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Everything posted by alconebay

  1. Cool. Check this out. I copy and pasted in the wordpress "shortcodes.php" (along with a couple of other functions from plugins.php that were referenced in shortcodes.php, I not sure yet what they do) and it work perfectly. Here is the code: 1. shortcodes.php (ripped from wordpress install) <?php /** * WordPress API for creating bbcode like tags or what WordPress calls * "shortcodes." The tag and attribute parsing or regular expression code is * based on the Textpattern tag parser. * * A few examples are below: * * [shortcode /] * [shortcode foo="bar" baz="bing" /] * [shortcode foo="bar"]content[/shortcode] * * Shortcode tags support attributes and enclosed content, but does not entirely * support inline shortcodes in other shortcodes. You will have to call the * shortcode parser in your function to account for that. * * {@internal * Please be aware that the above note was made during the beta of WordPress 2.6 * and in the future may not be accurate. Please update the note when it is no * longer the case.}} * * To apply shortcode tags to content: * * <code> * $out = do_shortcode($content); * </code> * * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Shortcodes * @since 2.5 */ /** * Container for storing shortcode tags and their hook to call for the shortcode * * @since 2.5 * @name $shortcode_tags * @var array * @global array $shortcode_tags */ $shortcode_tags = array(); /** * Add hook for shortcode tag. * * There can only be one hook for each shortcode. Which means that if another * plugin has a similar shortcode, it will override yours or yours will override * theirs depending on which order the plugins are included and/or ran. * * Simplest example of a shortcode tag using the API: * * <code> * // [footag foo="bar"] * function footag_func($atts) { * return "foo = {$atts[foo]}"; * } * add_shortcode('footag', 'footag_func'); * </code> * * Example with nice attribute defaults: * * <code> * // [bartag foo="bar"] * function bartag_func($atts) { * extract(shortcode_atts(array( * 'foo' => 'no foo', * 'baz' => 'default baz', * ), $atts)); * * return "foo = {$foo}"; * } * add_shortcode('bartag', 'bartag_func'); * </code> * * Example with enclosed content: * * <code> * // [baztag]content[/baztag] * function baztag_func($atts, $content='') { * return "content = $content"; * } * add_shortcode('baztag', 'baztag_func'); * </code> * * @since 2.5 * @uses $shortcode_tags * * @param string $tag Shortcode tag to be searched in post content. * @param callable $func Hook to run when shortcode is found. */ function add_shortcode($tag, $func) { global $shortcode_tags; if ( is_callable($func) ) $shortcode_tags[$tag] = $func; } /** * Removes hook for shortcode. * * @since 2.5 * @uses $shortcode_tags * * @param string $tag shortcode tag to remove hook for. */ function remove_shortcode($tag) { global $shortcode_tags; unset($shortcode_tags[$tag]); } /** * Clear all shortcodes. * * This function is simple, it clears all of the shortcode tags by replacing the * shortcodes global by a empty array. This is actually a very efficient method * for removing all shortcodes. * * @since 2.5 * @uses $shortcode_tags */ function remove_all_shortcodes() { global $shortcode_tags; $shortcode_tags = array(); } /** * Search content for shortcodes and filter shortcodes through their hooks. * * If there are no shortcode tags defined, then the content will be returned * without any filtering. This might cause issues when plugins are disabled but * the shortcode will still show up in the post or content. * * @since 2.5 * @uses $shortcode_tags * @uses get_shortcode_regex() Gets the search pattern for searching shortcodes. * * @param string $content Content to search for shortcodes * @return string Content with shortcodes filtered out. */ function do_shortcode($content) { global $shortcode_tags; if (empty($shortcode_tags) || !is_array($shortcode_tags)) return $content; $pattern = get_shortcode_regex(); return preg_replace_callback('/'.$pattern.'/s', 'do_shortcode_tag', $content); } /** * Retrieve the shortcode regular expression for searching. * * The regular expression combines the shortcode tags in the regular expression * in a regex class. * * The regular expresion contains 6 different sub matches to help with parsing. * * 1/6 - An extra [ or ] to allow for escaping shortcodes with double [[]] * 2 - The shortcode name * 3 - The shortcode argument list * 4 - The self closing / * 5 - The content of a shortcode when it wraps some content. * * @since 2.5 * @uses $shortcode_tags * * @return string The shortcode search regular expression */ function get_shortcode_regex() { global $shortcode_tags; $tagnames = array_keys($shortcode_tags); $tagregexp = join( '|', array_map('preg_quote', $tagnames) ); // WARNING! Do not change this regex without changing do_shortcode_tag() and strip_shortcodes() return '(.?)