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Northern Flame

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Posts posted by Northern Flame

  1. as far as coding,

    you seem have coded it in a way

    thats valid, but one error was found,




    it recommends that in your title you replace & with &


    as far as the design,

    I like your menu,

    and I like how the images blur when I

    go over them with my mouse,

    but the main body text seems a little

    boring, try changing fonts.

    also, you don't have any footer,

    thats not that big of a deal but you

    might want to add some kind of footer

  2. their is three lines that you may need to change,


    change your SQL to this:

    $query = "SELECT `user_username`, `user_password`, `user_level`, `user_active` FROM l`s12_users` WHERE `user_username` = '".$username."'";


    and change $row to:

    $rows = mysql_num_rows($result);


    and finally, change $array to:

    $array = mysql_fetch_array($result);

  3. obviously  ;D

    I am using mysql_fetch_array..


    lol just making sure,

    you'd be surprised with the questions I've seen before,


    try running the query with mysql_error() to see if you get any

    errors reported back,


    mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usertable WHERE s1='skupina' AND a='1' ORDER BY var1 DESC, var2 ASC LIMIT 42, 4")or die("Error: ". mysql_error());


    and if that doesn't work, try taking off the LIMIT statement just to see

    if anything gets reported back,


    mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usertable WHERE s1='skupina' AND a='1' ORDER BY var1 DESC, var2 ASC")

  4. or you can try:


    $saveName = stripslashes($_GET["name"]);
    $savePath = stripslashes($_GET["path"]);
    header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); 
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$saveName");
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
    header("Content-length: " . filesize($savePath));


    save that file as download.php

    then just type



    name = the name its going to be downloaded as

    path = the url of the file




    oh sorry,

    I didnt notice that you were trying to get the file off a

    different server. This script only works for downloading

    off of your server.

  5. wow I've been at this forum for a long time and still
    haven't introduced myself!

    I'm 17 years old and live in the bay area.
    For as long as I could remember I've wanted
    to be a pilot and now that I have a job I've
    decided to save up so I can get my pilots
    license. Pretty much all I do is work, go to
    school, hang out with friends, and when I'm
    at home I go on here, I guess coding has
    become a hobby of mine.

    About a year and a half ago I got into trouble
    and was forced by my parents to stay home
    and not go out into the streets, and so I had
    nothing to do but go on myspace all day. I
    started wondering how people changed there
    pages and added different colors and stuff.
    I started looking it up and thats when I got
    introduced to CSS and HTML. I started playing
    around with it and soon got pretty good at it.
    I signed up to a free web host (bravenet.com)
    and made a few practice websites to test my
    skills. Later on I wanted to do more "advanced"
    stuff and thats when i got introduced to PHP.
    I have been coding in PHP for about a year now.
    Along the way I have also learned javascript/AJAX,
    how to organize data with XML, and I want to
    start doing flash too but programs such as
    Adobe Flash are too expensive and I would
    rather save up for my pilots license lol
  6. well first off you might want to post

    this in the Apache Server section,

    might get better responses there,

    and as for changing localhost to mydomain,

    im not too sure about that, but delete this

    post and post this in the Apache Server

    section and maybe someone else can

    better answer your question.

  7. oops i meant to put the ahref tag

    around the image in my post,

    but yea, thats how you would do it


    echo "<td><a href="http://somesite.com"><img src =\"upload/" . $row['name']."\"></a></td>";




    oh I didnt see south of somewhere's post

  8. Hello phpfreaks staff,

    I have a question about the tutorials,

    why can't we post tutorials on the

    tutorials section? sometimes when I'm

    bored I like to test my PHP skills by

    making tutorials for others, and the

    tutorials section doesn't have many

    tutorials right now. Are only the staff

    allowed to post tutorials? or do we

    have to send them to someone?

  9. well first off,

    there is a few HTML errors in your coding,



    echo "<p><h2>" . $collectionnametitle ."</h2></p>";



    echo "<h2>" . $collectionnametitle ."</h2>";


    try this code:


    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $chosencollection";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $result2 = mysql_query($sql);
    $cols_num = mysql_num_fields($result2);
    <h1>View Collection</h1>
    echo "<p><h2>" . $collectionnametitle ."</h2></p>";
    while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
        foreach($row as $cell)
    	 	$col = mysql_fetch_field($result2);
    		$col_name = str_replace("_", " ", $col->name);
    		echo "<b>$col_name</b>: $cell<br>";
    	echo "<br>";

  10. be patient,

    i have been programming in PHP for more or less a year now

    and I am just now getting at a level that is "good" in my

    opinion. Like others mentioned before, there are a bunch of

    other stuff needed as well such as javascript ajax flash etc.

