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Everything posted by bigbob

  1. take a look here: http://php.about.com/od/finishedphp1/ss/php_login_code_2.htm
  2. you would run the query: <?php //Get it from the "SEARCH" form... $accountname = $_POST['account_name']; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE account_name= '$accountname'"); //Then you would output it in a variable $i = 0; $num = mysql_numrows($result); $accoutname=mysql_result($result, $i,"Account Name"); $paid=mysql_result($result, $i,"Paid"); while ($i < $num) { echo $accountname; echo $paid; } ?> There's a basic listing for a search function
  3. Well, not too shure about this but u could make a textBox with 0 border and limit the textbox to 50 or 100 chars. put your result in a variable like this: $article_body=mysql_numrows($result); then put the initial value in the text box as "<?php echo $article; ?>"; That should do the trick
  4. but we arent doing a javascript function...we are doing a php function.
  5. How about trying this: <?php require("config.php"); $user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user']); $pw = md5(sha1(md5(md5($_POST['pw'])))); session_start(); if ($result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE username = '$user' and password = '$pw'")){ if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] = TRUE; $_SESSION['UNAME'] = $user; } if ($SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] = TRUE){ header("Location: account.php");}} else { die('You have typed in an incorrect password or/and username. Click <a href=\"index.php\">here</a> to try again.'); }} } ?> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>"> <label></label> <table width="202" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#666666"> <tr> <th width="198" scope="col">Login System</th> </tr> <tr> <td height="63">Username: <input name="username2" type="text" id="username2" size="33" /> Password:<br /> <label> <input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="33" /> <input name="button2" type="submit" id="button2" value="Submit" /> <a href="register.php">Register here!</a></label></td> </tr> </table> <div align="center"> </div> </form> <div align="center"> Foser, for your form action, use echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] next time. Oh, and Nightslyr, with all due respect, the PHP function code should be BEFORE the html form code.
  6. Im pretty sure that that will work. Try it though.
  7. yes here is how: <?php function logout() { session_destroy(); if ($_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'] == FALSE){ header('Location: /login.php'); exit;} else { header('Location: /account.php'); } } ?> <html> //This is your form <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <label></label> <input type="submit" name="logout" id="logout" value="Logout" onClick="logout()" /> </form> </html> Please note that when you call the "HEADER" command it is always followed by (' and closed by '); so u would change header(Location: /login.php); to header('Location: /login.php');
  8. here ya go all fixed up: <?php if ( have_posts() ){ while ( have_posts() ) { the_post(); } } $prev_id = get_previous_post(TRUE); $prevpost = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID={$prev_id->ID}", 'ARRAY_A'); $prev_date = strtotime($prevpost['post_date']); ?> <h2><?php previous_post_link('%link') ?></h2> <small>Posted: <?php echo date('l, F jS, Y', $prev_date); ?></small><br /> <?php echo $prevpost['post_content']; ?> <?php endwhile; else: ?> <p><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.'); ?></p> <?php endif; ?> Try and see if it works =D
  9. hmm. can u show me ur code?
  10. Ok. lets walk you through it. <?php $prev_id = get_previous_post(TRUE); $prevpost = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID={$prev_id->ID}", 'ARRAY_A'); $prev_date = strtotime($prevpost['post_date']); ?> First part: $prev_id = get_previous_post(TRUE); this saves a variable called $prev_id as the result of a function called get_previous_post. It saves the value as either TRUE or FALSE. In this case, you are defining it as "TRUE". Second part: $prevpost = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID={$prev_id->ID}", 'ARRAY_A'); This puts a MySQL query command into a variable. I am not sure why you would want to put "$wpdb->" in front, but there it assigns the value "TRUE" or "FALSE" to a variable called wpdb AND prevpost. This is not necessary. Consider revising. Third: $prev_date = strtotime($prevpost['post_date']); This outputs the command STRING TO TIME. It converts a string into time and saves it into a variable called prevpost. I do not know why there is a ['post_date'] inside it. Consider revising to: $prev_date = strtotime($_COOKIE['post_date']); or $prev_date = strtotime($_SESSION['post_date']); or $prev_date = strtotime($post_date);
  11. yes. Password protect it with .htaccess. Here, i'll walk you through it. 1. Open a notepad. 2. Type this code in: AuthUserFile /your/directory/here/.htpasswd AuthGroupFile /dev/null AuthName "Secure Document" AuthType Basic <LIMIT GET PUT POST> require user username </LIMIT> where /your/directory/here/ is your directory and /.htpasswd is the password u want to protect it with. 3. Save it as .htaccess and set the file type to All. 4. Upload to ur main directory. 5. Your done!
  12. Make sure this line is correct: $update = "UPDATE topics SET fid = 'gdis' WHERE pinned='No'"; Make sure you are updating the correct table and you are looking in your MySQL for the correct table. You may have intended to write this: $update = "UPDATE some_other_table SET fid = 'gdis' WHERE pinned='No'"; Or you're looking in the wrong table in the PhpMyAdmin. Sorry, cant see anything wrong with that code. ???
  13. You can do what thorpe said: <?php function foo() { if($handle = fopen($url)){ fwrite($handle, $info); fclose($handle); } else { foo(); } } foo(); ?> but u can add a couple lines of code. <?php $i = 0; function foo() { if($i == 5) { if($handle = fopen($url)){ fwrite($handle, $info); fclose($handle); $i++; } } else { foo(); $i++; } } foo(); ?>
  14. that means u are redirecting to a page that redirects back the main which redirects back the redirect page which redirects back to the main.... and so on. I find it helps to draw it out. Index.php -redirects- Redirect.php Redirect.php -redirects- Index.php <----There is your problem. You are redirecting between the same 2 pages forever in a circle.
  15. I think u can do this: <?php $var = $_POST['var']; $var = 4; ?>
  16. Oh. I have to make frames? Oh is there any javascript that lets me change the text on the browser header?
  17. Hi. I need help with my PHP System. I would like to change the http:// address at the top so that users do not know the name of the php file. For example: You click on a link that points to: http://www.somesite.com/somefile.php. But on the browser at the top it still shows: http://www.somesite.com. How can i manage to edit the url but stay on that page? Any help is appreciated. Thank You, Bob
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