\[('.$tagregexp.')\b(.*?)(?\/))?\](?.+?)\[\/\2\])?(.?)'; } /** * Regular Expression callable for do_shortcode() for calling shortcode hook. * @see get_shortcode_regex for details of the match array contents. * * @since 2.5 * @access private * @uses $shortcode_tags * * @param array $m Regular expression match array * @return mixed False on failure. */ function do_shortcode_tag( $m ) { global $shortcode_tags; // allow [[foo]] syntax for escaping a tag if ( $m[1] == '[' && $m[6] == ']' ) { return substr($m[0], 1, -1); } $tag = $m[2]; $attr = shortcode_parse_atts( $m[3] ); if ( isset( $m[5] ) ) { // enclosing tag - extra parameter return $m[1] . call_user_func( $shortcode_tags[$tag], $attr, $m[5], $tag ) . $m[6]; } else { // self-closing tag return $m[1] . call_user_func( $shortcode_tags[$tag], $attr, NULL, $tag ) . $m[6]; } } /** * Retrieve all attributes from the shortcodes tag. * * The attributes list has the attribute name as the key and the value of the * attribute as the value in the key/value pair. This allows for easier * retrieval of the attributes, since all attributes have to be known. * * @since 2.5 * * @param string $text * @return array List of attributes and their value. */ function shortcode_parse_atts($text) { $atts = array(); $pattern = '/(\w+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|(\w+)\s*=\s*\'([^\']*)\'(?:\s|$)|(\w+)\s*=\s*([^\s\'"]+)(?:\s|$)|"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|(\S+)(?:\s|$)/'; $text = preg_replace("/[\x{00a0}\x{200b}]+/u", " ", $text); if ( preg_match_all($pattern, $text, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER) ) { foreach ($match as $m) { if (!empty($m[1])) $atts[strtolower($m[1])] = stripcslashes($m[2]); elseif (!empty($m[3])) $atts[strtolower($m[3])] = stripcslashes($m[4]); elseif (!empty($m[5])) $atts[strtolower($m[5])] = stripcslashes($m[6]); elseif (isset($m[7]) and strlen($m[7])) $atts[] = stripcslashes($m[7]); elseif (isset($m[8])) $atts[] = stripcslashes($m[8]); } } else { $atts = ltrim($text); } return $atts; } /** * Combine user attributes with known attributes and fill in defaults when needed. * * The pairs should be considered to be all of the attributes which are * supported by the caller and given as a list. The returned attributes will * only contain the attributes in the $pairs list. * * If the $atts list has unsupported attributes, then they will be ignored and * removed from the final returned list. * * @since 2.5 * * @param array $pairs Entire list of supported attributes and their defaults. * @param array $atts User defined attributes in shortcode tag. * @return array Combined and filtered attribute list. */ function shortcode_atts($pairs, $atts) { $atts = (array)$atts; $out = array(); foreach($pairs as $name => $default) { if ( array_key_exists($name, $atts) ) $out[$name] = $atts[$name]; else $out[$name] = $default; } return $out; } /** * Remove all shortcode tags from the given content. * * @since 2.5 * @uses $shortcode_tags * * @param string $content Content to remove shortcode tags. * @return string Content without shortcode tags. */ function strip_shortcodes( $content ) { global $shortcode_tags; if (empty($shortcode_tags) || !is_array($shortcode_tags)) return $content; $pattern = get_shortcode_regex(); return preg_replace('/'.$pattern.'/s', '$1$6', $content); } function _wp_filter_build_unique_id($tag, $function, $priority) { global $wp_filter; static $filter_id_count = 0; if ( is_string($function) ) return $function; if ( is_object($function) ) { // Closures are currently implemented as objects $function = array( $function, '' ); } else { $function = (array) $function; } if (is_object($function[0]) ) { // Object Class Calling if ( function_exists('spl_object_hash') ) { return spl_object_hash($function[0]) . $function[1]; } else { $obj_idx = get_class($function[0]).$function[1]; if ( !isset($function[0]->wp_filter_id) ) { if ( false === $priority ) return false; $obj_idx .= isset($wp_filter[$tag][$priority]) ? count((array)$wp_filter[$tag][$priority]) : $filter_id_count; $function[0]->wp_filter_id = $filter_id_count; ++$filter_id_count; } else { $obj_idx .= $function[0]->wp_filter_id; } return $obj_idx; } } else if ( is_string($function[0]) ) { // Static Calling return $function[0].