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Northern Flame

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Everything posted by Northern Flame

  1. Im kind of new to databases, but I will look into that, thanks for the help
  2. I have created a script for a friend who has 49 URL's. Each of his websites is going to require a table in his MySQL database. Instead of having me or him going into the MySQL database and manually creating the tables, columns, and rows for each URL, How can I make it so that he just enters what he wants the table to be named, and it will automatically do it for him? I have seen this done before, such as on phpBB and other things. So basically, when he uploads the .zip file and uncompresses it, I want him to go to the install.php file, insert a username, password, and MySQL table name. When he hits "Submit", I want it to automatically create a table filled with columns and rows. Can anyone let me know how to do this? I would really appreciate it! Thanks for reading.
  3. Never mind, I was playing around with different ideas all day and I figured out how its done
  4. I am working on a website that I want made available to access through a phone. I have NO idea on how to write a code that is viewable through a cell phone, someone once told me that it involves XML but I tried writing a simple XML page and tried viewing it on my phone and it didnt work. If anyone can tell me what language is used for a mobile website, or how to write the coding of HTML and PHP for it to be able to be viewed on a phone, please let me know.
  6. Is their a way to have every user that registers to my website automatically register for my forums? and vise versa? For example, lets say someone registers to my website with the username: test123, is there a way so that the username and password for test123 can automatically be registered for my forums, and also if the username is taken in either my forums or my website, it will tell the user. Does anyone here know how to do this? Thanks for reading, and by the way if it will help anyone answer my question, I am using a phpBB forum
  7. alright, so I found a phpBB hack that works, now I need a little help tweaking it. everything in the script worked fine, but I want it to also display all the things it displays in the forum (author, views, replies) so i went into the files and they had what I thought were variable, and they looked like this: {L_REPLIES} {L_AUTHOR} {L_VIEWS} so i plugged those into my script and instead of displaying the information it displayed them as is, so that did me no good. Can anyone tell me how to get those variable to work? heres the script if it will help: <? $urlPath = "/forum"; //example: if your forum URL looks like http://kocky-online.cz/forum, this should be "/forum" $serverPath = "MY_PATH/forum/config.php"; //example: when this file is in URL path /forum/mod, this should be ../config.php if(empty($count)) $count = "10"; //default value of how many posts/topics to show if(empty($type)) $type = "posts"; //default value of whether to show 'posts' or 'topics' $titleLimit = 30; //this is max.length of 'title' of topic/post $moreLimit = 20; //this is max.length of 'more' (used in posts) //-----------------[ DO NOT EDIT BELOW HERE ]------------------------- include_once("$serverPath"); $db = @mysql_connect("$dbhost", "$dbuser", "$dbpasswd") or die("here we die at connection"); @mysql_select_db("$dbname",$db) or die("here we die"); if($type == "posts") { $prefix = 'p'; $sql = "SELECT x.post_subject as title, p.post_id as id, f.forum_id, t.topic_title as more " ."FROM ${table_prefix}topics t, ${table_prefix}forums f, ${table_prefix}posts p, ${table_prefix}posts_text x " ."WHERE t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id AND p.post_id = x.post_id " ."ORDER BY p.post_id DESC " ."LIMIT $count"; } else { $prefix = 't'; $sql = "SELECT t.topic_title as title, t.topic_id as id, f.forum_id, '' as more " ."FROM ${table_prefix}topics t, ${table_prefix}forums f " ."WHERE f.forum_id = t.forum_id " ."ORDER BY topic_time DESC " ."LIMIT $count"; } //echo $sql; if($r = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { while($m = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { $j = stripslashes($m[title]); $k = substr($j, 0, $titleLimit) . "..."; if(!empty($m[more])) $m[more] = '('.substr($m[more], 0, $moreLimit) . '...)'; if ($type == 'posts') { $anchor = '#'.$m[id]; } //-------------------[ THIS IS ONLY LINE YOU COULD CHANGE ]-------------------------- echo "<a title=\"$m[title]\" href=\"$urlPath/viewtopic.php?${prefix}=$m[id]&sid=$m[forum_id]${anchor}\">$k</a> $m[more]<br>"; } } ; //-------------------[ DO NOT EDIT UP HERE ]-------------------------- ?>
  8. thanks! for some reason I didnt think to look in the language folder, now that i think of it, i checked pretty much every folder except that one lol
  9. Does anyone know what file to look into when trying to edit the message recieved on a Mass Email? I've looked into many files but I can find it. All I want to do is take off the message on the top of the email. Everytime I send out a mass email, this message is displayed on the top of my message: The following is an email sent to you by an administrator of "Northern Flame". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at the following address: {it puts my email address here} Include this full email (particularly the headers). Message sent to you follows: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THEN MY MESSAGE GOES HERE
  10. Im looking for a way to create a page that shows all the new posts, does anyone here know how to do this? an as it says on the title, this is for phpBB.