    Pace yourself and once you think you get good at one thing,

    move on to the next while still practicing and improving your

    other skills. And in time, you will get to a level that you will

    feel is "good". And remember, no matter how good you get,

    there is ALWAYS room for improvement.


    You might also want to check out the PHP Help section of

    the forums, that has helped me a lot, not only by posting my

    problems, but with working with others on their problems.

    By working on other peoples problems, you learn how different

    things apply to real-life PHP coding and it also gets you

    thinking differently, as mentioned before, PHP has A LOT

    to do with logic and problem solving.

  11. if mysql left linux,

    do you know how many websites would be affected!

    do you know how many websites would have to alter their scripts

    to make them run with whatever other database they decide to

    go with!

    It would be madness! LOL

  12. well do you have any important information to put in the top level

    index page? or is it just gonna be a basic page with some sort of

    link to the forums page? if its just going to be a link to the forum,

    then yea go ahead and make the forum in the root level, but if you

    are going to have important information on the root level index, keep

    it. Because from what I've learned, robots look for the keywords in

    you content, so if you will have a bunch of important content, you

    can fill it up with keywords and the robots will still find your forums.

    and like TheFilmGod mentioned, be sure to not only be appealing to

    the robots, but your website has to be appealing to your guests as


  13. well first off it took awhile to load,

    and once it loaded the menu on the top right was a bit

    slow but once i clicked on one of the items it started

    running normally.


    Anyways, the over-all design looked good to me,

    it was very....colorful lol,


    but as for the concept of the website,

    I didnt like it so much,

    its pretty much like a "gossip" website

    and im not too much into gossip,

    but thats just me....

  14. However if the random thought is 2 or 3 lines long, then the text at the bottom of the box disapears off the edge


    i liked the site,

    but yea if the text is too long the bottom of the application is not visible.

  15. I have a flash music player that plays mp3's and gets the information

    from an XML file. Lets call that file mp3.xml


    If I link to the xml file in my music player with this url:



    it works fine,

    but if i add this code to an .htaccess file in /media/mp3/


    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^bin/([^/\.]+)/?$ music.swf?playlist_url=http://www.mywebsite.com/media/mp3/playlists/$1.xml [L]


    and have this in the music player code:



    the swf file loads and I see the music player,

    but the XML file does not load. Can anyone

    help me get my XML file to load with my

    swf player?

  16. try:


    // Configuration - Your Options
    $allowed_filetypes = array('.pdf','.js','.asp','.txt','.jpg','.gif','.png','.html','.php','.htm','.css','.zip'); // These will be the types of file that will pass the validation.
    $max_filesize = 99999999999; // Maximum filesize in BYTES (currently 0.5MB).
    $upload_path = './mine/'; // The place the files will be uploaded to (currently a 'files' directory).
    $filename = "id_XXX$ext";
    $ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'.'), strlen($filename)-1); // Get the extension from the filename.
    // Check if the filetype is allowed, if not DIE and inform the user.
    die('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=index.php">');
    // Now check the filesize, if it is too large then DIE and inform the user.
    if(filesize($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']) > $max_filesize)
    die('The file you attempted to upload is too large.');
    // Check if we can upload to the specified path, if not DIE and inform the user.
    die('You cannot upload to the specified directory, please CHMOD it to 777.');
    // Upload the file to your specified path.
    if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],$upload_path . $filename))
    echo "<a href='" .$upload_path . $filename . "' title='Your File' > Full Preview </a> <br /><br /> <div class='big'> Preview </div> <iframe src='" .$upload_path . $filename . "' ></iframe>";
    echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=index.php">' ; // It failed .

  17. well yea my website still works without ajax,

    the ajax is only for validating usernames before

    registering and logging in. which my PHP script

    does anyway when the user submits the form.


    theres only one section that needs ajax

    in order for it to really work and thats my

    music player section.

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