$function[1]; } } function add_filter($tag, $function_to_add, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1) { global $wp_filter, $merged_filters; $idx = _wp_filter_build_unique_id($tag, $function_to_add, $priority); $wp_filter[$tag][$priority][$idx] = array('function' => $function_to_add, 'accepted_args' => $accepted_args); unset( $merged_filters[ $tag ] ); return true; } add_filter('the_content', 'do_shortcode', 11); // AFTER wpautop() //end of shortcodes.php 2. my_custom_shortcodes.php <?php //pedigree shortcode test function pedigree($atts) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'pedid' => 'error, no id was entered', ), $atts ) ); $pedigree = include 'pedigree_preview.php'; echo $pedigree; } add_shortcode('ped', 'pedigree'); ?> 3. pedigree_preview.php <?php $query="SELECT * FROM pedigree WHERE id='$pedid'"; $result=mysql_query($query); //blah blah blah ?> <div id="pedigree-content"> Huge pedigree chart goes here </div> 4. frontend_view.php (this is where the user's wysiwyg content is displayed) <?php include 'dbconnect.php'; include 'shortcodes.php'; include 'my_custom_shortcodes.php'; //I run the sql to get the user's wysiwyg content from the database and put it in the variable $content //for sake of example, I manually provide some content $content= 'Hi, check out this pedigree I made: [ped pedid="1"]'; do_shortcode($content); ?> I tested it and it works perfectly. I'll might go through the shortcodes.php and see if I can edit it down some. I'm not sure what all it's doing yet, but it works.
  2. Yes, it's a pedigree from my mysql database. I have a page setup to query the database and display a pedigree based on the ID (pedigree.php). I'm hoping to have the shortcode parser see the block of code for a pedigree, grab the id, and then display the pedigree (maybe using an include 'pedigree.php'?)
  3. Ahhhh, yes. BBcode is what I needed to google. Thanks. It looks like it's just a matter of writing your own functions that use preg_replace or str_replace to get the job done.
  4. I'm looking for a function that replaces user provided text blocks with code. I love the way wordpress handles shortcode and figured it would be easy to google and find a tutorial for doing the same thing outside of wordpress. But I'm not having much luck. Maybe I just don't know what terms to google. For those not familiar with Wordpress shortcode, here is a simple example: the user is creating their page using a wysiwyg editor. They want to insert a pedigree so they type [pedigree id=20] and when the page is displayed on the frontend, the "[pedigree id=20]" is replaced with the html to display the pedigree. I'll need to create about 20 different shortcodes with id (and possibly other/multiple) attributes. When googleing I found a few people wanting to do the same thing but the answers they got were just to use functions and to have the user type in some php. Knowing my users, that's not going to work. I need super easy, wordpress style, shortcode. I'm not looking for someone to type the code for me, just to point me in the right direction. Worse comes to worse, I'll try to extract the class/function from wordpress, but that might take me awhile since oop code still confuses me
  5. Thanks to DarthJDG for the answer: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var refreshNeeded = false; $("#draft, #buttonmaker, #trash").sortable({ connectWith: '.connectedSortable', placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight', opacity: 0.6, scroll: true, update : function (event, ui) { var $sortable = $(this); if(ui.item.parent()[0] != this) return; $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: "sorting.php", data: { draft_sort:$("#draft").sortable('serialize'), buttonmaker_sort:$("#buttonmaker").sortable('serialize'), trash_sort:$("#trash").sortable('serialize') }, success: function() { if(($sortable.attr('id') == "buttonmaker")) refreshNeeded = true; /*window.location.reload(true);*/ } }); } }).disableSelection(); $(document).ajaxStop(function(){ // All requests have completed, check if we need to refresh if(refreshNeeded){ // Refresh the page (just a simple reload for now) window.location.reload(); } }); });
