str.="NAME: " . $this->posted_data['last_name']." ".$this->posted_data['first_name']. "\n"; $str.="LINK ID: ". $this->posted_data['item_number']. "\n"; $str.="QUANTITY: ". $this->posted_data['quantity']. "\n"; $str.="TOTAL: " . $this->posted_data['mc_gross']. "\n\n\n"; } else { $str="\nIPN PAYPAL TRANSACTION ID:\n"; $str.="INVALID\n"; $str.="REMOTE IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n"; $str.="ERROR: ". $this->posted_data['error'] . "\n"; $str.="DATE: ". $data . "\n"; $str.="PAYER EMAIL: " . $this->posted_data['payer_email']. "\n"; $str.="NAME: " . $this->posted_data['last_name']." ".$this->posted_data['first_name']. "\n"; $str.="LINK ID: ". $this->posted_data['item_number']. "\n"; $str.="QUANTITY: ". $this->posted_data['quantity']. "\n"; $str.="TOTAL: " . $this->posted_data['mc_gross']. "\n\n\n"; } if($fp) @ fputs($fp,$str); @ fclose($fp); } function headers_nocache() { header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Cache-Control: pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } }
  15. i have made some progress : $input=utf8_decode(quoted_printable_decode (file_get_contents("php://stdin"))); will get me the string into: ISO-8859-1 (this is the format that i need); but still there is a problem : "€" is shown as "?" any ideea? Later edit: $input=utf8_decode ("€"); $input=quoted_printable_encode($input); echo bin2hex(utf8_decode(quoted_printable_decode($input))); this script outputs 3F that is the hex for "?"; for € should be "80" any idea ?
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