  11. I tried adding a new feature to my phpBB forum from phpbbhacks.com luckily, I backed up the files that I was going to be working on but I still would like the new feature added, anyway, all I want to add is another little thing for people to fill in, for example the default question on the instructions from phpBB hacks is adding a phone number to your user profile. Anyways, when I tried doing this I recieved an error message: I tried looking at the file usercp_register.php and on line 531 I saw nothing wrong. I reviewed everything and if the instructions from phpBBhacks.com do work, I did everything right. Can anyone let me know how to fix this problem OR how to do this correctly? This is the link to the instruction from phpbbhacks.com http://www.phpbbhacks.com/download/5249
  12. depending on what you want done, you could write the php function on a seperate page, lets say, "function.php", and then in your HTML file write: <?php include "/function.php"; ?>
  13. Is it possible to track what users do while in your forums? maybe by IP address? What I mean is there a way to install a script in your phpBB admin that allows you to type in an IP address or a user name and it can show you what the user did while in your forum?
  14. o lol i thought it was going to be free! I think I'll just stick to my notepad
  15. oh alright, sorry its just that im new to using MySQL and i didnt know about the joining tables so I had no idea what you guys were talking about until i looked it up on google LOL, but now I think I know how to get this done, THANKS FOR ALL THE REPLIES!!
  16. hmm... I've never seen this done before so I cant really picture the final outcome, but I have a suggestion, now my idea isnt tested since I just thought of it right now, but you can try going into the php file that produces the posts, and enter some div tags around it, and the div tag could look something like <div style="overflow:auto;"> <?php PHP CODE ?> </div> The only thing is that I dont know how to add a max size to the overflow...
  17. ok, now lets say I create a new table, lets call it mp3_join and lets say it includes this title_music name_artist and maybe some other stuff, then, how will I be able to display the songs of the artist that the user clicked on?
  18. Hello, I created a page on my website that displays the artists of songs uploaded on my website, and I want to make it so that when you click on the artist, it will display all of his/her songs without me having to create a page for every artist and manually having to input their song titles. I've already made it so that it displays the artists, but I have no idea how to make it display all the songs that I have on my website that are by the artist that the user selects, I've tried so many things and none seem to work heres the code that displays the artists, maybe this can help anyone who tries to help me, while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $artist = $row['name_artist']; echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?artist=$artist\">".$row['name_artist']."</a><br /><br />"; } Heres My Tables mp3_artists: - id_artist - name_artist mp3_musics - id_music - title_music - playlist_music - date_music - active_music I can create a table joining the two, well, the important data, but how would I get the song titles to be displayed on the artist page? How can I tell the script to display the music of the artist that is clicked on? Or do I create a seperate page, lets say "artist_music.php", but still, how will I tell the script to only display the music from the artist that was clicked on? The only solution I came up with was to make a page for each artist and manually put in the music names, but if theirs a way to do one of the first two options I WOULD MUCH RATHER PREFER TO DO THAT! ANY RESPONSED WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!
  19. Um...what is dreamweaver? LOL, I've seen people talking about it but I have no idea what it is, so far I understand that it is like an editor, but whats the difference between that and notepad? Well I use notepad++ but whats the difference in these two programs?
  20. <div style="position:absolute; bottom:00px;> YOUR STUFF </div>
  21. yea ive seen people use things like that in their html code but I never really knew what it was...
  22. do you know CSS? in CSS you can asign different colors and characteristics to text, tables, etc. If you dont know CSS try learning it, it helps..... If you do know CSS, well you should refresh your memory on it becuase changing the color and size of the headers really isnt that difficult, it could be something like: (this is a part of my CSS stylesheet just to give you an example) .orangetext15, h1, h2, h3, strong, .lightbluetext8, .whitetext12, .nametext, .btext, .redtext, .redbtext{ color:rgb(204,204,204); font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; text-transform:none; font-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif; text-align: center; }
  23. I have two tables, mp3_artists mp3_musics mp3_artists: - id_artist - name_artist mp3_musics - id_music - title_music - playlist_music - date_music - active_music I can create a table joining the two, but how would I get the song titles to be displayed on the artist page? How can I tell the script to display the music of the artist that is clicked on? Or do I create a seperate page, lets say "artist_music.php", but still, how will I tell the script to only display the music from the artist that was clicked on? The only solution I came up with was to make a page for each artist and manually put in the music names, but if theirs a way to do one of the first two options I WOULD MUCH RATHER PREFER TO DO THAT!
  24. I created a page on my website that displays the artists of songs uploaded on my website, and I want to make it so that when you click on the artist, it will display all of his/her songs without me having to create a page for every artist and manually having to input their song titles. I've already made it so that it displays the artists, but I have no idea how to make it display all the songs that I have on my website that are by the artist that the user selects, I've tried so many things and none seem to work heres the code that displays the artists, maybe this can help anyone who tries to help me, while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $artist = $row['name_artist']; echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?artist=$artist\">".$row['name_artist']."</a><br /><br />"; } ANY SUGGESTIONS WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!
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