  6. I am using jquery connected sortable to sort pages in my website (pages.php) and everything is working great. 95% of the time the page does not need to be refreshed and ajax does it's thing. But, there is one container (#buttonmaker) that the sortables can be dropped into that requires that the page be refreshed. The sorting code (sorting.php) is setup so it loops through all the dividers that the sortables can be dropped into (#draft, #trash, #buttonmaker, #other, etc.). But whenever someone drops a sortable inside the #buttonmaker container, the processing page turns that page into a menu button. At that point I need the page to refresh so the user can see the new button they just created. But I don't know how to make the parent page refresh from within the sortables jquery (or from within the an ajax sorting.php page... wherever it would work the best). This is what my jquery on the pages.php page looks like: $(function() { $("#draft, #trash, #a_bunch_of_other_ids, #buttonmaker").sortable({ connectWith: '.connectedSortable', placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight', opacity: 0.6, scroll: true, update : function () { $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: "sorting.php", data: { draft_sort:$("#draft").sortable('serialize'), other_sort:$("#a_bunch_of_other_ids").sortable('serialize') , trash_sort:$("#trash").sortable('serialize'), buttonmaker_sort:$("#buttonmaker").sortable('serialize') } }); } }).disableSelection(); }); Here is what my sorting.php looks like: $cat_id = 0; parse_str($_REQUEST["draft_sort"], $draft_sort); if ($draft_sort) { foreach($draft_sort['Z'] as $key=>$value) { $key = $key + 1; $sql = "UPDATE pages SET pages_order='$key', pages_button_id='$cat_id' WHERE ID='$value'"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$dbhandle)) {die('Error: ' . mysql_error());} } } // //more sorting happening here for the rest of the containers.... // //now the buttonmaker sorting: parse_str($_REQUEST["buttonmaker_sort"], $buttonmaker_sort); if ($buttonmaker_sort) { foreach($buttonmaker_sort['Z'] as $key=>$value) { //... sql goes here for updating the menu buttons //At this point I would like the pages.php page to refresh so the new button that was just created will be shown } } Hope this makes sense. My sql for creating the button works fine. If I F5 after dropping a page into the buttonmaker container, the new button appears and everything works great. But I need an automatic refresh... but only if a sortable is dropped in the #buttonmaker container.
  7. Thanks a lot. ='s 00:00:00 is what I need. I have to add that to represent midnight since computers use 00:00:00 instead of 24:00:00 (I think). I'll give it a try Monday when I'm back at work.
  8. $query = "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE day = '$current_day' AND show_start <= '$current_time' AND show_end > '$current_time' or '00:00:00' ORDER BY show_start ASC LIMIT 1"; I think its the "or" that is messing me up. I'm trying to get it to find the currently running program. That would be the program scheduled for the current day, starts at a time prior or equal to the current time, ends and a time after the current time or at 00:00:00.
  9. I need a query to select a row that contains the number that is closest to (and also higher than) a particular number. So say my number is 5 and my table has rows with 1, 4, 7, and 12 in it. I would need the query to select the row that has 7 in it. SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE ??
  10. I just starting using arrays and I don't understand why this is not working: if ($user['gender']=="m") {$user['gender']=="Male";} I'm using that if statement (and an else statement for "Female". Not shown) in a loop and the statement is being read but "$user['gender']" still outputs "m" instead of "Male".
  11. ahhh, I missed the "return $stng;" in mjdamato code. That got me up and running. Thanks guys.
  12. I am writing a bunch of crud functions into one page that I will need to use across the site. I want to put them all in one page so I will not be writing the same queries over and over. That random name I'm trying to echo is just for testing purposes. I tried using this: $user = pb_stng_selectall(); echo $user['name']; and I also put a "hello world" inside the function but I just get a blank page with no errors. (I also turned error reporting on)
  13. I have the following code that works fine: <?php include 'dbconnect.php'; $query = "SELECT * FROM users"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $stng = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error()); echo $stng['name']; ?> This will output a name just fine. But, if I put the query into a function like this: <?php include 'dbconnect.php'; function pb_stng_selectall() { $query = "SELECT * FROM users"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $stng = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error()); } ?> <?php pb_stng_selectall(); echo $stng['name']; ?> I will get a "Undefined variable" error instead of the name. Why is this?
  14. Hmmm. I was reading this (http://hvassing.com/2007/simple-php-login-script-using-session-and-mysql/) and I saw how he registered the username and password by doing this $_SESSION['member_ID'] = $row['ID']; So I went back to my login system and replaced this: session_register("myusername"); session_register("mypassword"); With this: $_SESSION['myusername'] = $myusername; $_SESSION['mypassword'] = $mypassword; And my login system seems to be working again. I'm hoping I didn't create a big security problem or anything. :-\
  15. I used this tutorial (http://www.phpeasystep.com/workshopview.php?id=6) to make a basic login system for a site I'm doing. It worked great until I changed servers. Apparently dreamhost has a newer version of php and the "session_register" no longer works. When I try to echo the username and passwords it's blank. So anyway, how do I get the username and password from session_register("myusername"); session_register("mypassword"); to a system using "$_SESSION"? Will I need a new script or will it be easy to modify the one I'm using? <?php // username and password sent from form $myusername=$_POST['myusername']; $mypassword=$_POST['mypassword']; // To protect MySQL injection (more detail about MySQL injection) $myusername = stripslashes($myusername); $mypassword = stripslashes($mypassword); $myusername = mysql_real_escape_string($myusername); $mypassword = mysql_real_escape_string($mypassword); $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$myusername' and password='$mypassword'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); // Mysql_num_row is counting table row $count=mysql_num_rows($result); // If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 row if($count==1){ // Register $myusername, $mypassword and redirect to file "login_success.php" session_register("myusername"); session_register("mypassword"); header("location:login_success.php"); } else { echo "Wrong Username or Password"; } ?>
  16. Thanks. Glob got me what I needed. I'm not sure if the brace thing at the end is necessary but it seems to work fine with it. <?php $images = glob("$dir{*.jpg,*.JPG,*jpeg, *JPEG}", GLOB_BRACE); $count = count($images); ?>
  17. I need to count the number of images in a directory for a loop. Right now I am using this: $dir = "folder/".$client."/"; $count = 0; //can adjust starting number if needed if(is_dir($dir)) { if($handle = opendir($dir)) { while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { $count++; } closedir($handle); } } That works great for getting a $count on everything in the directory, but I just want to count all the jpg files (jpg, JPG, jpeg, JPEG) in the dir.
  18. Nice. I am using your jQuery code and it's working great. Why do you need to have it wait 5 second?
  19. Got it. I had to change the function names also. Changed "stateChanged" and "GetXmlHttpObject" to have a "1" after them in the first script and a "2" after them in the second script and that did the trick. Thanks for your help rhodesa. I'll look into using jQuery next time.
  20. Is there another variable being shared besides that one? I changed the xmlHttp variables in the first script to xmlHttpOne and in the second script I changed them to xmlHttpTwo. Now the first inquiry/script no longer displayed the information the second inquiry/script divider, it just doesn't display anything at all. But the second inquiry/script works great. But If I delete the second inquiry/script, then the first one works fine.
  21. I am using this script from w3schools to get information from a database and display it. It's ajax but my question is about javascript. I am using this script multiple times on the same page to pull information in different dividers. But, the scripts are interfering with each other and the information keeps getting put in the wrong divider. I thought that if I changed the function name that would do the trick, but no. Here is what I have: <select name="id1" id="inquery1" onclick="inquiry1info(this.value)"> ...drop down information goes here... <div id="inquery1info">This is where the information for inquiry 1 should go</div> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var xmlHttp function inquiry1info(str) { xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject() if (xmlHttp==null) { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request") return } var url="(path goes here)/inqueryqueryandtable.php" url=url+"?q="+str url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true) xmlHttp.send(null) } function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { document.getElementById("inquery1info").innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText } } function GetXmlHttpObject() { var xmlHttp=null; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { //Internet Explorer try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } return xmlHttp; } </script> <select name="id2" id="inquery2" onclick="inquiry2info(this.value)"> ...drop down information goes here... <div id="inquery2info">This is where the information for inquiry 2 should go</div> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var xmlHttp function inquiry2info(str) { xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject() if (xmlHttp==null) { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request") return } var url="(path goes here)/inqueryqueryandtable.php" url=url+"?q="+str url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true) xmlHttp.send(null) } function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { document.getElementById("inquery2info").innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText } } function GetXmlHttpObject() { var xmlHttp=null; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { //Internet Explorer try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } return xmlHttp; } </script> If I select a user in the first drop down the information will always show up in the second "inquery2info" divider. It's like it's always using the second script instead of the first one for the first inquery. What do I need to change to keep these scripts for interferring with each other? Or is there a way to add some variables to the script and just have it in the page once?
  22. Wow. Gotta love those ;'s. It works great now. Thanks a ton for your help F1fan.
  23. If I run it like that I get an error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in (*path*)/dropdown.php on line 4 Line 4 is the mysql_connect, but there is nothing wrong with it. If I take out these lines: echo "var sel = document.getElementById('content_select');\n" . "sel.options.length = 0;\n" and these lines: $c = 0; while($nt=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "sel.options[$c] = new Option('{$nt['name']}','{$nt['name']}');\n"; $c++; } The error goes away and I can echo info from the database query.
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